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Google Shopping Component

The Google Content API for Shopping can be used to manage and automate Google Merchant Center account management.

Component key: google-content-shopping


The Google Content API for Shopping can be used to manage and automate Google Merchant Center account management. Use the Google Content API to Upload Products, Manage Inventory, and Manage Orders and Returns.



All requests to the Google Content API for Shopping must be authorized by an authenticated user.

The details of the authorization process, or "flow," for OAuth 2.0 vary somewhat depending on what kind of application you're writing. The following general process applies to all application types:

  1. When you create your application, you register it using the Google API Console. Google then provides information you'll need later, such as a client ID and a client secret.
  2. From APIs & Services > Library, activate the Google Content API for Shopping
  3. To create API Credentials navigate to Enabled APIs & Services and select Content API for Shopping
    1. Select Create Credentials
    2. Ensure Content API for Shopping is set for Select an API*
    3. Choose User Data and select Next
    4. Fill out the OAuth consent screen with an app name (your company or product's name), support email, app logo, domain, etc.
    5. Select Add Or Remove scopes, search Content API for Shopping, and check the boxes for the following scopes
    6. For OAuth Client ID, under Application type select Web application.Under Authorized redirect URIs enter Prismatic's OAuth 2.0 callback URL: CREATE.
      1. Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret that are generated, as you will enter them into Prismatic for Authentication.
    7. Client Id and Secret can also be obtained in the Credentials Page under the OAuth 2.0 Client IDs section by selecting the name of the OAuth client created.


PubSub Notification

PubSub Notification Trigger Settings | key: myTrigger

The Push Notifications service lets you to receive notifications that an order has been created. This is called "push" since Google will push notifications to you about events, such as orders, that happen on the Google side.

  • The Content API's pubsubnotificationsettings.update receives the request and sends you back a cloudTopicName.

  • To configure additional Topics

    • In the Google Cloud console, select the navigation menu scroll to the Pub/Sub page (Navigation Menu > More Products > Analytics > Pub/Sub)
    • In the Topics page, click Create Topic
      • In the window that opens, enter MyTopic in the Topic ID field.
        • Leave the default values for the remaining options, and then click Create.
        • You see the success message: A new topic and a new subscription have been successfully created.
        • You have just created a topic called MyTopic and an associated default subscription MyTopic-sub.
  • You create a subscription for the topic and register the URL push endpoint with Cloud Pub/Sub.

  • To Configure Subscription go to Pub/Sub > Subscriptions

    • In the Subscriptions page, click Create subscription.

    • Enter MySub in the Subscription ID field.

    • For Select a Cloud Pub/Sub topic, select the MyTopic topic from the drop-down menu

    • Leave the default values for the remaining options.

    • Click Create

      • You see the success message: Subscription successfully added.
    • Click the Topics page and click MyTopic.

      • The MySub subscription is now attached to the topic

        MyTopic. Pub/Sub delivers all messages sent to

        MyTopic to the MySub and MyTopic-sub subscriptions.

  • Cloud Pub/Sub accepts your subscription and associates that cloudTopicName with your URL. When messages are published to that cloudTopicName (for example, your order notifications), they will be sent to your URL push endpoint.




Batch Local Inventory

Updates local inventory for multiple products or regions in a single request. | key: batchLocalInventory

Batch Product

Retrieves, inserts, and deletes multiple products in a single request. | key: batchProduct

Batch Regional Inventory

Updates regional inventory for multiple products or regions in a single request. | key: batchRegionalInventory

Cancel Order

Cancels all line items in an order, making a full refund. | key: cancelOrder

Create Account

Creates a Merchant Center sub-account. | key: createAccount

Create Order Return

Create return in your Merchant Center account. | key: createOrderReturn

Create Product

Uploads a product to your Merchant Center account. If an item with the same channel, contentLanguage, offerId, and targetCountry already exists, this method updates that entry. | key: createProduct

Delete Account

Deletes a Merchant Center sub-account. | key: deleteAccount

Delete Product

Deletes a product from your Merchant Center account. | key: deleteProduct

Get Account

Retrieves a Merchant Center account. | key: getAccount

Get Order

Retrieves an order from your Merchant Center account. | key: getOrder

Get Order Return

Retrieves an order return from your Merchant Center account. | key: getOrderReturn

Get Product

Retrieves a product from your Merchant Center account. | key: getProduct

Get PubSub Notification Settings

Retrieves a Merchant Center account's pubsub notification settings. | key: getPubSubNotification

List Accounts

Lists the sub-accounts in your Merchant Center account. | key: listAccounts

List Orders

Lists the orders in your Merchant Center account. | key: listOrders

List Orders Returns

Lists order returns in your Merchant Center account. | key: listReturnsOrders

List Products

Lists the products in your Merchant Center account. | key: listProducts

Process Order Return

Processes return in your Merchant Center account | key: processOrderReturn

Raw Request

Send raw HTTP request to Google Content Shopping | key: rawRequest

Update Account

Updates a Merchant Center account. Any fields that are not provided are deleted from the resource. | key: updateAccount

Update Product

Updates an existing product in your Merchant Center account. Only updates attributes provided in the request. | key: updateProduct

Update Product Local Inventory

Updates the local inventory of a product in your Merchant Center account. | key: updateProductLocalInventory

Update Product Regional Inventory

Updates the regional inventory of a product in your Merchant Center account. If a regional inventory with the same region ID already exists, this method updates that entry. | key: updateProductRegionalInventory

Update PubSub Notification

Register a Merchant Center account for pubsub notifications. Note that cloud topic name shouldn't be provided as part of the request. | key: updatePubSubNotification