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Pipedrive Component

Manage leads, companies, activities, and more on the Pipedrive platform

Component key: pipedrive


Pipedrive is a sales-focused customer relationship management tool. This component allows you to manage leads, companies, activities, and more.


OAuth 2.0

To connect to Pipedrive you will need to create a new sandbox account in their Developers Corner.

Once you have your sandbox account you will need to create a new app at

Select Create an App and then select a Public app. Fill in the minimal required fields and be sure to include Prismatic's OAuth 2.0 Callback URL:

Update the Access scopes to give your app access to the necessary types of data. Reference for information on what permissions your integraiton might need. Click "Save".

After saving the "OAuth & Access scopes" section will include the Client ID and Client Secret for your app.

You are now ready to create the OAuth 2.0 connection to Pipedrive within Prismatic:

  • Enter the Client ID and Client Secret values into the same named fields.

Save your integration and you should now be able to connect and authenticate to Pipedrive.

Note that you will need to submit your Pipedrive app for review if you chose "Yes" on the "Intent to publish app" page during app creation.

Pipedrive Custom Redirect URIs

If you plan to make your Pipedrive app public, and publish it in the Pipedrive marketplace, Pipedrive has additional stipulations for how app installation occurs. Please reference

When a user within Pipedrive selects your app and clicks "Install", Pipedrive requires that your Callback URL handle an auth code without a state search parameter in the URL.

Outside of this flow, the state variable in Prismatic is used to map an auth code to a config variable. When a user clicks "Connect" in the Prismatic marketplace, they visit a Pipedrive consent screen and are redirected to[SOME AUTH CODE]&state=SW5example. Prismatic then exchanges that auth code for an access token, and saves that access token to the config variable with the SW5example ID.

With the Pipedrive installation flow, you will need to supply an endpoint that captures and handles an auth code that potentially has no state attached to it (yet).

At a high level, you will need to:

  • Create a custom endpoint within your app that can receive code and optional state search parameters.
  • Save the code off to secure temporary browser storage
    • If the user is a guest of your app, encourage them to sign up for your app.
    • If the user is registered but not logged in, have them log in.
    • If the user is logged in, continue.
  • Now that you have a user authenticated in your app with a Pipedrive auth code, programmatically create a customer in Prismatic (if needed) and programmatically deploy an (unconfigured) instance to the customer (assuming they do not have an instance of your Pipedrive integration already).
  • Look up the unconfigured instance's connection config variable's ID. Make a GET request to[SOME AUTH CODE]&state=SW5.... where state represents the config variable's ID. This will start the auth code exchange process.
  • Invoke prismatic.configureInstance() with the unconfigured instance's ID to open a config wizard. The connection will be "active" from the previous step and the user will be able to continue through the config flow.
Update your integration's authorize URL

Note that Pipedrive only allows you one Callback URL, which must be your custom endpoint (above), and must match redirect_uri in the authorization URL if a user initiates connection from the Prismatic marketplace.

So, you need to override the redirect_uri in the authorize URL to your custom endpoint.

Open your config variable in the integration designer and edit the Authorize URL from to something like

Data Sources

Select Deal

Select a Deal from a dropdown menu. | key: selectDeal | type: picklist

"result": [
"key": "1",
"label": "Deal Title - open"

Select Organization

Select an Organization from a dropdown menu. | key: selectOrganization | type: picklist

"result": [
"key": "1",
"label": "Jhon Doe"

Select Person

Select a Person from a dropdown menu. | key: selectPerson | type: picklist

"result": [
"key": "1",
"label": "Jhon Doe"


Add Call Log

Add a call log | key: addCallLog

Add Channel

Add a channel | key: addChannel

Add Deal

Add a deal | key: addDeal

Add Deal Follower

Add a follower to a deal | key: addDealFollower

Add Deal Participant

Add a participant to a deal | key: addDealParticipant

Add Deal Product

Add a product to the deal, eventually creating a new item called a deal-product | key: addDealProduct

Add File

Upload and add a new file to a deal, person, org, product, activity or lead | key: addFile

"data": {
"success": true,
"data": {
"id": 123,
"user_id": 456,
"deal_id": 1,
"person_id": 789,
"org_id": 1,
"product_id": 1,
"activity_id": 1,
"lead_id": "adf21080-0e10-11eb-879b-05d71fb426ec",
"log_id": null,
"add_time": "2020-02-20 14:36:35",
"update_time": "2020-02-20 14:36:31",
"file_name": "IMG_8189_52233498214699de9579e7b304a81b157b2eb2137e8062.jpg",
"file_type": "img",
"file_size": 7801780,
"active_flag": true,
"inline_flag": false,
"remote_location": "googledocs",
"remote_id": "1mT6jshiv6537IirwOExXJuG1jdR4F0FQ",
"cid": "",
"s3_bucket": "",
"mail_message_id": "",
"mail_template_id": "",
"deal_name": "",
"person_name": "Person",
"org_name": "",
"product_name": "",
"lead_name": "Test lead name",
"url": "",
"name": "IMG_8189.jpg",
"description": ""

Add Lead

Add a lead | key: addLead

Add Lead Label

Add a lead label | key: addLeadLabel

Add Organization

Add an organization | key: addOrganization

Add Organization Follower

Add a follower to an organization | key: addOrganizationFollower

Add Person

Add a person | key: addPerson

Add Person Follower

Add a follower to a person | key: addPersonFollower

Add Pipeline

Add a new pipeline | key: addPipeline

Add Product

Add a product | key: addProduct

Add Product Follower

Add a follower to a product | key: addProductFollower

Add Stage

Add a new stage | key: addStage

Cancel Recurring Subscription

Cancel a recurring subscription | key: cancelRecurringSubscription

Delete Activity

Delete an activity | key: deleteActivity

Delete Call Log

Delete a call log | key: deleteCallLog

Delete Channel

Delete a channel | key: deleteChannel

Delete Conversation

Delete a conversation | key: deleteConversation

Delete Deal

Delete a deal | key: deleteDeal

Delete Deal Field

Delete a deal field | key: deleteDealField

Delete Deal Follower

Delete a follower from a deal | key: deleteDealFollower

Delete Deal Participant

Delete a participant from a deal | key: deleteDealParticipant

Delete Deal Product

Delete an attached product from a deal | key: deleteDealProduct

Delete File

Delete a file | key: deleteFile

"data": {
"success": true,
"data": {
"id": 123

Delete Lead

Delete a lead | key: deleteLead

Delete Lead Label

Delete a lead label | key: deleteLeadLabel

Delete Mail Thread

Delete mail thread | key: deleteMailThread

Delete Organization

Delete an organization | key: deleteOrganization

Delete Organization Follower

Delete a follower from an organization | key: deleteOrganizationFollower

Delete Person

Delete a person | key: deletePerson

Delete Person Field

Delete a person field | key: deletePersonField

Delete Person Follower

Delete a follower from a person | key: deletePersonFollower

Delete Person Picture

Delete person picture | key: deletePersonPicture

Delete Pipeline

Delete a pipeline | key: deletePipeline

Delete Product

Delete a product | key: deleteProduct

Delete Product Field

Delete a product field | key: deleteProductField

Delete Product Follower

Delete a follower from a product | key: deleteProductFollower

Delete Stage

Delete a stage | key: deleteStage

Delete Subscription

Delete a subscription | key: deleteSubscription

Download File

Download one file | key: downloadFile

"data": {
"type": "Buffer",
"data": [
"contentType": "text/plain"

Find Subscription By Deal

Find subscription by deal | key: findSubscriptionByDeal

Find Users By Name

Find users by name | key: findUsersByName

Get Activities

Get all activities assigned to a particular user | key: getActivities

Get Activity

Get details of an activity | key: getActivity

Get Activity Fields

Get all activity fields | key: getActivityFields

Get Activity Types

Get all activity types | key: getActivityTypes

Get Call Log

Get details of a call log | key: getCallLog

Get Company Addons

Get all add-ons for a single company | key: getCompanyAddons

Get Currencies

Get all supported currencies | key: getCurrencies

Get Current User

Get current user data | key: getCurrentUser

Get Deal

Get details of a deal | key: getDeal

Get Deal Activities

List activities associated with a deal | key: getDealActivities

Get Deal Field

Get one deal field | key: getDealField

Get Deal Fields

Get all deal fields | key: getDealFields

Get Deal Files

List files attached to a deal | key: getDealFiles

Get Deal Followers

List followers of a deal | key: getDealFollowers

Get Deal Mail Messages

List mail messages associated with a deal | key: getDealMailMessages

Get Deal Participants

List participants of a deal | key: getDealParticipants

Get Deal Persons

List all persons associated with a deal | key: getDealPersons

Get Deal Products

List products attached to a deal | key: getDealProducts

Get Deal Users

List permitted users | key: getDealUsers

Get Deals

Get all deals | key: getDeals

"data": {
"data": [
"id": 1,
"creator_user_id": {
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"name": "Developer",
"email": "",
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"add_time": "2024-09-27 14:25:27",
"update_time": "2024-09-27 14:25:28",
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"next_activity_duration": null,
"next_activity_note": null,
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"additional_data": {
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"next_start": 0

Get Deals Summary

Get deals summary | key: getDealsSummary

Get Deals Timeline

Get deals timeline | key: getDealsTimeline

Get File Metadata by ID

Get metadata about one file by ID | key: getFile

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"success": true,
"data": {
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"user_id": 456,
"deal_id": 1,
"person_id": 789,
"org_id": 1,
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"activity_id": 1,
"lead_id": "adf21080-0e10-11eb-879b-05d71fb426ec",
"log_id": null,
"add_time": "2020-02-20 14:36:35",
"update_time": "2020-02-20 14:57:33",
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"cid": "",
"s3_bucket": "",
"mail_message_id": "",
"mail_template_id": "",
"deal_name": "",
"person_name": "Person",
"org_name": "",
"product_name": "",
"lead_name": "Test lead name",
"url": "",
"name": "test file name",
"description": "test file description"

Get Filter

Get one filter | key: getFilter

Get Filters

Get all filters | key: getFilters

Get Lead

Get one lead | key: getLead

Get Lead Labels

Get all lead labels | key: getLeadLabels

Get Lead Sources

Get all lead sources | key: getLeadSources

Get Leads

Get all leads | key: getLeads

Get Mail Message

Get one mail message | key: getMailMessage

Get Mail Thread

Get one mail thread | key: getMailThread

Get Mail Thread Messages

Get all mail messages of mail thread | key: getMailThreadMessages

Get Mail Threads

Get mail threads | key: getMailThreads

Get Note Fields

Get all note fields | key: getNoteFields

Get Organization

Get details of an organization | key: getOrganization

Get Organization Activities

List activities associated with an organization | key: getOrganizationActivities

Get Organization Deals

List deals associated with an organization | key: getOrganizationDeals

Get Organization Files

List files attached to an organization | key: getOrganizationFiles

Get Organization Followers

List followers of an organization | key: getOrganizationFollowers

Get Organization Mail Messages

List mail messages associated with an organization | key: getOrganizationMailMessages

Get Organization Persons

List persons of an organization | key: getOrganizationPersons

Get Organization Updates

List updates about an organization | key: getOrganizationUpdates

Get Organization Users

List permitted users | key: getOrganizationUsers

Get Organizations

Get all organizations | key: getOrganizations

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Get Permission Set

Get one permission set | key: getPermissionSet

Get Permission Set Assignments

List permission set assignments | key: getPermissionSetAssignments

Get Permission Sets

Get all permission sets | key: getPermissionSets

Get Person

Get details of a person | key: getPerson

Get Person Activities

List activities associated with a person | key: getPersonActivities

Get Person Deals

List deals associated with a person | key: getPersonDeals

Get Person Field

Get one person field | key: getPersonField

Get Person Field Details

Get details of a specific field for a person | key: getPersonFieldDetails

Get Person Fields

Get all person fields | key: getPersonFields

Get Person Files

List files attached to a person | key: getPersonFiles

Get Person Followers

List followers of a person | key: getPersonFollowers

Get Person Mail Messages

List mail messages associated with a person | key: getPersonMailMessages

Get Person Products

List products associated with a person | key: getPersonProducts

Get Person Updates

List updates about a person | key: getPersonUpdates

Get Person Users

List permitted users | key: getPersonUsers

Get Persons

Get all persons | key: getPersons

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Get Pipeline

Get one pipeline | key: getPipeline

Get Pipeline Conversion Statistics

Get deals conversion rates in pipeline | key: getPipelineConversionStatistics

Get Pipeline Deals

Get deals in a pipeline | key: getPipelineDeals

Get Pipeline Movement Statistics

Get deals movements in pipeline | key: getPipelineMovementStatistics

Get Pipelines

Get all pipelines | key: getPipelines

Get Product

Get one product | key: getProduct

Get Product Deals

Get deals where a product is attached to | key: getProductDeals

Get Product Field

Get one product field | key: getProductField

Get Product Fields

Get all product fields | key: getProductFields

Get Product Files

List files attached to a product | key: getProductFiles

Get Product Followers

List followers of a product | key: getProductFollowers

Get Product Users

List permitted users | key: getProductUsers

Get Products

Get all products | key: getProducts

Get Stage

Get one stage | key: getStage

Get Stage Deals

Get deals in a stage | key: getStageDeals

Get Stages

Get all stages | key: getStages

Get Subscription

Get details of a subscription | key: getSubscription

Get Subscription Payments

Get all payments of a subscription | key: getSubscriptionPayments

Get User

Get one user by ID | key: getUser

Get User Call Logs

Get all call logs assigned to a particular user | key: getUserCallLogs

Get User Connections

Get all user connections | key: getUserConnections

Get User Followers

List followers of a user | key: getUserFollowers

Get User Permissions

List user permissions | key: getUserPermissions

Get User Role Assignments

List role assignments | key: getUserRoleAssignments

Get User Role Settings

List user role settings | key: getUserRoleSettings

Get User Settings

List settings of an authorized user | key: getUserSettings

Get Users

Get all users | key: getUsers

List Files

List all files attached to all entities | key: getFiles

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Merge Deals

Merge two deals | key: mergeDeals

Merge Organizations

Merge two organizations | key: mergeOrganizations

Merge Persons

Merge two persons | key: mergePersons

Raw Request

Send raw HTTP request to Pipedrive | key: rawRequest

Search Deals

Search deals | key: searchDeals

Search Leads

Search leads | key: searchLeads

Search Organization

Search organizations | key: searchOrganization

Search Persons

Search persons | key: searchPersons

Set Person Field Value

Set the value of a specific field for a person | key: setFieldValueForPerson

Update Deal

Update a deal | key: updateDeal

Update Deal Product

Update product attachment details of the deal-product (a product already attached to a deal) | key: updateDealProduct

Update File

Update file name or description | key: updateFile

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Update Filter

Update filter | key: updateFilter

Update Lead

Update a lead | key: updateLead

Update Lead Label

Update a lead label | key: updateLeadLabel

Update Organization

Update an organization | key: updateOrganization

Update Person

Update a person | key: updatePerson

Update Pipeline

Update a pipeline | key: updatePipeline

Update Product

Update a product | key: updateProduct

Update Stage

Update stage details | key: updateStage