Microsoft Power BI Component
Interact with and modify Power BI datasets
Component key: ms-power-biDescription
Microsoft Power BI is a Microsoft data visualization and business analytics service. This component allows you to interact with datasets and update data schemas.
OAuth 2.0
The Microsoft Power BI component authenticates requests through the Microsoft Graph API. To configure OAuth 2.0 you must first create an application through Active Directory in the Microsoft Azure portal. For more information regarding authenticating against the Microsoft Graph API refer to Microsoft's documentation.
Next, supply the following values to the OAuth 2.0 connection in your integration within Prismatic:
- For Client ID and Client Secret enter the values that you got from the Microsoft Azure Portal.
- For Scopes choose from the options found on the Microsoft Graph API documentation
- For Authorize URL and Token URL you will need to identify your Azure Tenant ID to include in the URLs or configure your app for multi-tenant which allows using the
Refer to the Microsoft Power BI REST API documentation for more information.
Create Dataset
Creates a new dataset on 'My Workspace' | key: createDataset
Create Rows
Adds new data rows to the specified table within the specified dataset from 'My Workspace' | key: createRow
Delete Rows
Deletes all rows from the specified table within the specified dataset from 'My Workspace' | key: deleteRows
List Datasets
Returns a list of datasets from 'My Workspace' | key: listDatasets
List Groups
Returns a list of workspaces the user has access to | key: listGroups
List Reports
Returns a list of reports from 'My Workspace' | key: listReports
List Tables
Returns a list of tables tables within the specified dataset from 'My Workspace' | key: listTables
Raw Request
Send raw HTTP request to Microsoft Power BI | key: rawRequest
Update Table
Updates the metadata and schema for the specified table within the specified dataset from 'My Workspace' | key: updateTable