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Prismatic Component

Interact with the Prismatic internal API

Component key: prismatic


This component allows you to communicate with Prismatic's GraphQL API. You can interact with your integrations, instances, flows, and more.

API Documentation

Please see the following guide for more information: Intro to Prismatic's GraphQL API


Prismatic Refresh Token

To start using the Prismatic component you need to use your authenticated prism client to call the prism me:token --type refresh command. Running this command will give you a refresh token, which you can use to make requests to the Prismatic API.

Now that you have your token, create a new Prismatic connection and enter the token you received from the Prism CLI.


Deploy Instance

Deploy an instance to production | key: deployInstance

Disable Instance

Disable an existing instance | key: disableInstnce

Get Current User

Get information about the current logged in user | key: getCurrentUser

Get Customer

Get a customer's information and metadata | key: getCustomer

Get Execution

Get the information and metadata of an execution | key: getExecution

Get Instance

Get the information and metadata of an existing instance | key: getInstance

Get Integration

Get the information and metadata of an integration | key: getIntegration

Import Integration

Import Integration | key: importIntegration

List Components

Returns a list of all the components published to your account | key: listComponents

List Customers

List all customers in an organization | key: listCustomers

List Flows

List all flows on an integration | key: listFlows

List Instances

List all instances | key: listInstances

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"status": 200,
"data": {
"instances": {
"pageInfo": {
"hasNextPage": false,
"hasPreviousPage": false,
"startCursor": "example",
"endCursor": "example"
"nodes": [
"id": "example",
"updatedAt": "2022-02-28T21:04:42.282103+00:00",
"labels": [
"Example Labels"
"name": "Test Instance",
"customer": {
"id": "example"

List Integrations

List all available integrations | key: listIntegrations

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"status": 200,
"data": {
"integrations": {
"nodes": [
"id": "example3843985702395",
"labels": [
"Example Labels"
"avatarUrl": "",
"name": "example",
"createdAt": "2022-02-28T20:52:49.763944+00:00",
"category": null,
"allowRemove": true,
"actions": {
"nodes": [
"id": "r80837409928349uf2309f3"
"flows": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"id": "28y9483f893dwe"

Publish Integration Version

Publish a new version of an existing integration | key: publishIntegration

Raw GraphQL Request

Send raw GraphQL request to Prismatic | key: rawRequest

Test Flow

Test an existing integration flow | key: testFlow

Update Instance

Update an existing instance | key: updateInstance

Update Integration

Update the information and metadata of an integration | key: updateIntegration