Google Drive Component
Manage files in Google Drive
Component key: google-driveDescription
Google Drive is Google's cloud storage for work and home. This component allows you to create, copy, download, update, list, and delete files stored in a Google Drive Account.
Documentation for the Node.js client used in this component can be found at
A common integration pattern involves listing files in a file store, and performing a series of actions on the array of files that are returned. See our looping over files quickstart for information about how to create a loop over an array of files.
Tracking Changes in Google Drive
To track changes within Google Drive, use the List Changes action. You can either run List Changes on a schedule with a schedule trigger (for example, check for changes every 5 minutes), or you can use Google Drive's change API to receive notifications in real time when changes occur.
For an example of how to use webhooks with Google Drive, import this example integration available on GitHub.
The Google Drive component authenticates requests through the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) OAuth 2.0 service. You'll need to create a GCP OAuth 2.0 app so your integration can authenticate and perform Google Drive tasks on your customers' behalf.
To create a Google Drive OAuth 2.0 app, first make sure you have a Google Developer account - you can sign up at Then:
- Open up the Google Drive API console -
- Click CREATE PROJECT if you would like to create a new GCP project, or select an existing project.
- You will be prompted to enable Google Drive API for your project. Click ENABLE.
- On the sidebar, select Credentials.
- An OAuth 2.0 app includes a "Consent Screen" (the page that asks "Do you want to allow (Your Company) to access Google Drive on your behalf?"). Click CONFIGURE CONSENT SCREEN.
- Your app will be externally available to your customers, so choose a User Type of External.
- Fill out the OAuth consent screen with an app name (your company or product's name), support email, app logo, domain, etc.
- You can ignore domains for now.
- On the next page, add the scope
. - Enter some test users for your testing purposes. Your app will only work for those testing users until it is "verified" by Google. When you are ready for verification (they verify your privacy policy statement, etc), click PUBLISH APP on the OAuth consent screen. That'll allow your customers to authorize your integration to access their Google Drive.
- Once your "Consent Screen" is configured open the Credentials page from the sidebar again.
- Click +CREATE CREDENTIALS and select OAuth client ID.
- Under Application type select Web application.
- Under Authorized redirect URIs enter Prismatic's OAuth 2.0 callback URL:
- Click CREATE.
- Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret that are generated.
Make sure to publish your OAuth 2.0 app after you've tested it so users outside of your test users can authorize your integration to interact with Google Drive on their behalf.
Now that you have a Client ID and Client Secret, add Google Drive step to your integration in Prismatic.
Open the Configuration Wizard Designer by clicking Configuration Wizard, select your Google Drive Connection and enter your client ID and secret.
You will probably want to keep the default Google Drive scope,
Push Notification Webhook
Receive and validate webhook requests from Google Drive for webhooks you configure. | key: pushNotificationWebhook
"payload": {
"headers": {
"Accept": "*/*",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
"Host": "",
"User-Agent": "APIs-Google; (+",
"X-Amz-Cf-Id": "_K9KZtNN78sy1aygl3nJuQ4OoMh65STAsLFsPGENcnm_l68C112345==",
"X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-64931762-5665c8324c471b204f212345",
"X-Goog-Channel-Expiration": "Wed, 21 Jun 2023 16:28:01 GMT",
"X-Goog-Channel-ID": "7f0419cf-5477-4bd5-bc86-2aa36af12345",
"X-Goog-Message-Number": "96035",
"X-Goog-Resource-ID": "jkkJZYhd8PPV6-Xto6QIo112345",
"X-Goog-Resource-State": "change",
"X-Goog-Resource-URI": ""
"queryParameters": null,
"rawBody": {
"data": null,
"contentType": "application/octet-stream"
"body": {
"data": null,
"contentType": "application/octet-stream"
"pathFragment": "",
"webhookUrls": {
"Flow 1": ""
"webhookApiKeys": {
"Flow 1": [
"invokeUrl": "",
"executionId": "SW5zdGFuY2VFeGVjdXRpb25SZXN1bHQ6MGRlZjk2ZjYtYzhhOS00MDgzLWJlOTUtZmIwZDMzNDQ12345",
"customer": {
"id": "testCustomerId",
"name": "Test Customer",
"externalId": "testCustomerExternalId"
"instance": {
"id": "testInstanceId",
"name": "Test Instance"
"user": {
"id": "testUserId",
"email": "",
"name": "Test User",
"externalId": "testUserExternalId"
Data Sources
List Files
Lists all available files | key: selectFiles | type: picklist
List Folders
Lists all available directories | key: selectFolder | type: picklist
Select Drive
Select a drive | key: selectDrive | type: picklist
Copy File
Copy a file by file id | key: copyFile
"data": {
"name": "example",
"description": "example"
Create File
Create a new file with content and metadata | key: createFile
"data": {
"kind": "drive#file",
"id": "id_example",
"name": "example",
"mimeType": "example",
"description": "example"
Create Folder
Create a directory file | key: createFolder
"data": {
"name": "example",
"description": "example"
Create Webhook for Drive
Create a webhook to receive notifications of changes with a Google Drive | key: createDriveWebhook
Create Webhook for File or Folder
Create a webhook to receive notifications of changes for a file or folder | key: createFileWebhook
Delete File
Delete a file by file id | key: deleteFile
Delete Webhook
Stop a webhook channel from sending notifications | key: deleteWebhook
Empty Trash
Empty the trash of deleted files | key: emptyTrash
Get About
Gets information about the user's Drive, and system capabilities | key: getAbout
"data": {
"user": {
"displayName": "example",
"emailAddress": "",
"kind": "example"
Get Current User
Get the information and metadata of the user that is currently logged in | key: getCurrentUser
"data": {
"kind": "drive#user",
"displayName": "Example User",
"photoLink": "",
"me": true,
"permissionId": "12345678901234567890",
"emailAddress": ""
Get File
Gets a file's metadata and content by ID. | key: getFile
"data": {
"type": "Buffer",
"data": [
"contentType": "application/octet"
List Changes
List changes made to files in your Google Drive since the last time this step ran (up to 1000) | key: listChanges
The first time this action runs, it takes note of the current pageToken
returned by Google, and returns no changes.
Subsequent runs of this step use that pageToken
to determine what has changed since the last time this step ran.
"data": {
"kind": "drive#changeList",
"newStartPageToken": "247040",
"changes": [
"kind": "drive#change",
"removed": false,
"file": {
"kind": "drive#file",
"mimeType": "image/png",
"id": "14FSE_ESVGWta4XlzWGHVm0VultNS-1uO",
"name": "example.png"
"fileId": "14FSE_ESVGWta4XlzWGHVm0VultNS-1uO",
"time": "2022-09-20T21:36:23.687Z",
"type": "file",
"changeType": "file"
"instanceState": {
"example-step-id": "example-new-page-token"
List Drives
List all drives | key: listDrives
List File's Export Types
List the available export types of a file by ID. | key: listExportTypes
"data": [
List Files
Lists all available files and directories | key: listFiles
"data": {
"files": [
"name": "example",
"description": "example"
List Folders
Lists all available directories | key: listFolders
"data": {
"files": [
"name": "example",
"description": "example"
Move File
Move a file by file ID | key: moveFile
"data": {
"name": "example",
"description": "example"
Raw Request
Send raw HTTP request to Google Drive | key: rawRequest
Search Files
Search for an existing file by Name | key: searchFiles
Search Folders
Search for an existing directory by Name | key: searchFolders
"data": {
"files": [
"name": "example",
"description": "example"
Update File
Updates a file's content by file id | key: updateFile
"data": {
"kind": "drive#file",
"id": "id_example",
"name": "example",
"mimeType": "example",
"description": "example"