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SFTP Component

Read, write, move and delete files on an SFTP server

Component key: sftp


The SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) component lets you upload, download, move and delete files on an SFTP server.

A common integration pattern involves listing files in a file store, and performing a series of actions on the array of files that are returned. See our looping over files quickstart for information about how to create a loop over an array of files.


Basic Username/Password

The basic auth connection is used to connect to SFTP servers that support username / password login. Consult your SFTP server administrator to determine which login method the server supports.

On-prem enabled: this connection can be configured to connect to an on-prem resource on a private network. Learn more.

Private Key

The private key connection allows you to access an SFTP server via SSH public/private key authentication. You will need to generate a public/private key pair, and ensure that your public key is stored on the SFTP server that you are connecting to. Then, you can authenticate with the SFTP server using a username and corresponding private key.

On-prem enabled: this connection can be configured to connect to an on-prem resource on a private network. Learn more.


Create Directory

Create a new directory. If the recursive flag is set to true, the method will create any directories in the path which do not already exist. | key: createDirectory

Output Example Payload

"data": "/path/to/new/directory/"

Delete File

Delete a file from a SFTP server | key: deleteFile

Fast Get

Read a file from SFTP | key: fastGet

Output Example Payload

"data": "Sample file contents",
"contentType": "text/plain"

List Directory

List files in a directory on an SFTP server | key: listDirectory

Output Example Payload

"data": [

Move File

Move a file on an SFTP server | key: moveFile

Read File

Read a file from SFTP | key: readFile

Output Example Payload

"data": "Sample file contents",
"contentType": "text/plain"

Stat File

Pull statistics about a file | key: statFile

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"mode": 33279,
"uid": 1000,
"gid": 985,
"size": 5,
"accessTime": 1566868566000,
"modifyTime": 1566868566000,
"isDirectory": false,
"isFile": true,
"isBlockDevice": false,
"isCharacterDevice": false,
"isSymbolicLink": false,
"isFIFO": false,
"isSocket": false

Write File

Write a file to SFTP | key: writeFile

Output Example Payload

"data": "Uploaded data stream to /upload/path/to/file.txt"