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Facebook Marketing Component

Interact with ads and adsets in your Facebook Marketing account.

Component key: facebook-marketing


Facebook Marketing offers digital marketing for a variety of channels for building communication with your audience. The Facebook Marketing component allows you to interact with your ads, adsets, campaigns and more.


Conversions API Access Token

Facebook Marketing Oauth 2.0

This component uses OAuth 2.0 to connect to Facebook's Marketing API. To get started with Facebook Marketing, you first need to create a developer account.

  1. Select Create app, take note of the App Id and App Secret under the basic tab.
  2. Navigate to the Facebook Login Section:
    1. You will see an input to enter your Prismatic Redirect URL.
    2. Under the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs section add as a Redirect URI.
  3. Now add a new Facebook Marketing action to your Prismatic integration, and you will see a new connection.
  4. Enter the values that you previously saved from your Facebook Developer App.
  5. All the scopes you need should already exist in the connection. However if you need to enter additional scopes you can refer to Facebook Marketing Docs to find the correct ones.

Now you can make a new Facebook Marketing connection in Prismatic, and provide the values you obtained earlier.

For any additional setup information, refer to the Facebook Marketing Docs

Sandbox Ad Account Token

This component may also use the Sandbox Ad token to connect a Facebook Marketing's Sandbox Ad Account To get started with Facebook Marketing, you first need to create a developer account.

  1. Select Create app, take note of the App Id and App Secret under the basic tab.
  2. Navigate and expand the Marketing API Section and select the Tools section.
    1. In the Sandbox Ad Account Managment section, create and name a new Sandbox Ad Account.
    2. Under Actions select the button with a key icon and in the Generate Access Token window Select Generate
    3. Add this Access Token to the Sandbox Ad Token Connection Type in Prismatic.
  3. All the scopes you need should already exist in the connection. However if you need to enter additional scopes you can refer to Facebook Marketing Docs to find the correct ones.

For any additional setup information, refer to the Facebook Marketing Docs

Data Sources

Business Names

A picklist of business names | key: businessNames | type: picklist


Add URL Tags To Ad Creative

Update an existing Ad Creative to include a new set of URL Tags | key: addUrlTagsToCreative

Create Ad

Creates a new ad | key: createAd

Create Campaign

Creates a new campaign | key: createCampaign

Create Conversion

Create a single conversion event for a pixel. Requires the Conversions API Access Token connection. | key: createConversion

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"results": {
"events_received": 1,
"messages": [],
"fbtrace_id": "AsGY30oxXE4Dvv_CDbCOFR6"

Create Multiple Conversions

Create multiple conversion events for a pixel. Requires the Conversions API Access Token connection | key: createMultipleConversions

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"results": {
"events_received": 1,
"messages": [],
"fbtrace_id": "AsGY30oxXE4Dvv_CDbCOFR6"

Delete Ad

Delete the information and metadata of a given ad | key: deleteAd

Get Ad

Get the information and metadata of a given ad | key: getAd

Get Ad Account

Get the information and metadata of the given ad account | key: getAdAccount

Get Ad Creative

Get the information and metadata of the given ad creative | key: getAdCreative

Get Ad Set

Get the information and metadata of a given Ad Set | key: getAdSet

Get Business By Name

Fetch an business with the provided name | key: businessByName

Get Current User

Get the information and metadata of the current user | key: getCurrentUser

Get User By Id

Get the information and metadata of a given user | key: getUserById

List Ad Accounts

Get the information and metadata of the current user | key: listAddAccounts

List Ad Creatives

List all ad creatives in a given ad account | key: listAdCreatives

List Ad Leads

List all ad groups in a given ad account | key: listAdLeads

List Ad Previews

Get a list of all previews of the given ad | key: getAdPreview

List Ad Sets In Account

List all ads in an ad account | key: listAdSetsInAccount

List Ads In Account

List all ad sets in an ad account | key: listAdsInAccount

List Ads In Adset

List all ads in a given adset | key: listAdsInAdset

List Campaigns In Account

List all campaigns in an ad account | key: listCampaignsInAccount

Raw Request

Send raw HTTP request to Facebook Marketing | key: rawRequest

Update Ad

Update the information and metadata of a given ad or adset | key: updateAd

Update Ad Creative

Update the information and metadata of the given ad creative | key: updateAdCreative

Update Ad Set

Update the information and metadata of a given Ad Set | key: updateAdSet