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Aspose Component

Aspose is a robust file manipulation service that can manage various document and image file formats. Use the Aspose component to create, edit, process, and convert file formats from several languages, and several platforms.

Component key: aspose


Aspose is a robust file manipulation service that can manage various document and image file formats. Use the Aspose component to create, edit, process, and convert file formats from several languages, and several platforms.

Use the Aspose component to manage files and convert documents to various file types.

API Documentation: Aspose Words Cloud API Reference, Asopse PDF Cloud


Aspose Connection

In order to use the apiKey connection of Aspose, you need to provide both the client_id and client_secret from your Aspose's application. To access the Aspose's REST API, you need to create an application. To register new applications, login into the Aspose Developer Dashboard site using your Aspose Account, and go to the Applicaitons view. Once you create a new application, Aspose will issue a client_id and client_secret.


Convert Cloud Storage Document

Converts a document in cloud storage to the specified format. | key: convertCloudStorageDocument

Output Example Payload

"data": {}

Convert Diagram

Converts document from the request's content to the specified format. | key: convertDiagram

Output Example Payload

"data": "<binary data of diagram converted>"

Convert HTML to PDF

Converts HTML file in storage to PDF format. | key: convertHtmlToPdf

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"Code": 200,
"Status": "OK"

Convert Local Document

Converts a document on a local drive to the specified format. | key: convertLocalDocument

Output Example Payload

"data": "<binary data of file converted>"

Convert PDF to DOC

Converts PDF document to DOC format. | key: convertPdfToDoc

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"Code": 200,
"Status": "OK"

Convert PDF to HTML

Converts a PDF to HTML format. | key: convertPdfToHtml

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"Code": 200,
"Status": "OK"

Copy File

Copies a file. | key: copyFile

Output Example Payload

"data": null

Copy Folder

Copies a folder. | key: copyFolder

Output Example Payload

"data": null

Create Document

Creates a new document in cloud storage in the format, determined by the file extension. All save format extensions are supported. | key: createDocument

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"StatusCode": 200,
"Status": "OK"

Create Folder

Creates a folder. | key: createFolder

Output Example Payload

"data": null

Delete File

Deletes a file. | key: deleteFile

Output Example Payload

"data": null

Delete Folder

Deletes a folder. | key: deleteFolder

Output Example Payload

"data": null

Download File

Downloads a file. | key: downloadFile

Output Example Payload

"data": "<binary data of file downloaded>",
"headers": {
"statusCode": 200

Get Diagram

Exports the document into the specified format. | key: getDiagram

Output Example Payload

"data": "<binary data of diagram downloaded>"

Get Document

Reads common information from the document. | key: getDocument

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"Document": {
"Links": [
"Href": "",
"Rel": "self"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/msword",
"Title": "Download as DOC"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/msword",
"Title": "Download as DOT"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
"Title": "Download as DOCX"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/",
"Title": "Download as DOCM"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template",
"Title": "Download as DOTX"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/",
"Title": "Download as DOTM"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
"Title": "Download as FLATOPC"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/rtf",
"Title": "Download as RTF"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "text/xml",
"Title": "Download as WML"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text",
"Title": "Download as ODT"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template",
"Title": "Download as OTT"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "text/plain",
"Title": "Download as TXT"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "multipart/related",
"Title": "Download as MHTML"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/epub+zip",
"Title": "Download as EPUB"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/pdf",
"Title": "Download as PDF"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/",
"Title": "Download as XPS"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/oxps",
"Title": "Download as OPENXPS"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/postscript",
"Title": "Download as PS"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "image/tiff",
"Title": "Download as TIFF"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "image/png",
"Title": "Download as PNG"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "image/jpeg",
"Title": "Download as JPEG"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "image/bmp",
"Title": "Download as BMP"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "image/gif",
"Title": "Download as GIF"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "image/emf",
"Title": "Download as EMF"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "image/eps",
"Title": "Download as EPS"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "image/svg+xml",
"Title": "Download as SVG"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "text/html",
"Title": "Download as HTML"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "text/html",
"Title": "Download as HTMLFIXED"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/x-pcl",
"Title": "Download as PCL"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "text/markdown",
"Title": "Download as MD"
"FileName": "testPdf.docx",
"SourceFormat": "Docx",
"IsEncrypted": false,
"IsSigned": false,
"DocumentProperties": {
"Link": {
"Href": "",
"Rel": "self"
"RequestId": "Root=1-65dfb304-6d7ffbc37ba1bebb44f6103c"

Get Files List

Get all files and folders within a folder. | key: getFilesList

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"Value": [
"Name": "file1",
"Path": "path1",
"IsFolder": false,
"Size": 100,
"ModifiedDate": "2021-01-01"
"Name": "file2",
"Path": "path2",
"IsFolder": false,
"Size": 200,
"ModifiedDate": "2021-01-02"

Load Web Document

Downloads a document from the web using URL and saves it to cloud storage in the specified format. | key: loadWebDocument

Output Example Payload

"data": null,
"headers": {
"statusCode": 200

Move File

Moves a file. | key: moveFile

Output Example Payload

"data": null

Move Folder

Moves a folder. | key: moveFolder

Output Example Payload

"data": null

Save Diagram As

Converts document to destination format with detailed settings and saves result to storage. | key: saveDiagramAs

Output Example Payload

"data": "<binary data of file downloaded>"

Save Document As

Converts a document in cloud storage to the specified format. | key: saveDocumentAs

Output Example Payload

"data": null,
"headers": {
"statusCode": 200

Split Document

Splits a document into parts and saves them in the specified format. | key: splitDocument

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"SplitResult": {
"Pages": [
"Href": "",
"Rel": "page"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "page"
"ZippedPages": {
"Href": "/test/",
"Rel": "zippedpages"
"SourceDocument": {
"Href": "",
"Rel": "self"
"headers": {
"statusCode": 200

Upload File

Uploads a file. | key: uploadFile

Output Example Payload

"data": null