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BigCommerce Component

BigCommerce is a SaaS ecommerce platform. Use the Bigcommerce component to manage your Products, Brands, Categories and more.

Component key: bigcommerce


BigCommerce is a leading SaaS eCommerce platform that allows businesses to build, innovate, and grow their online stores. This component allows you to manage products, brands, categories, and other essential e-commerce features in a BigCommerce store.


BigCommerce OAuth 2.0

  1. To create an OAuth 2.0 app in BigCommerce, sign up for a BigCommerce developer account at and create a new BigCommerce application.
  2. Take note of your application's Client ID and Secret and enter those values in Prismatic when you add a BigCommerce connection to your integration.
  3. Under Redirect URI, add Prismatic's callback URL,



Receive and validate webhook requests from BigCommerce for webhooks you configure. | key: myTrigger

Data Sources

Select Brands

Select a brand from a specific store. | key: selectBrands | type: picklist

Select Categories

Select a category from a specific store. | key: selectCategories | type: picklist

Select Product Modifiers

Select a modifier from a specific product. | key: selectProductModifiers | type: picklist

Select Product Variants

Select a variant from a specific product. | key: selectProductVariants | type: picklist

Select Products

Select a product from a specific store. | key: selectProducts | type: picklist


Create a Category Image

Upload an image for a specific category. | key: createCategoryImage

Create a Category Tree

Creates a new category tree in BigCommerce. | key: createCategoryTree

Create a Product Modifier

Creates a Product Modifier. | key: createProductModifierAction

Create a Product Variant

Creates a new product variant in BigCommerce. | key: createProductVariantAction

Create a Variant Image

Creates or updates an image for a specific product variant. | key: createVariantImageAction

Create a Webhook

Creates a new webhook in BigCommerce. | key: createWebhookAction

Create Brand

Create a new brand in the store. | key: createBrand

Create Brand Image

Upload an image for a brand. | key: createBrandImage

Create Category

Creates a new category in BigCommerce. | key: createCategory

Create Custom Field

Creates a custom field for a product. | key: createCustomField

Create Modifier Image

Creates an image for a product modifier value. | key: createModifierImageAction

Create Product

Creates a new product in the store. | key: createProduct

Create Product Image

Creates a Product Image. | key: createProductImageAction

Delete a Category Image

Deletes an image associated with a given category. | key: deleteCategoryImage

Delete a Custom Field

Deletes a product custom field. | key: deleteCustomField

Delete a Modifier

Deletes a Product Modifier. | key: deleteProductModifierAction

Delete a Product

Deletes a Product. | key: deleteProduct

Delete a Product Variant

Deletes a specific product Variant. | key: deleteProductVariantAction

Delete a Webhook

Deletes a specific webhook from BigCommerce. | key: deleteWebhookAction

Delete Brand

Delete a brand by ID. | key: deleteBrand

Delete Brand Image

Delete an image for a brand by ID. | key: deleteBrandImage

Delete Categories

Deletes categories based on provided filters. | key: deleteCategories

Delete Categories

Deletes specified categories in BigCommerce. | key: deleteCategoriesTree

Delete Category Trees

Deletes specific Category Trees. | key: deleteCategoryTrees

Delete Instanced Webhooks

Deletes all webhooks that point to a flow in this instance. | key: deleteInstancedWebhooksAction

Delete Product Image

Deletes a Product Image. | key: deleteProductImageAction

Get a Category

Returns a single Category. | key: getCategory

Get a Category Tree

Returns a Category Tree. | key: getCategoryTree

Get a Modifier

Returns a single Product Modifier. | key: getModifierAction

Get a Product Variant

Returns a specific product Variant. | key: getProductVariantAction

Get All Product Variants

Returns a list of product Variants. | key: getAllProductVariantsAction

Get Brand

Retrieve details of a specific brand. | key: getBrand

Get Catalog Summary

Returns a lightweight inventory summary from the BigCommerce Catalog. | key: getCatalogSummaryAction

Get Product Custom Fields

Returns a list of product custom fields. | key: getProductCustomFields

Get Product Image

Returns a single Product Image. | key: getProductImage

Get Webhooks

Returns a list of all webhooks on a store. | key: getWebhooksAction

List Brands

List all of the store's brands. | key: listBrands

List Categories

Retrieve a list of categories with optional filters. | key: getAllCategories

List Categories (Simplified)

Returns a list of categories. | key: getAllCategoriesSimple

List Category Trees

Returns a list of Category Trees. | key: getAllCategoryTrees

List Product Images

Returns a list of product images with optional filter parameters. | key: getAllProductImages

List Product Modifiers

Returns a list of all Product Modifiers. | key: getAllProductModifiersAction

List Products

Returns a list of products with optional filter parameters. | key: getAllProducts

Raw Request

Send raw HTTP request to BigCommerce | key: rawRequest

Update a Modifier

Updates a Product Modifier. | key: updateProductModifierAction

Update a Product

Updates a product in the catalog. | key: updateProduct

Update a Product Variant

Updates a specific product Variant. | key: updateProductVariantAction

Update a Webhook

Updates an existing webhook in BigCommerce. | key: updateWebhookAction

Update Brand

Update a brand's details. | key: updateBrand

Update Categories

Updates existing categories in BigCommerce. | key: updateCategories

Update Category

Updates an existing category in BigCommerce. | key: updateCategory

Update Custom Field

Updates a custom field for a product. | key: updateCustomField

Update Product Image

Updates a Product Image. | key: updateProductImageAction

Update Products (Batch)

Updates products in batches. | key: updateProductsBatch

Upsert Category Trees

Upserts Category Trees. This single endpoint updates and creates category trees. | key: upsertCategoryTrees