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Zendesk Component

Manage Tickets and users in Zendesk

Component key: zendesk


Zendesk is a public company headquartered in San Francisco, California. It provides software-as-a-service products related to customer support, sales, and other customer communications. The Zendesk component allows you to manage Users and Tickets inside your Zendesk domain.

Zendesk webhooks

The Zendesk API supports two types of webhooks - one for when something has changed for a user or an organization, and one when something has changed on a support ticket.

Zendesk user and support webhooks

If you would like to be alerted when a change to a user or organization has occurred, create a new webhook using the Create Webhook action. Select the events that will cause a the webhook to fire. For example, selecting the zen:event-type:user.deleted event will cause the webhook to fire whenever a user is deleted. A full list of webhook event types are available in the Zendesk developer docs.

Zendesk ticket webhooks

If you would like to be alerted when a ticket has changed, first create a webhook using the Create Webhook action. When selecting webhook events, choose conditional_ticket_events (and only that value). This will create a webhook, pointed at a Prismatic instance flow, that can be triggered conditionally.

Next, you need to create a trigger that will send data via the webhook you created. Fetch your webhook's id from the step where you created the webhook, and feed it into a Create Trigger action. The default conditional and webhook body values will cause the webhook to be triggered whenever a ticket is changed, and will send all data related to the ticket to the webhook. We recommend keeping the default values. You can change the conditions under which the trigger fires - see the Zendesk conditions reference for details.


Zendesk Connection

The Zendesk component authenticates requests with OAuth 2.0. To configure an application inside zendesk follow the directions in this guide Now, you will have to create a new Zendesk connection in Prismatic.

  • For Client ID enter in the unique identifier of your app inside the Zendesk admin dashboard. For Client Secret enter the generated client secret you received from the Zendesk admin dashboard.
  • For Scopes refer to the guide that was linked above. There is detailed information on picking the correct scope.

You can find your subdomain inside of your Zendesk URL: https://{YOUR SUBDOMAIN HERE}



Receive and validate webhook requests from Zendesk for webhooks you configure. | key: webhook

Data Sources

List Articles

A picklist of Articles | key: listArticlesDataSource | type: picklist

List Categories

A picklist of Categories | key: listCategoriesDataSource | type: picklist

List Sections

A picklist of Sections | key: listSectionsDataSource | type: picklist

List Tags

A picklist of Tags | key: listTagsDataSource | type: picklist


Associate Attachments in Bulk to Article

Associate attachments in bulk to one article at a time, with a maximum of 20 attachments per request. | key: associateAttachmentsInBulkToArticle

"data": null

Create Article

Create a new Article in the Help Center. | key: createArticle

"data": {
"article": {
"author_id": 3465,
"comments_disabled": true,
"content_tag_ids": [
"id": 37486578,
"locale": "en_us",
"permission_group_id": 123,
"position": 42,
"promoted": false,
"title": "Article title",
"user_segment_id": 12

Create Article Attachment

Creates an attachment for the specified article in the Help Center. | key: createArticleAttachment

"data": {
"article_attachment": {
"article_id": 23,
"content_type": "application/jpeg",
"content_url": "",
"file_name": "logo.jpg",
"id": 1428,
"inline": true,
"size": 1428

Create Article Subscription

Create a subscription to an article in the Help Center. | key: createArticleSubscription

"data": {
"subscription": {
"content_id": 8748733,
"id": 35467,
"locale": "en",
"user_id": 888887

Create Category

Create a category in the Help Center. | key: createCategory

"data": {
"category": {
"description": "This category contains a collection of Super Hero tricks",
"id": 37486578,
"locale": "en-us",
"name": "Super Hero Tricks"

Create Post

Create a new post in the Help Center. | key: createPost

"data": {
"post": {
"author_id": 888887,
"content_tag_ids": [
"featured": true,
"id": 35467,
"title": "Post title"

Create Post Subscription

Create a Post subscription in the Help Center. | key: createPostSubscription

"data": {
"subscription": {
"content_id": 8748733,
"id": 35467,
"locale": "en",
"user_id": 888887

Create Section

Create a category in the Help Center. | key: createSection

"data": {
"section": {
"description": "This section contains articles on flight instruments",
"id": 3457836,
"locale": "en-us",
"name": "Avionics",
"position": 2

Create Section Subscription

Create a Section subscription in the Help Center. | key: createSectionSubscription

"data": {
"subscription": {
"content_id": 8748733,
"id": 35467,
"locale": "en",
"user_id": 888887

Create Ticket

Create a new ticket | key: createTicket

Create Topic

Create a new topic in the Help Center. | key: createTopic

"data": {
"topic": {
"name": "How to make fish stew",
"id": 37486578,
"description": "A guide to making the perfect fish stew"

Create Topic Subscription

Create a new Topic subscription In The Help Center. | key: createTopicSubscription

"data": {
"subscription": {
"content_id": 8748733,
"id": 35467,
"locale": "en",
"user_id": 888887

Create User

Create a new user | key: createUser

Create Webhook

Create a webhook in Zendesk to notify you of changes to your users, organization, or tickets | key: createWebhook

"data": {
"webhook": {
"name": "Test from Prismatic",
"status": "active",
"subscriptions": [
"created_at": "2022-12-02T03:31:00Z",
"created_by": "7272236579355",
"endpoint": "",
"http_method": "POST",
"request_format": "json"

Create Webhook Trigger

Create a trigger to cause a webhook to fire | key: createWebhookTrigger

"data": {
"trigger": {
"url": "",
"id": 10849292971419,
"title": "Trigger for 01GK8E6BKWMJZD2TEXAMPLE",
"active": true,
"updated_at": "2022-12-02T03:36:44Z",
"created_at": "2022-12-02T03:36:44Z",
"default": false,
"actions": [
"field": "notification_webhook",
"value": [
"{\"current_user\": \"{{current_user.details}}\"}"
"conditions": {
"all": [],
"any": [
"field": "status",
"operator": "changed",
"value": null
"field": "status",
"operator": "not_changed",
"value": null
"description": null,
"position": 10,
"raw_title": "01GK8E6BKWMJZD2TEXAMPLE",
"category_id": "4558610559259"

Delete Article Attachment

Deletes an existing article attachment. | key: deleteArticleAttachment

"data": null

Delete Article Subscription

Delete a subscription to an article in the Help Center. | key: deleteArticleSubscription

"data": null

Delete Category

Delete a category in the Help Center. | key: deleteCategory

"data": null

Delete Instance Webhooks

Delete all webhooks pointed at this instance | key: deleteInstanceWebhooks

Delete Post

Delete a post in the Help Center. | key: deletePost

"data": null

Delete Post Subscription

Delete a Post subscription in the Help Center. | key: deletePostSubscription

"data": null

Delete Section

Delete a section in the Help Center. (warning: deleting a section also deletes all its articles). | key: deleteSection

"data": null

Delete Section Subscription

Delete a Section subscription in the Help Center. | key: deleteSectionSubscription

"data": null

Delete Ticket

Delete the information and metadata of a ticket by Id | key: deleteTicket

Delete Topic

Delete a topic from the Help Center. | key: deleteTopic

"data": null

Delete Topic Subscription

Delete a Topic subscription in the Help Center. | key: deleteTopicSubscription

"data": null

Delete User

Delete the information and metadata of a user by Id | key: deleteUser

Delete Webhook

Delete a webhook by ID | key: deleteWebhook

Get Article

Shows the properties of the specified article in the Help Center. | key: showArticle

"data": {
"article": {
"id": 28523513715859,
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"author_id": 28226296456851,
"comments_disabled": false,
"draft": true,
"promoted": false,
"position": 0,
"vote_sum": 0,
"vote_count": 0,
"section_id": 28523491991699,
"created_at": "2024-04-17T17:18:10Z",
"updated_at": "2024-04-17T17:18:10Z",
"name": "Prismatic Testing",
"title": "Prismatic Testing",
"source_locale": "en-us",
"locale": "en-us",
"outdated": false,
"outdated_locales": [],
"edited_at": "2024-04-17T17:18:10Z",
"user_segment_id": 28523370353171,
"permission_group_id": 28523398501139,
"content_tag_ids": [],
"label_names": [],
"body": "<p>testing knowledge base</p>"

Get Article Attachment

Shows the properties of the specified attachment on an Article located in the Help Center. | key: getArticleAttachment

"data": {
"article_attachment": {
"article_id": 23,
"content_type": "application/jpeg",
"content_url": "",
"file_name": "logo.jpg",
"id": 1428,
"inline": true,
"size": 1428

Get Article Subscription

Get an Article Subscription in the Help Center. | key: getArticleSubscription

"data": {
"subscription": {
"content_id": 8748733,
"id": 35467,
"locale": "en",
"user_id": 888887

Get Category

Get a category in the Help Center. | key: getCategory

"data": {
"category": {
"description": "This category contains a collection of Super Hero tricks",
"id": 37486578,
"locale": "en-us",
"name": "Super Hero Tricks"

Get Post

Retrieve a post from the Help Center. | key: getPost

"data": {
"post": {
"author_id": 888887,
"content_tag_ids": [
"featured": true,
"id": 35467,
"title": "Post title"

Get Post Subscription

Get a Post subscription in the Help Center. | key: getPostSubscription

"data": {
"subscription": {
"content_id": 8748733,
"id": 35467,
"locale": "en",
"user_id": 888887

Get Section

Retrieve a section in the Help Center. | key: getSection

"data": {
"section": {
"description": "This section contains articles on flight instruments",
"id": 3457836,
"locale": "en-us",
"name": "Avionics",
"position": 2

Get Section Subscription

Get a Section subscription in the Help Center. | key: getSectionSubscription

"data": {
"subscription": {
"content_id": 8748733,
"id": 35467,
"locale": "en",
"user_id": 888887

Get Ticket By External ID

Get a ticket by external ID | key: getByExternalId

Get Topic

Retrieve a topic from the Help Center. | key: getTopic

"data": {
"topic": {
"name": "How to make fish stew",
"id": 37486578,
"description": "A guide to making the perfect fish stew"

Get Topic Subscription

Get a Topic subscription in the Help Center. | key: getTopicSubscription

"data": {
"subscription": {
"content_id": 8748733,
"id": 35467,
"locale": "en",
"user_id": 888887

List Article Attachments

Lists all the article's attachments in the Help Center. | key: listArticleAttachments

"data": {
"meta": {
"has_more": true,
"after_cursor": "xxx",
"before_cursor": "yyy"
"links": {
"next": "[size]=100&page[after]=xxx",
"prev": "[size]=100&page[before]=yyy"
"article_attachments": [
"article_id": 23,
"content_type": "application/jpeg",
"content_url": "",
"file_name": "logo.jpg",
"id": 1428,
"inline": true,
"size": 1428

List Article Subscriptions

List all subscriptions for an article in the Help Center. | key: listArticleSubscriptions

"data": {
"meta": {
"has_more": true,
"after_cursor": "xxx",
"before_cursor": "yyy"
"links": {
"next": "[size]=100&page[after]=xxx",
"prev": "[size]=100&page[before]=yyy"
"subscriptions": [
"content_id": 8748733,
"id": 35467,
"locale": "en",
"user_id": 888887

List Articles

Retrieve a list of all articles in the Help Center. | key: listArticles

"data": {
"meta": {
"has_more": true,
"after_cursor": "xxx",
"before_cursor": "yyy"
"links": {
"next": "[size]=100&page[after]=xxx",
"prev": "[size]=100&page[before]=yyy"
"articles": [
"id": 28523513715859,
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"author_id": 28226296456851,
"comments_disabled": false,
"draft": true,
"promoted": false,
"position": 0,
"vote_sum": 0,
"vote_count": 0,
"section_id": 28523491991699,
"created_at": "2024-04-17T17:18:10Z",
"updated_at": "2024-04-17T17:18:10Z",
"name": "Prismatic Testing",
"title": "Prismatic Testing",
"source_locale": "en-us",
"locale": "en-us",
"outdated": false,
"outdated_locales": [],
"edited_at": "2024-04-17T17:18:10Z",
"user_segment_id": 28523370353171,
"permission_group_id": 28523398501139,
"content_tag_ids": [],
"label_names": [],
"body": "<p>testing knowledge base</p>"

List Categories

List all categories in the Help Center. | key: listCategories

"data": {
"meta": {
"has_more": true,
"after_cursor": "xxx",
"before_cursor": "yyy"
"links": {
"next": "[size]=100&page[after]=xxx",
"prev": "[size]=100&page[before]=yyy"
"categories": [
"description": "This category contains a collection of Super Hero tricks",
"id": 37486578,
"locale": "en-us",
"name": "Super Hero Tricks"
"description": "All the cool tricks!",
"id": 354675463,
"locale": "en-us",
"name": "Tips & Tricks"

List Post Subscriptions

List all Post subscriptions in the Help Center. | key: listPostSubscriptions

"data": {
"meta": {
"has_more": true,
"after_cursor": "xxx",
"before_cursor": "yyy"
"links": {
"next": "[size]=100&page[after]=xxx",
"prev": "[size]=100&page[before]=yyy"
"subscriptions": [
"content_id": 8748733,
"id": 35467,
"locale": "en",
"user_id": 888887

List Posts

List all posts in the Help Center. | key: listPosts

"data": {
"meta": {
"has_more": true,
"after_cursor": "xxx",
"before_cursor": "yyy"
"links": {
"next": "[size]=100&page[after]=xxx",
"prev": "[size]=100&page[before]=yyy"
"posts": [
"id": 35467,
"title": "How do I open the safe"

List Section Subscriptions

List all Section subscriptions in the Help Center. | key: listSectionSubscriptions

"data": {
"meta": {
"has_more": true,
"after_cursor": "xxx",
"before_cursor": "yyy"
"links": {
"next": "[size]=100&page[after]=xxx",
"prev": "[size]=100&page[before]=yyy"
"subscriptions": [
"content_id": 8748733,
"id": 35467,
"locale": "en",
"user_id": 888887

List Sections

Lists all the sections in the Help Center or in a specific category. | key: listSections

"data": {
"meta": {
"has_more": true,
"after_cursor": "xxx",
"before_cursor": "yyy"
"links": {
"next": "[size]=100&page[after]=xxx",
"prev": "[size]=100&page[before]=yyy"
"sections": [
"category_id": 888887,
"description": "This section contains articles on flight instruments",
"id": 35467,
"locale": "en-us",
"name": "Avionics"
"category_id": 887285,
"description": "This section contains weather resources for pilots",
"id": 36169,
"locale": "en-us",
"name": "Weather"

List Tickets

List all Tickets | key: listTickets

"data": [
"assignee_id": 235323,
"collaborator_ids": [
"created_at": "2009-07-20T22:55:29Z",
"custom_fields": [
"id": 27642,
"value": "745"
"id": 27648,
"value": "yes"
"custom_status_id": 123,
"description": "The fire is very colorful.",
"due_at": null,
"external_id": "ahg35h3jh",
"follower_ids": [
"from_messaging_channel": false,
"group_id": 98738,
"has_incidents": false,
"id": 35436,
"organization_id": 509974,
"priority": "high",
"problem_id": 9873764,
"raw_subject": "{{dc.printer_on_fire}}",
"recipient": "",
"requester_id": 20978392,
"satisfaction_rating": {
"comment": "Great support!",
"id": 1234,
"score": "good"
"sharing_agreement_ids": [
"status": "open",
"subject": "Help, my printer is on fire!",
"submitter_id": 76872,
"tags": [
"type": "incident",
"updated_at": "2011-05-05T10:38:52Z",
"url": "",
"via": {
"channel": "web"

List Tickets Assigned To User

List all of the tickets that have been assigned to a particular user | key: listTicketsToUser

"data": [
"assignee_id": 235323,
"collaborator_ids": [
"created_at": "2009-07-20T22:55:29Z",
"custom_fields": [
"id": 27642,
"value": "745"
"id": 27648,
"value": "yes"
"custom_status_id": 123,
"description": "The fire is very colorful.",
"due_at": null,
"external_id": "ahg35h3jh",
"follower_ids": [
"from_messaging_channel": false,
"group_id": 98738,
"has_incidents": false,
"id": 35436,
"organization_id": 509974,
"priority": "high",
"problem_id": 9873764,
"raw_subject": "{{dc.printer_on_fire}}",
"recipient": "",
"requester_id": 20978392,
"satisfaction_rating": {
"comment": "Great support!",
"id": 1234,
"score": "good"
"sharing_agreement_ids": [
"status": "open",
"subject": "Help, my printer is on fire!",
"submitter_id": 76872,
"tags": [
"type": "incident",
"updated_at": "2011-05-05T10:38:52Z",
"url": "",
"via": {
"channel": "web"

List Tickets Requested By User

List all of the tickets that a particular user has requested | key: listTicketsByUser

"data": [
"assignee_id": 235323,
"collaborator_ids": [
"created_at": "2009-07-20T22:55:29Z",
"custom_fields": [
"id": 27642,
"value": "745"
"id": 27648,
"value": "yes"
"custom_status_id": 123,
"description": "The fire is very colorful.",
"due_at": null,
"external_id": "ahg35h3jh",
"follower_ids": [
"from_messaging_channel": false,
"group_id": 98738,
"has_incidents": false,
"id": 35436,
"organization_id": 509974,
"priority": "high",
"problem_id": 9873764,
"raw_subject": "{{dc.printer_on_fire}}",
"recipient": "",
"requester_id": 20978392,
"satisfaction_rating": {
"comment": "Great support!",
"id": 1234,
"score": "good"
"sharing_agreement_ids": [
"status": "open",
"subject": "Help, my printer is on fire!",
"submitter_id": 76872,
"tags": [
"type": "incident",
"updated_at": "2011-05-05T10:38:52Z",
"url": "",
"via": {
"channel": "web"

List Topic Subscriptions

List all Topic subscriptions in the Help Center. | key: listTopicSubscriptions

"data": {
"meta": {
"has_more": true,
"after_cursor": "xxx",
"before_cursor": "yyy"
"links": {
"next": "[size]=100&page[after]=xxx",
"prev": "[size]=100&page[before]=yyy"
"subscriptions": [
"content_id": 8748733,
"id": 35467,
"locale": "en",
"user_id": 888887

List Topics

Retrieve a list of topics from the Help Center. | key: listTopics

"data": {
"meta": {
"has_more": true,
"after_cursor": "xxx",
"before_cursor": "yyy"
"links": {
"next": "[size]=100&page[after]=xxx",
"prev": "[size]=100&page[before]=yyy"
"topics": [
"html_url": "https://{subdomain}",
"id": 10,
"name": "Using Help Center - Tips & Tricks",
"url": "https://{subdomain}"
"html_url": "https://{subdomain}",
"id": 11,
"name": "Using Help Center - Getting Started Guide",
"url": "https://{subdomain}"

List Triggers

List workflow triggers | key: listTriggers

List Users

List all Users | key: listUsers

"data": [
"id": 223443,
"name": "Johnny Agent"
"id": 8678530,
"name": "James A. Rosen"

List Webhooks

List webhooks configured in Zendesk | key: listWebhooks

Raw Request

Send raw HTTP request to Zendesk | key: rawRequest

The Raw Request action allows you to interact with API endpoints that are not covered by other actions. For example, if you want to list groups, which as an endpoint of /api/v2/groups, you can enter /groups as the endpoint and select the GET verb.

Search Articles

Search for articles in the Help Center. | key: searchArticles

Search Posts

Search posts in the Help Center. | key: searchPosts

Search Users

Returns an array of users who meet the search criteria. | key: searchUsers

"data": {
"users": [
"id": 35436,
"name": "Robert Jones",
"notes": "sigil issue"
"id": 9873843,
"name": "Terry Gilliam"

Show Ticket

Get the information and metadata of a ticket by Id | key: showTicket

Show User

Get the information and metadata of a user by Id | key: showUser

Search for knowledge base articles, community posts, and external records in the Help Center. | key: unifiedSearch

Update Article

Update an existing Article's Metadata in the Help Center. | key: updateArticle

"data": {
"article": {
"author_id": 3465,
"comments_disabled": true,
"content_tag_ids": [
"id": 37486578,
"locale": "en_us",
"permission_group_id": 123,
"position": 42,
"promoted": false,
"title": "Article title",
"user_segment_id": 12

Update Category

Update a category in the Help Center. | key: updateCategory

"data": {
"category": {
"description": "This category contains a collection of Super Hero tricks",
"id": 37486578,
"locale": "en-us",
"name": "Super Hero Tricks"

Update Post

Update a post in the Help Center. | key: updatePost

"data": {
"post": {
"author_id": 888887,
"content_tag_ids": [
"featured": true,
"id": 35467,
"title": "Post title"

Update Section

Update section in the Help Center. | key: updateSection

"data": {
"section": {
"description": "This section contains articles on flight instruments",
"id": 3457836,
"locale": "en-us",
"name": "Avionics",
"position": 2

Update Ticket

Update the information and metadata of a ticket by Id | key: updateTicket

Update Topic

Update a topic in the Help Center. | key: updateTopic

"data": {
"topic": {
"name": "How to make fish stew",
"id": 37486578,
"description": "A guide to making the perfect fish stew"

Update User

Update the information and metadata of a user by Id | key: updateUser

Updating a user's 'User Role' from a end-user to administrator may cause a failed execution. For more information refer to the user permissions guide in the Zendesk docs.