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Microsoft Graph API Component

Interact with the Microsoft Graph API

Component key: ms-graph-api


Microsft's Graph API allows you to interact with many Microsoft products from one API endpoint. You can explore the Graph API using their Graph Explorer tool.


OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

To use the Microsoft Graph API component, configure an OAuth 2.0 application through Active Directory in the Microsoft Azure Portal.

When creating the application you will be prompted to select the Supported account types. Under this section, be sure to select Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) so that users outside of your organization (i.e. your customers) can authenticate. You will need to go to Platforms and add the Web platform. In that section you should add Prismatic's OAuth 2.0 callback URL - - as a Redirect URI.

Next, go to Certificates & Secrets for the app and add a new Client Secret. Copy the value (not ID) of the secret for future use.

You will also need the Application (client) ID from the "Overview" page.

Next, supply the following values to the OAuth 2.0 connection in your integration within Prismatic:

  • For Client ID and Client Secret enter the values that you got from the Microsoft Azure Portal.
  • The Scopes your integration requries. You can find scopes on Microsoft Graph permissions reference, or by making test calls in the Graph Explorer.
  • If you didn't select Multitenant when creating the Azure application, you will need to replace the Authorize URL and Token URL with ones specific to your tenant.

For more information regarding authenticating against the Microsoft Graph API refer to the Microsoft documentation.


Raw Request

Send raw HTTP request to Microsoft Graph API | key: rawRequest