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New Relic Component

Easily manage metrics, logs, and events

Component key: new-relic


New Relic is a San Francisco, California-based technology company which develops cloud-based software to help website and application owners track the performances of their services. This component allows you to send events, logs and metrics to your New Relic Account.



After you obtain an API key from your New Relic Account Settings. The New Relic API key can be put directly into a New Relic connection.


Raw Request

Send raw HTTP request to New Relic | key: rawRequest

Send Detailed Logs

Use the Log API to send a detailed log using a custom request body to New Relic | key: sendDetailedLogs

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "6af0a5fe-0001-b000-0000"

Send Event Data

Use the Event API to send custom event data to New Relic | key: sendEventData

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "6af0a5fe-0001-b000-0000"

Send Logs

Use the Log API to send log data to New Relic | key: sendLogs

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "6af0a5fe-0001-b000-0000"

Send Metric Data

Use the Metric API to send custom metrics to the New Relic | key: sendMetrics

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "6af0a5fe-0001-b000-0000"