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Salesforce Component

Query, create, update or delete Salesforce records

Component key: salesforce


Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform. This component gives you the ability to manage sales leads and records within the Salesforce platform.

API Documentation

This component was built using the following API References:

This component includes CRUD (create, read, update, delete) actions for records and a create action for leads. For more complex queries, you can use Salesforce Object Query Language and the query action of this component.

Listening for events in Salesforce

Salesforce can notify you when a record is created, updated, deleted, or undeleted. To listen for these events, you can use the Outbound Messaging feature of Salesforce.

When you create a workflow rule, you specify which conditions cause the rule to run. When those conditions are met, Salesforce sends an outbound message to the URL you specified in the outbound message.

You can either use the Create Workflow Outbound Message and Create Workflow Rule actions to create workflow rules, or you can use the Workflow Outobund Message Webhook trigger, which runs on instance deploy and configures workflow rules and outbound messages for you.

Related blog post: Integrating with Salesforce APIs: Tips and Tricks

Example integration

We have an example integration in our GitHub examples repo that you can import and test yourself.

Example Integration

The integration has three flows:

  • Initial Account Import runs when an instance is first deployed. It uses SOQL to query pages of Account records, and for each page it loops over results and posts those results to "Acme". Account records are translated using the field mapping values the customer selected with a code step.
  • Process Salesforce Outbound Messages receives notifications when an Account is changed. It fetches the modified account, maps data from SFDC to a format that "Acme Corp" understands, and sends the request to Acme. The subscription to a Salesforce Outbound Message and Workflow Rule are performed on instance deploy automatically. Those resource are deleted on instance removal.
  • Create Account from Acme provides bi-directional data flow from SFDC and Acme. Acme (you) can send a webhook request to this flow via its webhook URL, and a corresponding Account will be created in SFDC. A payload should look like this:
    "acct_name": "My New Account",
    "revenue": 12345

The integration also has a custom field mapper, which fetches fields on the Account object and allows the user to map them to fields on the Acme object. The field mapper in the examle integration is built using the Code component, but we recommend building a custom field mapper in a custom component so you can test it locally and dynamically pull data from your app, as well. See Building a Field Mapper Data Source.

For information on how data from the field mapper was used in the integration, see Using Field Mapping in a Flow.


Salesforce Basic Connection

If you select Basic Auth, you will need to supply your Salesforce username and a password. Depending on your Salesforce setup, your password may have a security token attached to it. If security tokens in your Salesforce account are disabled, the password you need to supply is simply your Salesforce password. If security tokens are enabled in your Salesforce account, then the password you need to enter is the concatenation of your password and your security token.

For example, if your Salesforce password is p@$sw0rD and the security token that Salesforce provides is ExAmPlE0000000000ExAmPlE, then you should enter p@$sw0rDExAmPlE0000000000ExAmPlE as your password in Prismatic. You can manage security tokens by clicking your profile picture on the top-right of Salesforce, select My Settings, and then open Personal -> Reset My Security Token.

Salesforce OAuth 2.0

If you select OAuth 2.0, you will need to create and configure a Connected App within Salesforce.

  • When you create your "Connected App" be sure to check Enable OAuth Settings, and enter Prismatic's OAuth callback URL as a Callback URL for US based integrations.
  • For integrations outside the US refer to this guide to find your region’s Callback URL.
  • Consult Salesforce to determine the proper OAuth Scopes to assign - to grant your integrations the same permissions that the user authenticating through OAuth has, select Full access (full). Also select Perform requests at any time. Select Require Secret for Web Server Flow and Require Secret for Refresh Token Flow:

Once the app has been created, you will be provided with a Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. Take note of these keys:

If you need to return to this screen, click PLATFORM TOOLS -> Apps -> App Manager, click the dropdown menu to the right of your app and select Edit. From there you can manage callback URLs. Click Save and then Manage Consumer Details to view the consumer key and secret again.

Now, configure OAuth 2.0 settings in Prismatic.

Add a Salesforce action to your integration. This will automatically create a connection config variable for Salesforce. Enter the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret that you noted previously.

You should now be able to authenticate a user through Salesforce using OAuth 2.0.

Connecting to a Salesforce Sandbox Account

If you would like to connect to a Salesforce sandbox organization for testing purposes, edit your connection's Authorize URL, Token URL and Revoke URLs to read instead of Be sure to change these values back when your testing is done.



Trigger for handling webhook requests from the Salesforce platform. Returns the expected response to Salesforce and converts the XML payload to an object for more convenient use in the rest of the flow. | key: webhook

You can configure a Salesforce outbound message to send information to a Prismatic webhook URL under certain conditions (an "Account" is created, an "Opportunity" is updated, etc.).

This trigger responds to a Salesforce outbound message request with the acknowledgement (ack) response that Salesforce expects.

Since Salesforce always sends XML payloads, the XML is deserialized automatically as part of the trigger, so no additional XML deserialization step is required.

Workflow Outbound Message Webhook

Trigger for handling workflow rule triggers from the Salesforce platform. Creates a Workflow Outbound Message and a Workflow Rule. Returns the expected response to Salesforce and converts the XML payload to an object for more convenient use in the rest of the flow. | key: workflowTrigger

Data Sources

Record Type Field Preview

A list of fields of the specified Record Type for use as a preview during configuration. | key: previewRecordTypeFields | type: picklist

Record Type Field Value Preview

A list of values of the specified Record Type field for use as a preview during configuration. | key: previewRecordTypeFieldValues | type: picklist

Record Type Fields

A map of a list of fields to Salesforce Record Type fields. | key: mapRecordTypeFields | type: objectFieldMap

Record Types

A subset of Salesforce Record Types. | key: selectRecordTypes | type: objectSelection

Record Types With Fields

A subset of Salesforce Record Types. | key: selectRecordTypesWithFields | type: objectSelection


Abort a Bulk Job

Aborts a Job | key: abortBulkJob

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "7506g00000DhRA2AAN",
"operation": "insert",
"object": "Account",
"createdById": "0056g000005HQPyAAO",
"createdDate": "2018-12-18T22:51:36.000+0000",
"systemModstamp": "2018-12-18T22:51:58.000+0000",
"state": "Open",
"concurrencyMode": "Parallel",
"contentType": "CSV",
"apiVersion": 60,
"jobType": "V2Ingest",
"contentUrl": "services/data/v60.0/jobs/ingest/7506g00000DhRA2AAN/batches",
"lineEnding": "LF",
"columnDelimiter": "COMMA",
"retries": 0,
"totalProcessingTime": 0,
"apiActiveProcessingTime": 0,
"apexProcessingTime": 0

Abort a Bulk Query Job

Aborts a query job. | key: abortBulkQueryJob

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "750R000000146UvIAI",
"operation": "query",
"object": "Account",
"createdById": "005R0000000GiwjIAC",
"createdDate": "2018-12-18T16:15:31.000+0000",
"systemModstamp": "2018-12-18T16:15:32.000+0000",
"state": "Aborted",
"concurrencyMode": "Parallel",
"contentType": "CSV",
"apiVersion": 46

Add Attachment

Attach a file attachment to an account, opportunity or contact | key: addAttachment

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "015D0000000N3ZZIA0",
"errors": [],
"success": true

Add User Permission Set

Adds a Permission Set to the specified User | key: addUserPermissionSet

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true

Bulk Insert Records

Creates new Salesforce Records | key: bulkInsertRecords

Output Example Payload

"data": [
"id": "015D0000000N3ZZIA0",
"errors": [],
"success": true

Bulk Upsert Records

Updates Salesforce Records if they exists, otherwise creates new Salesforce Records | key: bulkUpsertRecords

Output Example Payload

"data": [
"id": "015D0000000N3ZZIA0",
"errors": [],
"success": true

Complete Upload Bulk Job

Notifies Salesforce servers that the upload of job data is complete and is ready for processing. You can’t add any more job data. | key: completeUploadBulkJob

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "7506g00000DhRA2AAN",
"operation": "insert",
"object": "Account",
"createdById": "0056g000005HQPyAAO",
"createdDate": "2018-12-18T22:51:36.000+0000",
"systemModstamp": "2018-12-18T22:51:58.000+0000",
"state": "Open",
"concurrencyMode": "Parallel",
"contentType": "CSV",
"apiVersion": 60,
"jobType": "V2Ingest",
"contentUrl": "services/data/v60.0/jobs/ingest/7506g00000DhRA2AAN/batches",
"lineEnding": "LF",
"columnDelimiter": "COMMA",
"retries": 0,
"totalProcessingTime": 0,
"apiActiveProcessingTime": 0,
"apexProcessingTime": 0

Composite Requests

Send multiple requests in a single HTTP call | key: compositeRequests

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"hasErrors": false,
"results": [
"statusCode": 204,
"result": null
"statusCode": 200,
"result": {
"attributes": {
"type": "Account",
"url": "/services/data/v60.0/sobjects/Account/001D000000K0fXOIAZ"
"Name": "NewName",
"BillingPostalCode": "94105",
"Id": "001D000000K0fXOIAZ"

Create a Bulk Job

Creates a job representing a bulk operation and its associated data that is sent to Salesforce for asynchronous processing. | key: createBulkJob

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "750R0000000zlh9IAA",
"operation": "query",
"object": "Account",
"createdById": "005R0000000GiwjIAC",
"createdDate": "2018-12-10T17:50:19.000+0000",
"systemModstamp": "2018-12-10T17:51:27.000+0000",
"state": "JobComplete",
"concurrencyMode": "Parallel",
"contentType": "CSV",
"apiVersion": 46,
"jobType": "V2Query",
"lineEnding": "LF",
"columnDelimiter": "COMMA",
"numberRecordsProcessed": 500,
"retries": 0,
"totalProcessingTime": 334,
"isPkChunkingSupported": true

Create Account

Create a Salesforce Account Record | key: createAccount

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true

Create Bulk Query Job

Creates a query job. | key: createBulkQueryJob

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "750R0000000zlh9IAA",
"operation": "query",
"object": "Account",
"createdById": "005R0000000GiwjIAC",
"createdDate": "2018-12-10T17:50:19.000+0000",
"systemModstamp": "2018-12-10T17:50:19.000+0000",
"state": "UploadComplete",
"concurrencyMode": "Parallel",
"contentType": "CSV",
"apiVersion": 46,
"lineEnding": "LF",
"columnDelimiter": "COMMA"

Create Contact

Create a Salesforce contact | key: createContact

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true

Create Customer

Create a Salesforce customer | key: createCustomer

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true,
"errors": []

Create Lead

Create a Salesforce Lead Record | key: createLead

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true

Create Opportunity

Create a Salesforce Opportunity Record, which is a sale or pending deal | key: createOpportunity

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true,
"errors": []

Create Profile

Create a Salesforce Profile | key: createProfile

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true,
"errors": []

Create Record

Create a Salesforce Record | key: createRecord

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true

Create User

Create a Salesforce User | key: createUser

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true,
"errors": []

Create Workflow Outbound Message

Create a Workflow Outbound Message | key: createWorkflowOutboundMessage

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"success": true,
"fullName": "TestObject1__c"

Create Workflow Rule

Create a Workflow Rule | key: createWorkflowRule

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"success": true,
"fullName": "TestObject1__c"

Delete a Bulk Job

Deletes a job. | key: deleteBulkJob

Output Example Payload

"data": {}

Delete A Bulk Query Job

Deletes a query job. | key: deleteBulkQueryJob

Output Example Payload

"data": {}

Delete Account

Delete an existing account record | key: deleteAccount

Delete Contact

Delete an existing contact record | key: deleteContact

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true

Delete Customer

Delete an existing customer record | key: deleteCustomer

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"success": true,
"fullName": "TestObject1__c"

Delete Lead

Delete a Salesforce Lead Record | key: deleteLead

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true

Delete Opportunity

Delete an existing opportunity record | key: deleteOpportunity

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true,
"errors": []

Delete Profile

Delete a Salesforce Profile | key: deleteProfile

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true,
"errors": []

Delete Record

Delete an existing Salesforce Record | key: deleteRecord

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true,
"errors": []

Delete Workflow Outbound Message

Delete a Workflow Outbound Message | key: deleteWorkflowOutboundMessage

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"success": true,
"fullName": "TestObject1__c"

Delete Workflow Rule

Delete a Workflow Rule | key: deleteWorkflowRule

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"success": true,
"fullName": "TestObject1__c"

Describe Customer SObject

Metadata description API for Salesforce object. | key: describeCustomerSObject

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"actionOverrides": [],
"activateable": false,
"associateEntityType": null,
"associateParentEntity": null,
"childRelationships": [
"cascadeDelete": true,
"childSObject": "AIInsightValue",
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"field": "SobjectLookupValueId",
"junctionIdListNames": [],
"junctionReferenceTo": [],
"relationshipName": null,
"restrictedDelete": false
"cascadeDelete": true,
"childSObject": "AIRecordInsight",
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"field": "TargetId",
"junctionIdListNames": [],
"junctionReferenceTo": [],
"relationshipName": null,
"restrictedDelete": false
"cascadeDelete": false,
"childSObject": "CommSubscriptionConsent",
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"field": "PartyRoleId",
"junctionIdListNames": [],
"junctionReferenceTo": [],
"relationshipName": "CommSubsConsents",
"restrictedDelete": true
"cascadeDelete": false,
"childSObject": "CommSubscriptionConsentChangeEvent",
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"field": "PartyRoleId",
"junctionIdListNames": [],
"junctionReferenceTo": [],
"relationshipName": null,
"restrictedDelete": false
"cascadeDelete": false,
"childSObject": "ContactPointConsent",
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"field": "PartyRoleId",
"junctionIdListNames": [],
"junctionReferenceTo": [],
"relationshipName": "ContactPointConsents",
"restrictedDelete": true
"cascadeDelete": false,
"childSObject": "ContactPointConsentChangeEvent",
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"field": "PartyRoleId",
"junctionIdListNames": [],
"junctionReferenceTo": [],
"relationshipName": null,
"restrictedDelete": false
"cascadeDelete": false,
"childSObject": "ContactPointTypeConsent",
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"field": "PartyRoleId",
"junctionIdListNames": [],
"junctionReferenceTo": [],
"relationshipName": "ContactPointTypeConsents",
"restrictedDelete": true
"cascadeDelete": false,
"childSObject": "ContactPointTypeConsentChangeEvent",
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"field": "PartyRoleId",
"junctionIdListNames": [],
"junctionReferenceTo": [],
"relationshipName": null,
"restrictedDelete": false
"cascadeDelete": true,
"childSObject": "CustomerShare",
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"field": "ParentId",
"junctionIdListNames": [],
"junctionReferenceTo": [],
"relationshipName": "Shares",
"restrictedDelete": false
"cascadeDelete": false,
"childSObject": "FlowExecutionErrorEvent",
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"field": "ContextRecordId",
"junctionIdListNames": [],
"junctionReferenceTo": [],
"relationshipName": null,
"restrictedDelete": false
"cascadeDelete": false,
"childSObject": "FlowRecordRelation",
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"field": "RelatedRecordId",
"junctionIdListNames": [],
"junctionReferenceTo": [],
"relationshipName": null,
"restrictedDelete": false
"cascadeDelete": false,
"childSObject": "PartyConsent",
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"field": "PartyRoleId",
"junctionIdListNames": [],
"junctionReferenceTo": [],
"relationshipName": "PartyConsents",
"restrictedDelete": true
"cascadeDelete": false,
"childSObject": "PartyConsentChangeEvent",
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"field": "PartyRoleId",
"junctionIdListNames": [],
"junctionReferenceTo": [],
"relationshipName": null,
"restrictedDelete": false
"cascadeDelete": true,
"childSObject": "PendingServiceRoutingInteractionInfo",
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"field": "TargetObjectId",
"junctionIdListNames": [],
"junctionReferenceTo": [],
"relationshipName": null,
"restrictedDelete": false
"cascadeDelete": true,
"childSObject": "ProcessInstance",
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"field": "TargetObjectId",
"junctionIdListNames": [],
"junctionReferenceTo": [],
"relationshipName": "ProcessInstances",
"restrictedDelete": false
"cascadeDelete": false,
"childSObject": "ProcessInstanceHistory",
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"field": "TargetObjectId",
"junctionIdListNames": [],
"junctionReferenceTo": [],
"relationshipName": "ProcessSteps",
"restrictedDelete": false
"compactLayoutable": true,
"createable": true,
"custom": false,
"customSetting": false,
"deepCloneable": false,
"defaultImplementation": null,
"deletable": true,
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"extendedBy": null,
"extendsInterfaces": null,
"feedEnabled": false,
"fields": [],
"hasSubtypes": false,
"implementedBy": null,
"implementsInterfaces": null,
"isInterface": false,
"isSubtype": false,
"keyPrefix": "0o6",
"label": "Customer",
"labelPlural": "Customers",
"layoutable": true,
"listviewable": null,
"lookupLayoutable": null,
"mergeable": false,
"mruEnabled": true,
"name": "Customer",
"namedLayoutInfos": [],
"networkScopeFieldName": null,
"queryable": true,
"recordTypeInfos": [
"active": true,
"available": true,
"defaultRecordTypeMapping": true,
"developerName": "Master",
"master": true,
"name": "Master",
"recordTypeId": "012964000000000AAA",
"urls": {
"layout": "/services/data/v53.0/sobjects/Customer/describe/layouts/012964000000000AAA"
"replicateable": true,
"retrieveable": true,
"searchLayoutable": true,
"searchable": true,
"sobjectDescribeOption": "FULL",
"supportedScopes": [],
"triggerable": true,
"undeletable": true,
"updateable": true,
"urls": {
"compactLayouts": "/services/data/v53.0/sobjects/Customer/describe/compactLayouts",
"rowTemplate": "/services/data/v53.0/sobjects/Customer/{ID}",
"approvalLayouts": "/services/data/v53.0/sobjects/Customer/describe/approvalLayouts",
"uiDetailTemplate": "{ID}",
"uiEditTemplate": "{ID}/e",
"describe": "/services/data/v53.0/sobjects/Customer/describe",
"uiNewRecord": "",
"layouts": "/services/data/v53.0/sobjects/Customer/describe/layouts",
"sobject": "/services/data/v53.0/sobjects/Customer"

Describe Object

Describe attributes of a Salesforce Record Type | key: describeObject

Describe Permissions

Describe permissions of a Salesforce Record Type | key: describePermissions

Find Record

Find a single Salesforce Record | key: findRecord

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"Id": "003RM000006pL5gQAE",
"Name": "Acme",
"Phone": "123-456-7890",
"BillingCity": "San Francisco",
"BillingState": "CA"

Find Records

Find and fetch Salesforce Records | key: findRecords

Output Example Payload

"data": [
"Id": "003RM000006pL5gQAE",
"Name": "Acme",
"Phone": "123-456-7890",
"BillingCity": "San Francisco",
"BillingState": "CA"

Get Attachment

Get a file attachment from an account, opportunity or contact | key: getAttachment

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"type": "Buffer",
"data": [
"contentType": "text/plain"

Get Bulk Job Failed Record Results

Retrieves a list of failed records for a completed insert, delete, update or upsert job. | key: getJobFailedRecordResults

Get Bulk Job Info

Retrieves detailed information about a job. | key: getBulkJob

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "7506g00000DhRA2AAN",
"operation": "insert",
"object": "Account",
"createdById": "0056g000005HQPyAAO",
"createdDate": "2018-12-18T22:51:36.000+0000",
"systemModstamp": "2018-12-18T22:51:58.000+0000",
"state": "Open",
"concurrencyMode": "Parallel",
"contentType": "CSV",
"apiVersion": 60,
"jobType": "V2Ingest",
"contentUrl": "services/data/v60.0/jobs/ingest/7506g00000DhRA2AAN/batches",
"lineEnding": "LF",
"columnDelimiter": "COMMA",
"retries": 0,
"totalProcessingTime": 0,
"apiActiveProcessingTime": 0,
"apexProcessingTime": 0

Get Bulk Job Successful Record Results

Retrieves the successful record results for a job. | key: getJobSuccessfulRecordResults

Get Current User

Return information about the current session's user | key: getCurrentUser

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"results": {
"id": "",
"asserted_user": true,
"user_id": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"organization_id": "00Z8d000694w9weEAQ",
"username": "",
"nick_name": "dev",
"display_name": "Dev Env",
"email": "",
"email_verified": true,
"first_name": "Dev",
"last_name": "Dev",
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"photos": {
"picture": "",
"thumbnail": ""
"addr_street": null,
"addr_city": null,
"addr_state": null,
"addr_country": "US",
"addr_zip": null,
"mobile_phone": null,
"mobile_phone_verified": false,
"is_lightning_login_user": false,
"status": {
"created_date": null,
"body": null
"urls": {
"enterprise": "{version}/00Z8d000694w9we",
"metadata": "{version}/00Z8d000694w9we",
"partner": "{version}/00Z8d000694w9we",
"rest": "{version}/",
"sobjects": "{version}/sobjects/",
"search": "{version}/search/",
"query": "{version}/query/",
"recent": "{version}/recent/",
"tooling_soap": "{version}/00Z8d000694w9we",
"tooling_rest": "{version}/tooling/",
"profile": "",
"feeds": "{version}/chatter/feeds",
"groups": "{version}/chatter/groups",
"users": "{version}/chatter/users",
"feed_items": "{version}/chatter/feed-items",
"feed_elements": "{version}/chatter/feed-elements",
"custom_domain": ""
"active": true,
"user_type": "STANDARD",
"language": "en_US",
"locale": "en_US",
"utcOffset": -28800000,
"last_modified_date": "2023-10-06T18:48:33Z",
"is_app_installed": true

Get Customer

Gets an existing customer record | key: getCustomer

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"attributes": {
"type": "Customer",
"url": "/services/data/v53.0/sobjects/Customer/0o68c000000wk3lAAA"
"Id": "0o68c000000wk3lAAA",
"OwnerId": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"IsDeleted": false,
"Name": "Customer Name",
"CreatedDate": "2023-12-14T20:54:21.000+0000",
"CreatedById": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"LastModifiedDate": "2023-12-14T20:54:21.000+0000",
"LastModifiedById": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"SystemModstamp": "2023-12-14T20:54:21.000+0000",
"LastViewedDate": "2023-12-21T22:23:30.000+0000",
"LastReferencedDate": "2023-12-21T22:23:30.000+0000",
"PartyId": "0PK8c000963oLkUGAU",
"TotalLifeTimeValue": null,
"CustomerStatusType": "Active"

Get File

Retrieves a file from Salesforce ContentVersion | key: getFile

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"type": "Buffer",
"data": [

Get Information About a Bulk Query Job

Gets information about one query job. | key: getQueryJobInformation

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "750R0000000zlh9IAA",
"operation": "query",
"object": "Account",
"createdById": "005R0000000GiwjIAC",
"createdDate": "2018-12-10T17:50:19.000+0000",
"systemModstamp": "2018-12-10T17:51:27.000+0000",
"state": "JobComplete",
"concurrencyMode": "Parallel",
"contentType": "CSV",
"apiVersion": 46,
"jobType": "V2Query",
"lineEnding": "LF",
"columnDelimiter": "COMMA",
"numberRecordsProcessed": 500,
"retries": 0,
"totalProcessingTime": 334,
"isPkChunkingSupported": true

Get Information About All Query Jobs

Gets information about all query jobs in the org. | key: getAllQueryJobInformation

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"done": false,
"records": [
"id": "750R0000000zhfdIAA",
"operation": "query",
"object": "Account",
"createdById": "005R0000000GiwjIAC",
"createdDate": "2018-12-07T19:58:09.000+0000",
"systemModstamp": "2018-12-07T19:59:14.000+0000",
"state": "JobComplete",
"concurrencyMode": "Parallel",
"contentType": "CSV",
"apiVersion": 60,
"jobType": "V2Query",
"lineEnding": "LF",
"columnDelimiter": "COMMA"
"id": "750R0000000zhjzIAA",
"operation": "query",
"object": "Account",
"createdById": "005R0000000GiwjIAC",
"createdDate": "2018-12-07T20:52:28.000+0000",
"systemModstamp": "2018-12-07T20:53:15.000+0000",
"state": "JobComplete",
"concurrencyMode": "Parallel",
"contentType": "CSV",
"apiVersion": 60,
"jobType": "V2Query",
"lineEnding": "LF",
"columnDelimiter": "COMMA"
"nextRecordsUrl": "/services/data/v60.0/jobs/ingest?queryLocator=01gR0000000opRTIAY-2000"

Get Record

Get a single Salesforce Record by Id | key: getRecord

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"Id": "003RM000006pL5gQAE",
"Name": "Acme",
"Phone": "123-456-7890",
"BillingCity": "San Francisco",
"BillingState": "CA"

Get Results for a Bulk Query Job

Gets the results for a query job. The job must be in a Job Complete state | key: getQueryJobResults

Output Example Payload

"data": "\n \"Id\",\"Name\"\n\"005R0000000UyrWIAS\",\"Jane Dunn\"\n\"005R0000000GiwjIAC\",\"George Wright\"\n\"005R0000000GiwoIAC\",\"Pat Wilson\"\n"

List Bulk Jobs

Retrieves all jobs in the org. | key: listBulkJobs

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"done": true,
"nextRecordsUrl": "/services/data/v60.0/jobs/ingest?queryLocator=01gR0000000opRTIAY-2000",
"records": [
"id": "7506g00000DhRA2AAN",
"operation": "insert",
"object": "Account",
"createdById": "0056g000005HQPyAAO",
"createdDate": "2018-12-18T22:51:36.000+0000",
"systemModstamp": "2018-12-18T22:51:58.000+0000",
"state": "Open",
"concurrencyMode": "Parallel",
"contentType": "CSV",
"apiVersion": 60,
"jobType": "V2Ingest",
"contentUrl": "services/data/v60.0/jobs/ingest/7506g00000DhRA2AAN/batches",
"lineEnding": "LF",
"columnDelimiter": "COMMA",
"retries": 0,
"totalProcessingTime": 0,
"apiActiveProcessingTime": 0,
"apexProcessingTime": 0
"id": "7506g00000DhRA2AAN",
"operation": "insert",
"object": "Account",
"createdById": "0056g000005HQPyAAO",
"createdDate": "2018-12-18T22:51:36.000+0000",
"systemModstamp": "2018-12-18T22:51:58.000+0000",
"state": "Open",
"concurrencyMode": "Parallel",
"contentType": "CSV",
"apiVersion": 60,
"jobType": "V2Ingest",
"contentUrl": "services/data/v60.0/jobs/ingest/7506g00000DhRA2AAN/batches",
"lineEnding": "LF",
"columnDelimiter": "COMMA",
"retries": 0,
"totalProcessingTime": 0,
"apiActiveProcessingTime": 0,
"apexProcessingTime": 0

List Composite Resources

Gets a list of URIs for other composite resources. | key: listCompositeResources

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"hasErrors": false,
"results": [
"tree": "/services/data/v54.0/composite/tree",
"batch": "/services/data/v54.0/composite/batch",
"sobjects": "/services/data/v54.0/composite/sobjects",
"graph": "/services/data/v54.0/composite/graph"

List Customers

List all customer records | key: listCustomers

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"records": [
"attributes": {
"type": "Customer",
"url": "/services/data/v53.0/sobjects/Customer/0o68c000000wk3lAAA"
"Id": "0o68c000000wk3lAAA",
"OwnerId": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"IsDeleted": false,
"Name": "Customer Name",
"CreatedDate": "2023-12-14T20:54:21.000+0000",
"CreatedById": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"LastModifiedDate": "2023-12-14T20:54:21.000+0000",
"LastModifiedById": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"SystemModstamp": "2023-12-14T20:54:21.000+0000",
"LastViewedDate": "2023-12-21T22:23:30.000+0000",
"LastReferencedDate": "2023-12-21T22:23:30.000+0000",
"PartyId": "0PK8c000963oLkUGAU",
"TotalLifeTimeValue": null,
"CustomerStatusType": "Active"
"attributes": {
"type": "Customer",
"url": "/services/data/v53.0/sobjects/Customer/0o79c690000wk3qBCD"
"Id": "0o79c690000wk3qBCD",
"OwnerId": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"IsDeleted": false,
"Name": "New Name For Customer",
"CreatedDate": "2023-12-14T20:54:50.000+0000",
"CreatedById": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"LastModifiedDate": "2023-12-14T20:54:50.000+0000",
"LastModifiedById": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"SystemModstamp": "2023-12-14T20:54:50.000+0000",
"LastViewedDate": "2023-12-14T20:54:50.000+0000",
"LastReferencedDate": "2023-12-14T20:54:50.000+0000",
"PartyId": "0PK8c000963oLkUGAU",
"TotalLifeTimeValue": null,
"CustomerStatusType": "Active"
"done": true,
"totalSize": 2

List Workflow Outbound Messages

List all Workflow Outbound Messages | key: listWorkflowOutboundMessages

List Workflow Rules

List all Workflow Rules | key: listWorkflowRules

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"results": [
"createdById": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"createdByName": "Dev Env",
"createdDate": "2023-04-28T16:39:49.000Z",
"fileName": "workflows/Account.workflow",
"fullName": "Account.Vendia-Demo-Hook-0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"id": "01Q8c000001QiFoEAK",
"lastModifiedById": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"lastModifiedByName": "Dev Env",
"lastModifiedDate": "2023-04-28T16:39:49.000Z",
"manageableState": "unmanaged",
"type": "WorkflowRule"
"createdById": "0058c00000AJGN6KPO",
"createdByName": "Dev Env",
"createdDate": "2023-04-28T16:39:49.000Z",
"fileName": "workflows/Account.workflow",
"fullName": "Account.Vendia-Demo-Hook-0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"id": "01Q8c000001QiFoEAK",
"lastModifiedById": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"lastModifiedByName": "Dev Env",
"lastModifiedDate": "2023-04-28T16:39:49.000Z",
"manageableState": "unmanaged",
"type": "WorkflowRule"

Metadata API: Create Fields

Create custom fields from metadata | key: createFieldsFromMetadata

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"success": true,
"fullName": "TestObject1__c"

Metadata API: Create Objects

Create custom objects from metadata | key: createObjectsFromMetadata

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"success": true,
"fullName": "TestObject1__c"

Metadata API: List Object Metadata

Get all metadata for all objects (standard and custom) | key: listObjectMetadata

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"results": [
"createdById": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"createdByName": "Dev Env",
"createdDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"fileName": "objects/Campaign.object",
"fullName": "Campaign",
"id": "",
"lastModifiedById": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"lastModifiedByName": "Dev Env",
"lastModifiedDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"namespacePrefix": "",
"type": "CustomObject"
"createdById": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"createdByName": "Dev Env",
"createdDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"fileName": "objects/Campaign.object",
"fullName": "Campaign",
"id": "",
"lastModifiedById": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"lastModifiedByName": "Dev Env",
"lastModifiedDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"namespacePrefix": "",
"type": "CustomObject"

Metadata API: Read Metadata of Object

Get the metadata of an object by full name | key: getObjectMetadataByName

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"createdById": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"createdByName": "Dev Env",
"createdDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"fileName": "objects/Campaign.object",
"fullName": "Campaign",
"id": "",
"lastModifiedById": "0064c00859AJGN6KPA",
"lastModifiedByName": "Dev Env",
"lastModifiedDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"namespacePrefix": "",
"type": "CustomObject"

Raw Request

Send raw HTTP request to Salesforce | key: rawRequest

Remove User Permission Set

Removes a Permission Set from the specified User | key: removeUserPermissionSet

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true

Salesforce Query

Run an SOQL Query Against SalesForce | key: query

Send Transactional Email

Sends a message to a single recipient via Salesforce | key: sendTransactionalEmail

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true,
"errors": []

Subscribe to Record Change

Create a workflow rule to subscribe to Record Changes in Salesforce. | key: subscribeToRecordChange

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"WorkflowRule": {
"errors": [],
"success": true,
"fullName": "Account.TestRule"
"WorkflowOutboundMessage": {
"errors": [],
"success": true,
"fullName": "Account.TestRule"

Update Account

Update an existing account record | key: updateAccount

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true

Update Contact

Update an existing contact record | key: updateContact

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true

Update Customer

Update an existing customer record | key: updateCustomer

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true,
"errors": []

Update Lead

Update a Salesforce Lead Record | key: updateLead

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true

Update Opportunity

Update an existing opportunity record | key: updateOpportunity

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true,
"errors": []

Update Profile

Update a Salesforce Profile | key: updateProfile

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true,
"errors": []

Update Record

Updates an existing Salesforce Record | key: updateRecord

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true,
"errors": []

Update User

Update a Salesforce User | key: updateUser

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true

Upload Bulk Job Data

Uploads data for a job using CSV data you provide. | key: uploadJobData

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "750R0000000zlh9IAA",
"operation": "query",
"object": "Account",
"createdById": "005R0000000GiwjIAC",
"createdDate": "2018-12-10T17:50:19.000+0000",
"systemModstamp": "2018-12-10T17:51:27.000+0000",
"state": "JobComplete",
"concurrencyMode": "Parallel",
"contentType": "CSV",
"apiVersion": 46,
"jobType": "V2Query",
"lineEnding": "LF",
"columnDelimiter": "COMMA",
"numberRecordsProcessed": 500,
"retries": 0,
"totalProcessingTime": 334,
"isPkChunkingSupported": true

Upload File

Uploads a file to Salesforce ContentVersion | key: uploadFile

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"id": "06Q606ExampleId",
"success": true,
"errors": []

Upsert Record

Updates a Salesforce Record if it exists, otherwise creates a new Salesforce Record | key: upsertRecord

Output Example Payload

"data": [
"id": "00190000001pPvHAAU",
"errors": [],
"success": true,
"created": true

Validate Connection

Returns a boolean value that specifies whether the provided Connection is valid | key: validateConnection