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Algolia Component

Algolia is an advanced AI search platform.

Component key: algolia


Algolia is a powerful and flexible search and discovery API, trusted by thousands of developers for delivering relevant search results in real-time.

Use the Algolia component to interact with your Algolia indexes, manage records, and perform search operations in your Algolia account.

API Documentation

This component was built using the Algolia API Reference.

A Note on Algolia Search Results Pagination

Algolia's Search API supports pagination.

This means that the API will return a certain number of hits for any search query. If additional results are available, the API response includes a nbPages field that indicates the total number of pages.

"hits": [],
"nbHits": 100,
"page": 0,
"nbPages": 20

The page parameter can be used in a subsequent query to fetch additional results.

See Algolia's Docs for information about Algolia's paginated search API, and this quickstart for information on looping over a paginated API in Prismatic.


Algolia API Key

API Keys are necessary for interacting with the Algolia API. API keys are unique to each application you create in Algolia.

To generate an API Key, you should log into Algolia and navigate to your application page. Within the application settings, you can find your API keys.

Algolia provides three types of API keys:

Admin API Key: This key has read and write rights on all indexing and configuration operations.

Search-Only API Key: This key has read-only rights on indexing operations and is recommended for use on the frontend.

Secured API Key: This key is generated from a search key and has additional rights defined at the time of generation.

For your integration, you will need both the Admin API Key and the Search-Only API Key.

For more information about API keys, refer to the Algolia Docs.


Browse Index

Retrieve all objects from an index. | key: browseIndex

Copy Index

Copy an index, including its records, Synonyms, Rules, and settings (except for enableReRanking). | key: copyIndex

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"updatedAt": "2013-08-21T13:20:18.960Z",
"taskID": 10210332

Copy Settings

Copy the settings of an index to another index on the same app. | key: copySettings

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"updatedAt": "2013-08-21T13:20:18.960Z",
"taskID": 10210332

Delete Index

Delete an index. | key: deleteIndex

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"deletedAt": "2013-01-18T15:33:13.556Z",
"taskID": 721

Get Index

Get index information | key: getIndex

Get Settings

Get the settings of an index. | key: getSettings

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"minWordSizefor1Typo": 4,
"minWordSizefor2Typos": 8,
"hitsPerPage": 20,
"searchableAttributes": null,
"attributesToRetrieve": null,
"attributesToSnippet": null,
"attributesToHighlight": null,
"ranking": [
"customRanking": null,
"separatorsToIndex": "",
"queryType": "prefixAll"

List Indices

Get a list of indices with their associated metadata. | key: listIndexes

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"items": [
"name": "contacts",
"createdAt": "2013-08-15T19:49:47.714Z",
"updatedAt": "2013-08-17T07:59:28.313Z",
"entries": 2436442,
"dataSize": 224152664,
"fileSize": 269450853,
"lastBuildTimeS": 0,
"numberOfPendingTask": 0,
"pendingTask": false
"nbPages": 1

Move Index

Move or rename an index. | key: moveIndex

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"updatedAt": "2013-08-21T13:20:18.960Z",
"taskID": 10210332

Raw Request

Send raw HTTP request to Algolia | key: rawRequest

Search Facet Values

Search for values of a given facet. | key: searchFacetValues

Search Multiple Indices

Send multiple search queries, potentially targeting multiple indices, in a single API call. | key: searchMultipleIndices

Set Settings

Change an index's settings. | key: setSettings

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"updatedAt": "2013-08-21T13:20:18.960Z",
"taskID": 10210332

Update Batch Indices

This method enables you to batch multiple different indexing operations in one API call, like add or delete objects, potentially targeting multiple indices. | key: updateBatchIndices

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"taskID": {
"contacts": 792,
"public_contacts": 793
"objectIDs": [