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Defines attributes of a Flow of a Code-Native Integration.

Type parameters

TConfigPages: ConfigPages‹TComponents›

TComponents: ComponentSelector‹any›

TTriggerPayload: TriggerPayload


  • Flow




Optional description

description? : undefined | string

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/IntegrationDefinition.ts:98

Optional description for this Flow.

Optional endpointSecurityType

endpointSecurityType? : EndpointSecurityType

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/IntegrationDefinition.ts:106

Optional security configuration to use for the endpoint of this Flow. @default EndpointSecurityType.CustomerOptional

Optional errorConfig

errorConfig? : StepErrorConfig

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/IntegrationDefinition.ts:112

Optional error handling configuration.

Optional isSynchronous

isSynchronous? : undefined | false | true

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/IntegrationDefinition.ts:102

Optional value that specifies whether this Flow is synchronous. @default false


name: string

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/IntegrationDefinition.ts:94

The unique name for this Flow.


onExecution: ActionPerformFunction‹object, ExtractConfigVars‹TConfigPages›, false, ActionPerformReturn‹false, unknown››

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/IntegrationDefinition.ts:133

Specifies the main function for this Flow

Optional onInstanceDelete

onInstanceDelete? : TriggerEventFunctionInputs, ExtractConfigVars‹TConfigPages››

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/IntegrationDefinition.ts:128

Specifies the function to execute when an Instance of an Integration is deleted.

Optional onInstanceDeploy

onInstanceDeploy? : TriggerEventFunctionInputs, ExtractConfigVars‹TConfigPages››

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/IntegrationDefinition.ts:123

Specifies the function to execute when an Instance of this Integration is deployed.

Optional onTrigger

onTrigger? : ToComponentReferences‹"trigger", TComponents, TConfigPages› | TriggerPerformFunctionInputs, ExtractConfigVars‹TConfigPages›, false, TriggerResult‹false, TTriggerPayload››

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/IntegrationDefinition.ts:114

Specifies the trigger function for this Flow, which returns a payload and optional HTTP response.

Optional organizationApiKeys

organizationApiKeys? : string[]

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/IntegrationDefinition.ts:108

Optional list of API key(s) to use for the endpoint of this Flow when the endpoint security type is EndpointSecurityType.Organization.

Optional preprocessFlowConfig

preprocessFlowConfig? : PreprocessFlowConfig

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/IntegrationDefinition.ts:100

Optional Preprocess Flow configuration for when the result of this Flow contains the flow routing attributes. Only one Flow per Integration may define this.

Optional retryConfig

retryConfig? : RetryConfig

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/IntegrationDefinition.ts:104

Optional Retry Configuration for this Flow.

Optional schedule

schedule? : ValueReference‹string, TConfigPages› & object

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/IntegrationDefinition.ts:110

Optional schedule configuration that defines the frequency with which this Flow will be automatically executed.


stableKey: string

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/IntegrationDefinition.ts:96

A unique, unchanging value that is used to maintain identity for the Flow even if the name changes.