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GraphQL Component

Make GraphQL requests (queries and mutations) to a GraphQL-based API

Component key: graphql


The GraphQL component allows you to make requests to a GraphQL-based API.

API Documentation

For an further information in GraphQL please refer to the following guide: Introduction to GraphQL

GraphQL Authentication

You can use the built-in connection types to connect to a standard GraphQL API with basic auth, API key or OAuth 2.0. If the API that you're connecting to uses non-standard authentication (for example, it uses a header named X-API-Key), you can pass in authentication information through the header input.



If an API Key connection is supplied, an Authorization: Basic ${APIKEY} header is used in the HTTP request.

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

If an OAuth 2.0 connection are supplied, an Authorization: Bearer ${KEY} header is used in the HTTP request, where KEY is the client key that is fetched from the OAuth provider.

Basic Username/Password

If a Basic Auth connection is supplied, an Authorization: Basic ${base64(USERNAME:PASSWORD)} header is used in the HTTP request.

OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials


GraphQL Request

Issue a generic GraphQL request | key: graphqlRequest