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Adobe Acrobat Sign Component

Adobe Acrobat Sign is an e-signature management solution. Use the Adobe Acrobat Sign component to send, sign, track, and manage the signature process.

Component key: adobe-acrobat-sign


Adobe Acrobat Sign is an e-signature management solution.

Use the Adobe Acrobat Sign component to send, sign, track, and manage the signature process.

API Documentation

This component was built using the Adobe Sign REST API v6.


OAuth 2.0

To configure OAuth for Sign, begin by creating an App:

  1. Log in to Acrobat Sign.
  2. Select API from the top menu. If you do not see the API link, select Account
  3. Select API Applications.
  4. Select the Create (+) icon at the top right of the table and provide details about your app.
  5. Choose a domain based on the intended use:
  6. CUSTOMER: Apps that only access your account or are used for internal use and testing.
  7. PARTNER: Select this type if you're developing an application for other users and your app needs access to other Acrobat Sign accounts. Note: PARTNER applications must be certified to have full access to other accounts.

To Retrieve the OAuth Client ID and Secret:

  1. In the API Applications menu, select the application.
  2. Click Configure OAuth for the Application link to configure your OAuth integration.
  3. For the redirect URI enter
  4. check the boxes for the necessary scopes needed with the modifier set to account for the integration and save.
  5. in the API Applications menu, select the application and select View / Edit.
  6. Enter the Application ID/Client ID and Client Secret Values into the connection configuration of the integration.
  7. Client ID and Application ID are the same value and can be used interchangeably.
  8. Enter the scopes



Receive and validate webhook requests from Adobe Sign for webhooks you configure. | key: adobeSignTrigger

Data Sources

Select Agreements

A picklist of all agreements under this account, separated byName - Display Date | key: selectAgreements | type: picklist

Select Group

A picklist of all Acrobat Sign groups under this account. | key: selectGroup | type: picklist

Select Users

A picklist of all Acrobat Sign users under this account. | key: selectUsers | type: picklist


Create Account

Creates an Acrobat Sign account under the partner channel. | key: createAccount

Output Example Payload

"adminUserInfo": {
"email": "",
"firstName": "Prismatic",
"lastName": "Test",
"locale": "en_US",
"phone": "555-555-5555",
"title": "Software Engineer"
"accountType": "FREE",
"countryCode": "US",
"numSeats": 1,
"company": "Prismatic",
"externalId": "1234",
"locale": "en_US",
"trialDuration": 30

Create Agreement

Creates an agreement. Sends it out for signatures and returns the agreementId in the response to the client. | key: createAgreement

Output Example Payload

"fileInfos": [
"transientDocumentId": "3AAABLblqZhBf0aJb0XZqz5vXy8g3V9R3qQx6..."
"name": "Test Agreement",
"signatureType": "ESIGN",
"state": "IN_PROCESS",
"participantSetsInfo": [
"order": 1,
"role": "SIGNER",
"memberInfos": [
"email": ""

Create Group

Creates a new group in an account. | key: createGroup

Output Example Payload

"data": {

Create Transient Document

Uploads a document and obtains the document's ID. | key: createTransientDocument

Output Example Payload

"file": {
"data": "<10000 bytes>"
"fileName": "Test Document.pdf",
"mimeType": "application/pdf"

Create User

Creates a new user in the Acrobat Sign system. | key: createUser

Output Example Payload

"email": "",
"isAccountAdmin": true,
"accountId": "someId",
"company": "Prismatic",
"firstName": "Prismatic",
"initials": "Prism",
"lastName": "Test",
"locale": "en_US",
"phone": "555-555-5555",
"title": "Software Engineer"

Create Webhook

Creates a webhook. | key: createWebhook

Output Example Payload

"name": "Test Webhook",
"scope": "ACCOUNT",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"webhookUrlInfo": {
"url": "<Your Integration trigger url here>"
"webhookSubscriptionEvents": [
"webhookConditionalParams": {
"webhookAgreementEvents": {
"includeDetailedInfo": true,
"includeDocumentsInfo": true,
"includeParticipantsInfo": true,
"includeSignedDocuments": true

Delete Agreement Documents

Deletes all the documents for an agreement. | key: deleteAgreementDocuments

Delete Group

Delete an existing group. | key: deleteGroup

Output Example Payload

"data": {}

Delete Webhook

Deletes a webhook. | key: deleteWebhook

Download Agreement PDF

Downloads the PDF associated with an agreement. | key: downloadAgreementFile

Get Account

Retrieves the information for an account. | key: getAccount

Get Agreement

Retrieves the current status of an agreement. | key: getAgreement

Get Group

Retrieves detailed information about the group. | key: getGroup

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"groupId": "CBJCHBCAABAAIYEoZ3VPDavcqvJm3ni7ATNn-O9N3OPf",
"createdDate": "2023-12-06T22:02:50Z",
"groupName": "Default Group",
"isDefaultGroup": true

Get User

Retrieves detailed information about the user in the caller account. | key: getUser

Get Webhook

Retrieves the details of a webhook. | key: getWebhook

List Agreements

Retrieves agreements for the user. | key: listAgreements

List Group Events

Retrieves all events for group | key: listGroupEvents

Output Example Payload

"data": [
"groupEventId": "CBJCHBCAABAA82chKH_73ytJxSou5uTTrIh7rRelwSro",
"date": "2023-12-06T22:02:49Z",
"event": "CREATED",
"accountId": "CBJCHBCAABAAd4TPldfK4H2cTTDlWxJ6i4JDiVDoOC2C",
"groupId": "CBJCHBCAABAAIYEoZ3VPDavcqvJm3ni7ATNn-O9N3OPf"
"groupEventId": "CBJCHBCAABAA82chKH_73ytJxSou5uTTrIh7rRelwSro",
"date": "2023-12-06T22:02:49Z",
"event": "CREATED",
"accountId": "CBJCHBCAABAAd4TPldfK4H2cTTDlWxJ6i4JDiVDoOC2C",
"groupId": "CBJCHBCAABAAIYEoZ3VPDavcqvJm3ni7ATNn-O9N3OPf"

List Group Users

Retrieves all the users in a group. | key: listGroupUsers

Output Example Payload

"data": [
"email": "",
"company": "Prismatic",
"firstName": "Thomas",
"lastName": "Tedrow",
"isGroupAdmin": false
"email": "",
"company": "Prismatic",
"firstName": "Thomas",
"lastName": "Tedrow",
"isGroupAdmin": false

List Groups

Retrieve a list of groups in the Adobe Sign account. | key: listGroups

Output Example Payload

"data": [
"groupId": "CBJCHBCAABAAIYEoZ3VPDavcqvJm3ni7ATNn-O9N3OPf",
"createdDate": "2023-12-06T22:02:50Z",
"groupName": "Default Group",
"isDefaultGroup": true
"groupId": "CBJCHBCAABAAIYEoZ3VPDavcqvJm3ni7ATNn-O9N3OPf",
"createdDate": "2023-12-06T22:02:50Z",
"groupName": "Default Group",
"isDefaultGroup": true

List Users

Retrieves all the users in an account. | key: listUsers

List Webhooks

Retrieves webhooks for a user. | key: listWebhooks

Raw Request

Send raw HTTP request to Adobe Acrobat Sign | key: rawRequest

Search Resources

Retrieves, searches, filters and sorts agreements for the user | key: searchResources

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"scope": [
"agreementAssetsCriteria": {
"createdDate": {
"range": {
"gt": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"lt": "2024-01-01T23:00:00Z"

Update Agreement

Updates the agreement in draft state, or update the expiration time on an existing agreement that is already out for signature. | key: updateAgreement

Output Example Payload

"fileInfos": [
"transientDocumentId": "3AAABLblqZhBf0aJb0XZqz5vXy8g3V9R3qQx6..."
"name": "Test Agreement",
"signatureType": "ESIGN",
"state": "IN_PROCESS",
"participantSetsInfo": [
"order": 1,
"role": "SIGNER",
"memberInfos": [
"email": ""

Update Group

Update an existing group. | key: updateGroup

Output Example Payload

"data": {

Update User

Update a user in the Acrobat Sign system. | key: updateUser

Output Example Payload

"email": "",
"company": "Not Prismatic"

Update Webhook

Updates a webhook | key: updateWebhook

Output Example Payload

"name": "Test Webhook",
"scope": "ACCOUNT",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"webhookUrlInfo": {
"url": "<Your Integration trigger url here>"
"webhookSubscriptionEvents": [