Snowflake Component

Snowflake is a cloud data platform. Use the Snowflake component to access and update data in a Snowflake Database.
Component key: snowflake
Snowflake is a cloud data platform. Use the Snowflake component to access and update data in a Snowflake Database.
Snowflake Key Pair Authentication
Set up key-pair authentication. For more information refer to the following guide.
As part of this process, you must:
- Generate a public-private key pair. The generated private key should be in a file (e.g. named rsa_key.p8).
- Assign the public key to your Snowflake user. After you assign the key to the user, run the DESCRIBE USER command. In the output, the RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_FP property should be set to the fingerprint of the public key assigned to the user.
Input | Notes | Example |
Account Identifier string / Required accountIdentifier | You can find the account identifier in the organization's account panel | |
Passphrase password / Required passphrase | The passphrase for the provided private key (Required). | |
Private Key text / Required privateKey | The private key for the Snowflake Key Pair Authentication. | |
Snowflake Username string / Required username | Your Snowflake username. | MY_ACCOUNT.API_DEMO_USER |
Snowflake OAuth 2.0
Snowflake will use OAuth 2.0 for authentication and making API calls on behalf of customers.
Follow these steps to set up an OAuth integration on your snowflake. More information for these steps can be found here
- Login to Snowflake and create a worksheet to set a new integration.
- Create a new security integration by copying the following SQL statement into Snowflake and selecting the Play button at the top right of the screen. Make sure to change the
to something you will remember
- Run The following SQL statement to get your Auth URL, Token URL, and Client ID. Change
to the name you used during the create statement.
Run the following SQL statement to get your Client Secret.
a. Its important that you use the secret listed as AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET from the return in Prismatic
- Run the following SQL statement to enable the Integration.
Enter your Authorization URL, Token URL, Client ID, and Client Secret into Prismatic.
a. Once attempting to authenticate its important to note that users with the roles of
will receive an “invalid consent request error” message as snowflake blocks these roles by default. We suggest authenticating with a different user without these roles assigned.
Input | Notes |
Authorize URL string / Required authorizeUrl | The OAuth 2.0 Authorization URL for the API |
Client ID string / Required clientId | Client Identifier of your app for the API |
Client Secret password / Required clientSecret | Client Secret of your app for the API |
Headers string Key Value List headers | Additional header to supply to authorization requests |
Scopes string scopes | Space separated OAuth 2.0 permission scopes for the API |
Token URL string / Required tokenUrl | The OAuth 2.0 Token URL for the API |
Execute SQL
Executes one or more SQL statements in your Snowflake DB. | key: executeSql
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Account Locator string / Required accountLocator | You can find the account locator in the organization's account panel or | xy12345 | |
Bindings code bindings | Values of bind variables in the SQL statement. Bindings should have this format: | ||
Database string database | Database in which the statement should be executed. | TESTDB | |
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Number of statements to execute string nStatementsToExecute | 0 Indicates that a variable number of statements can be included in the request. | 1 | |
Parameters code parameters | Session parameters that you want to set for this request. Parameters should have this format: | ||
Role string role | Role to use when executing the statement. | TESTROLE | |
Schema string schema | Schema in which the statement should be executed. | TESTSCHEMA | |
Poll for asynchronous results boolean shouldPoll | If true, action will handle polling for results on queries that take > 45 seconds to execute, If false, action will return immediately after executing the query. | ||
Connection connection / Required snowflakeConnectionInput | |||
Snowflake Identifier URL string / Required snowflakeUrl | The Snowflake URL for you account. Has to have the format: https://<account-name> | | |
SQL statements to run code / Required sqlInput | |||
Timeout string timeout | Timeout in seconds for statement execution. If the execution of a statement takes longer than the specified timeout, the execution is automatically canceled. | 60 | |
Warehouse string warehouse | Warehouse to use when executing the statement. | TESTWH |
Get Statement Handle
Retrieve the current status of a executed statement from Snowflake. | key: getStatementHandle
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Account Locator string / Required accountLocator | You can find the account locator in the organization's account panel or | xy12345 | |
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Partition string partition | The partition number to retrieve. | 1 | |
Connection connection / Required snowflakeConnectionInput | |||
Snowflake Identifier URL string / Required snowflakeUrl | The Snowflake URL for you account. Has to have the format: https://<account-name> | | |
Statement Handle ID string / Required statementHandleId | The ID of the statement handle. | 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef |