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Hosting Options

Why use multiple regions?

There are many reasons that a company might choose to host Prismatic integrations in multiple regions:

  • They need to adhere to GDPR, keeping EU-based customers' data in the EU, and US-based customers' data in the US
  • They have CJIS or ITAR requirements and need to keep customer data in GovCloud, but would like to test integrations in commercial
  • They need low latency between their app and Prismatic, so host certain integrations in Australia or the EU
  • They might host Prismatic in a private cloud to fulfil customer requirements

Whatever the reason, if you host integrations in multiple Prismatic stacks you need to keep your components and integrations in sync between regions.

Logging in to additional regions

Prismatic's public regions are accessible through the following URLs:

StackApp URL
US Commercial (Ohio)
US GovCloud
Europe (Ireland)
Europe (London)
Canada (Central)
Australia (Sydney)

If your enterprise contract includes a private cloud deployment, see Prismatic support for your endpoint URL.

Access to additional regions

By default, new Prismatic accounts are added to the US Commercial (Ohio) region, Access to additional regions can be enabled by Prismatic for enterprise customers whose contracts include additional regions.

Users need to be added to each region

User authentication spans across all regions, so you can use the same email and password to log in to each region. However, user data is not shared across regions. Once your organization has been enabled by Prismatic support in an additional region, you will need to invite your team members to the new region in order for them to log in to your tenant.

Logging in to additional regions with Prism

The prism CLI tool interacts with the US Commercial region by default. In order to interact with an additional region, set a PRISMATIC_URL environment variable with the endpoint of the region you want:

Log in to US and then EU stacks from a Unix-based terminal
$ prism login
Press any key to open in your default browser:
Login complete!

$ prism me
Name: John Doe
Organization: Example Corp - US Region
Endpoint URL:

$ prism login
Press any key to open in your default browser:
Login complete!

$ prism me
Name: John Doe
Organization: Example Corp - EU Region
Endpoint URL:

Note: If you are using PowerShell on a Windows machine, you can set an environment variable with this syntax:


If you use prism on a headless system (like a CI/CD pipeline or when running automated scripts), you will need to generate a refresh token. See docs on Headless prism Usage.

Syncing integrations between regions

Behind the scenes, an integration is saved as a YAML definition that outlines the flows, steps, configuration and config variables that make up the integration. Integrations can be copied between regions by downloading an integration's YAML definition from one region, and importing the YAML file into another region.

Exporting an integration's YAML definition

To access an integration's YAML definition from the integration builder, click Integration Details gear icon on the left side of the integration designer and then select Save to file.

To access an integration's YAML definition using prism, identify the integration's ID by running prism integrations:list --extended, or by copying the SW5..... portion of your integration's URL when you have it open. Then, run prism integrations:export:

Save an integration's YAML definition to my-file.yaml
prism integrations:export SW50ZWdyYXRpb246YmE0NGU5NmQtYWMzOS00MDMxLTg4MmUtMWQyNzA5ZjY5MDg0 > my-file.yaml
Component Versions Across Regions

Component versions may not be consistent between regions. For example, you might publish an "Acme Inc" component 50 times during testing on the US Commercial stack, and only twice on your Europe tenant. In that case, "v50" in the US stack would correspond to "v2" in the Europe stack. A YAML file that specifies "Acme Inc v50" would mean nothing to the Europe stack.

To avoid version mismatches, export your YAML definition using the Save to file with latest component versions button in the UI, or by adding the --latest-components flag to your prism command:

prism integrations:export --latest-components SW50Z...

When you import your integration in another region, the latest versions of each component will be used.

Loading an integration's YAML definition

Once you have the YAML definition of your integration, you can import the integration through the UI or using prism. In the integration designer, you can open up the Integration details modal once again, and then time select Import. Using prism, run prism integrations:import --path ./my-file.yaml to import your YAML file.

Troubleshooting: If you get any errors, ensure that the custom components that you used in your source stack are also deployed to your destination stack. You may have an older version of your custom component that is missing some actions, inputs, etc.

Use caution when importing integrations where config variable or flow names have changed

If you have renamed a config variable or flow, be sure that your YAML definition contains a renameAttributes section that maps the old name to the new name. See full documentation here.

Syncing components between regions

When you publish a component, the component is published to a single region. If you would like to publish a built component to multiple regions, you will need to log in to each region and run prism components:publish.

Alternatively, you can store a refresh token for each region. Then, you can push the component to whichever region you like:

Publish a component to multiple regions
# Publish to default US commercial region
prism components:publish

# Publish to EU with inline environment variables
PRISM_REFRESH_TOKEN=your-eu-refresh-token PRISMATIC_URL= prism components:publish

# Publish to GovCloud by exporting environment variables
export PRISM_REFRESH_TOKEN=your-govcloud-refresh-token
prism components:publish

Note that component versions increment independently in each region. If you've published your custom component 50 times to US Commercial, and 10 versions to the Sydney region, the same component code will be seen as v50 and v10 respectively.

Building multi-region deployment into a CI/CD pipeline

If you would like to develop integrations and custom components in one tenant, and automatically deploy them to another, you can save your custom component code and integration YAML in a version control system (like a git repo), and configure a CI/CD pipeline to automatically deploy new versions of components and integrations when code passes QA and is merged to your production branch.

Because integrations are dependent on components, build and publish your components first, and then update your integrations. See above for information on publishing components in several regions.

Once components are published, you can use the same prism authentication you used for components to import integrations. The prism integrations:import command will return an integration ID (SW50Z....). Using that integration ID, you can publish a new version of your integration:

prism integrations:publish SW50Z... --comment "My publication comment"

The integrations:publish command will return an integration version ID (SW50Z...). You can use that ID along with the updateInstance GraphQL mutation to update deployed instances to the latest published version of your integration.