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Gmail Component

Manage Messages in Google's email service

Component key: google-gmail


Gmail is Google's email service. This component allows you to fetch and filter and manage messages, and send new messages from a Google Gmail account.

API Documentation

This component was built using the Gmail API Documenetation.

Documentation for the Node.js client used in this component can be found at

Most actions in this component have a Gmail User ID input. You can safely leave this input blank, and the default value, me will be used, indicating that the user who authenticated is the user whose Gmail account your integration will use.

Use labels to organize messages

Gmail uses labels in place of folders to organize messages. Messages in a user's inbox have a label of INBOX. You can apply custom labels to a message (so, you can loop only over messages with a particular label, etc).

Receiving notifications from Gmail

Gmail supports push notifications to let you know when a new message arrives in a user's inbox. Behind the scenes, this uses Google Cloud Pub/Sub to deliver the notifications. In order to revieve notifications when new messages are received, you will need to set up a Pub/Sub topic and subscription, and then configure Gmail to send notifications to that topic. The steps below will walk you through this process.

  1. Create a Google Cloud IAM service account from and grant the service account the Pub/Sub Admin role. Ensure that this IAM role exists in the same project as your Gmail OAuth app (see OAuth 2.0 connection below).
  2. Generate a new key for the service account, and download the JSON file. Take note of the private_key, project_id and client_email values in the JSON file - these will be used for creating the Pub/Sub topic and subscription.
  3. Create a new Pub/Sub topic using the Google Cloud Pub/Sub component's Create Topic action.
  4. Create a new Pub/Sub subscription using the Google Cloud Pub/Sub component's Create Webhook Subscription action. Use the topic created in the previous step as the Topic Name input. For the webhook URL, choose a sibling flow of the webhook creation flow. The sibling flow will receive the webhook notifications.
  5. Use this component's Create Push Notification action. This will instruct Gmail to send notifications to the Pub/Sub topic created in step 3.

Some notes about the above steps:

  • Subscription and topic names need to be unique. You can use the current instance's ID (available from the trigger payload) as a unique identifier for the topic and subscription names.
  • The Pub/Sub topic and subscription must be created in the same project as the Gmail OAuth app.
  • Push notification watch requests expire after 7 days. You'll need to periodically refresh the watch request. You can do that by calling the setup flow from another flow on a schedule.

The examples repo has an example integration that you can import that demonstrates how to set up Gmail push notifications.

Example Integration



The Gmail component authenticates requests through the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) OAuth 2.0 service. You'll need to create a GCP OAuth 2.0 app so your integration can authenticate and perform Gmail tasks on your customers' behalf.

To create a Gmail OAuth 2.0 app, first make sure you have a Google Developer account - you can sign up at Then:

  1. Open up the Gmail API console -
  2. You will be prompted to enable Gmail API for your project. Click ENABLE.
  3. On the sidebar, select APIs & Services and then Credentials.
  4. An OAuth 2.0 app includes a "Consent Screen" (the page that asks "Do you want to allow (Your Company) to access Gmail on your behalf?"). Click CONFIGURE CONSENT SCREEN.
    1. Your app will be externally available to your customers, so choose a User Type of External.
    2. Fill out the OAuth consent screen with an app name (your company or product's name), support email, app logo, domain, etc.
    3. You can ignore domains for now.
    4. On the next page, add any scopes releavant to your integration, like and
    5. Enter some test users for your testing purposes. Your app will only work for those testing users until it is "verified" by Google. When you are ready for verification (they verify your privacy policy statement, etc), click PUBLISH APP on the OAuth consent screen. That'll allow your customers to authorize your integration to access their Gmail account.
  5. Once your "Consent Screen" is configured open the Credentials page from the sidebar again.
  6. Click +CREATE CREDENTIALS and select OAuth Client ID.
    1. Under Application type select Web application.
    2. Under Authorized redirect URIs enter Prismatic's OAuth 2.0 callback URL: for US based integrations.
      1. For integrations outside the US refer to this guide to find your region’s Callback URL.
    3. Click CREATE.
  7. Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret that are generated.

Make sure to publish your OAuth 2.0 app after you've tested it so users outside of your test users can authorize your integration to interact with Gmail on their behalf.

Now that you have a Client ID and Client Secret, add Gmail step to your integration in Prismatic. Open the Configuration Wizard Designer by clicking Configuration Wizard, select your Gmail Connection and enter your client ID and secret.

A note on scopes

You can keep the default Gmail scope, This will grant you full permission over your users' Gmail accounts.

If you would like to limit permissions, you can select a subset of scopes, like


Push Notification Webhook

Receive and validate webhook requests from Gmail for webhooks you configure. | key: pushNotificationWebhook

Output Example Payload

"payload": {
"headers": {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"From": "",
"Host": "",
"User-Agent": "APIs-Google; (+",
"X-Amz-Cf-Id": "IfJGfd1Y6gtJX9BTs37_GnMRnliiMaMCxQ6EMM6dD1rqE7hMK12345==",
"X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-648cba10-7ea5bdfd45f98ad327612345"
"queryParameters": null,
"rawBody": "<data (N bytes)>",
"body": {
"data": {
"message": {
"data": "<Base64 encoded data>",
"decodedData": {
"emailAddress": "",
"historyId": "123456"
"messageId": "8406082761012345",
"message_id": "8406082761012345",
"publishTime": "2023-06-16T19:37:52.276Z",
"publish_time": "2023-06-16T19:37:52.276Z"
"subscription": "projects/projectname-123456/subscriptions/SubscriptionName"
"contentType": "application/json"
"pathFragment": "",
"webhookUrls": {
"Flow 1": ""
"webhookApiKeys": {
"Flow 1": ["sample-api-key"]
"invokeUrl": "",
"executionId": "EXECUTION_ID",
"customer": {
"id": "testCustomerId",
"name": "Test Customer",
"externalId": "testCustomerExternalId"
"instance": {
"id": "testInstanceId",
"name": "Test Instance"
"user": {
"id": "testUserId",
"email": "",
"name": "Test User",
"externalId": "testUserExternalId"


Create Push Notification (Watch Request)

Enables the ability to send update notifications like new messages received. | key: createPushNotification

Delete Push Notification (Stop Mailbox Updates)

Calls a stop notification. | key: deletePushNotification

Get Current User

Get metadata about the authenticated user | key: getCurrentUser

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"emailAddress": "",
"historyId": "1234567",
"messagesTotal": 12345,
"threadsTotal": 12345

Get Event History

Fetch events that have occurred in the mailbox since the specified startHistoryId. | key: getEventHistory

Get Label by Name

Get a label (including ID) by its name | key: getLabelByName

Get Message

Get a message by ID | key: getMessageById

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "1234abcd",
"threadId": "5678efgh",
"labelIds": [
"message": {
"headers": {
"mime-version": "1.0",
"date": "2022-09-19T20:09:01.000Z",
"message-id": "<>",
"subject": "Test Message",
"from": {
"value": [
"address": "",
"name": "Example Example"
"html": "<span class=\"mp_address_group\"><span class=\"mp_address_name\">Example Example</span> &lt;<a href=\"\" class=\"mp_address_email\"></a>&gt;</span>",
"text": "Example Example <>"
"to": {
"value": [
"address": "",
"name": "Example Example"
"html": "<span class=\"mp_address_group\"><span class=\"mp_address_name\">Example Example</span> &lt;<a href=\"\" class=\"mp_address_email\"></a>&gt;</span>",
"text": "Example Example <>"
"content-type": {
"value": "multipart/mixed",
"params": {
"boundary": "000000000000680fa005e90d488f"
"attachments": [],
"text": "Example email body",
"html": "<div dir=\"ltr\">Example email body<div><br></div></div>\n"

List Labels

List all labels within this account | key: listLabels

List Messages

Get a list of messages | key: listMessages

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"messages": [
"id": "abcd1234",
"threadId": "efgh5678"

Raw Request

Send raw HTTP request to Google Gmail | key: rawRequest

Send Message

Send a new message | key: sendMessage

Trash Message

Send a message to the trash | key: trashMessageById

Untrash Message

Remove a message from the trash | key: unTrashMessageById

Update Message Labels

Add or remove labels from a message | key: updateLabels