Date/Time Component
Get and adjust Date/Time values
Component key: datetimeDescription
The Date/Time component is a collection of actions for working with Date/Time values. You can fetch the current time, convert timestamps between time zones, and more.
Adjust Date/Time
Add/Remove the specified seconds, minutes, hours, and days from the specified Date/Time | key: adjustDateTime
Output Example Payload
"data": "2021-03-06T19:25:37.131Z"
Convert Date To Epoch
Convert the given Date to a seconds/milliseconds Epoch. | key: convertToEpoch
Output Example Payload
"data": 1723055550146
Convert Date/Time To ISO String
Convert the given Date/Time to an ISO string | key: convertToISOString
Output Example Payload
"data": "2021-03-06T19:25:37.131Z"
Convert Date/Time To Local ISO String
Convert the given Date/Time to an ISO string in local time using specified timezone | key: convertToLocalISOString
Output Example Payload
"data": "2021-03-06T13:25:37.131-06:00"
Convert Epoch Timestamp To Date
Convert the given Epoch timestamp to a ISO String Date. | key: convertFromEpoch
Output Example Payload
"data": "2021-03-06T19:25:37.131Z"
Format Date/Time
Change the format of a timestamp given a format string | key: formatDateTime
Get Current Date/Time
Return the current Date/Time in UTC | key: getCurrentDateTime
Output Example Payload
"data": "2021-03-06T19:25:37.131Z"