Two types of users can log into Prismatic systems:
Organization users are team members who work at your company. They are responsible for building, deploying, and supporting integrations for your customers. They might include your developers, devops engineers, project managers, support technicians, etc.
Organization users have permission to view information about your customers and their users, instances, and alert monitors. Depending on their role, some organization users have permission to manage customer resources, as well.
A full list of organization team member permissions can be found below.
Customer users are users at your customers' sites. Customer users' permissions are limited in scope. They can view and manage users and the instances of integrations that have been deployed to them, but they cannot view your other customers' resources.
Customer users can be granted permission to update instance configuration, so they can modify config variables and credentials tied to an instance on their own without requiring your direct support.
Organization users
Organization users are team members who work at your company. They are responsible for building, deploying, and supporting integrations for your customers, and can be granted a set of permissions based on the role they are assigned.
Organization team member roles
Organization users can be granted a variety of roles:
- An organization owner is a super-user, and can manage all aspects of an organization (users, customers, integrations, billing, etc.).
- An organization admin has all the permissions of an owner, except the ability to make changes to the organization and manage billing. This role is generally granted to user management teams (like your IT team).
- An organization integrator can manage customers, integrations, and instances. Most developers, DevOps, implementation technicians, etc., will have this role.
- An organization guest is a read-only user who can view information about customer instances, but cannot modify anything. This is a good role for a support technician who needs to view logs, but shouldn't necessarily be able to modify instance configuration.
- An organization customer manager has limited permissions and can manage customers, but cannot view or manage their instances. This is a good role for a support user who should not have access to customers' instance configuration.
- An organization third-party user is used when you are integrating with a third-party app or service and would like to grant limited access to a user from that third-party to specific integrations, components, or customers. The third-party role is described in more detail below.
Owner | Admin | Integrator | Guest | Customer Manager | Third-Party | |
View Customers | x | x | x | x | x | ? |
View Customer Users | x | x | x | x | x | |
View Customer Instances | x | x | x | x | ||
View Alert Monitors | x | x | x | x | ||
Manage Customers | x | x | x | x | ||
Manage Customer Users | x | x | x | x | ||
Manage Components | x | x | x | ? | ||
Manage Instances | x | x | x | ? | ||
Manage Integrations | x | x | x | ? | ||
Manage Organization Users | x | x | ||||
Configure Embedded Themes | x | x | ||||
Manage Embedded Settings | x | x | ||||
Configure Log Streaming | x | x | ||||
Manage Organization | x | |||||
Manage Billing | x |
Managing organization users
Only organization users with admin or owner roles can manage organization users.
To manage organization users in the web app, click Settings on the left-hand sidebar, and select the Team Members tab.
Listing organization users
- Web App
Organization users are listed under the Team Members tab. You can filter what users are shown by typing the name of a user into the search bar on the top of the page. You can also filter by email address by clicking the Filter link to the right of the search bar.
Users can be listed via CLI through the organization:users:list
prism organization:users:list
Name Email
──────────────── ──────────────────────────
James Patton
Samantha Johnson
Ed Davis
Kristin Henry
Alex Cooper
List users by querying the users
field on organization:
query {
organization {
users {
nodes {
Adding organization users
- Web App
From the Team Members tab, click the + Add team member button in the upper-right. Select an appropriate role for the new user (see above for permissions), and provide a name and email address for the user.
Management of organization users is done through the prism organization:users
You can find role ID's of roles that you are allowed to grant through organization:users:roles
ROLE_ID=$(prism organization:users:roles \
--columns id \
--no-header \
--filter 'name=Integrator')
prism organization:users:create \
--email '' \
--name 'Susan Smith' \
--role ${ROLE_ID}
To create an organization user you will need to know the ID of the role you want to assign the user:
query listOrganizationRoles {
authenticatedUser {
grantableRoles(roleType: ORGANIZATION) {
Once you have that role ID, use the createOrganizationUser mutation to create a new organization user:
mutation {
input: {
name: "Susan Smith"
email: ""
role: "Um9sZTpmYzE0ODIwNC1mZmQxLTQxMWUtYmRlYS1iNmFmYzM4YmViOGE="
) {
user {
After creating the new user, they will receive a confirmation email with a link to set up their profile and set their password.
Changing an organization user's role, name, avatar picture or phone number
From the Team Members tab, click the name of a user. You can change the role of the user, or the user's name, phone number or avatar picture under the Details tab. After modifying a team member be sure to click Save to save your changes.
Deleting organization users
- Web App
From the Team Members tab, click the name of a user. Select the Details tab within that user's page and click the Delete user button on the bottom of the page. Enter the Confirmation text and click the Remove user button to confirm the removal.
USER_ID=$(prism organization:users:list \
--columns id \
--no-header \
--filter '')
prism organization:users:delete ${USER_ID}
To delete an organization team member, use the deleteUser mutation:
mutation {
input: { id: "VXNlcjpiMmNmNmY5MS1iMjljLTRlODUtOTc1My04NWE0NGM2ZDE2YzE=" }
) {
user {
Third-party users
It's often helpful and necessary to get people from third-party vendors involved as you build, test, and debug your integrations with them. Granting third-party vendors the ability to view and test specific integrations and components allows you to develop your integrations much faster and lets you, them, and your customers stay "on the same page" with regards to development progress and the flow of data between your systems.
Creating third-party users
Organization users with admin or owner permissions can create new organization-level users with the third-party role. This role is very limited in scope - by default third-party users can only edit their own profile information and view built-in components. They cannot view information about your custom components, integrations, or customers. Once the user is created, they can be granted additional permissions to interact with specific resources.
You can create a third-party user as you would any other organization-level user, by clicking Settings on the left-hand sidebar and then clicking + Add team member. Give the new user a role of Third-Party.
Granular access for third-party users
To grant access to specific resources, like integrations, custom components or customers, click Settings on the left-hand sidebar and then Team Members. Select the third-party user you would like to grant access to, and click into the Granular Access tab.
From here, you can grant the user access to specific integrations, components, or customers by clicking the + Add permission button on the top-right.
Integration access
The most common use case for third-party users is to allow a third-party vendor to view, and possibly edit and test an integration. That way, they can test invoking an integration in Prismatic from their third-party service and can verify that the data the integration receives is in the format you agreed upon.
Giving integration access to a third-party vendor also allows you to see what sort of attempts are being made on their end to make sure the integration works. You can view logs of each test a third-party vendor performs to give you a sense of how their side of the integration development is progressing, and if and when you jump on calls with your mutual customer and the third party, you can test and debug issues quickly (rather than relying on email chains that drag on for weeks).
To grant a third-party vendor access to a specific integration, select Integration from the + Add permission dialog, then search for and select the integration you want to give permissions for.
On the next screen select the types of permissions you would like to grant for that integration. If you would like the third-party user to be able to see the integration in their Integrations list view, select View Integration. If you would like the third-party user to be able to edit the integration, select Edit Integration.
The third party user will then be able to see the integration that they've been granted permission to see, but all other integrations will remain hidden from them. This is handy if you are integrating with multiple competing vendors - the third-party vendors cannot see one another's integrations (or even know they exist).
If you give a third-party user access to an integration that uses custom components, you must also grant them access to those custom components.
Component access
Similar to integrations, you can grant third-party users access to specific custom components. By default, third-party users have access to Prismatic built-in public components, but you may not want third-party vendors to see all of the custom components you've published (especially if you integrate with several competing vendors).
To grant a third-party user access to a custom component, select Component after opening the + Add permission dialog, and then search for and select the component you would like to grant access to.
You can grant a variety of component-related permissions to a third-party user. If they are assisting in the development of the custom component, they will need the Edit Component permission. Otherwise, to use the component in an integration they will just need the View Component permission.
Custom components that are not granted to a user are not visible. This is once again handy if you are integrating with several competing companies, or your own competitors - their users will not be able to see what other custom components you've published.
Customer access
You can grant a third-party user access to a specific customer. This is handy if you and another vendor share a customer in common, and are working on an integration together for that customer.
To grant permissions to a specific customer, select Customer after clicking + PERMISSION and then select the customer you'd like to grant permissions for.
Next, select the permissions on this customer you would like to grant. There are a variety of options, each with a description below them. You can elect to let the third-party user view or manage the customer, the customer's users, and the instances deployed to the customer.
Note that if you grant the View Customer permission on a customer to a third-party user, that user can view the customer's saved credentials.
Permissions are scoped to a specific customer. That way, if you are developing an integration with a competing software vendor they will not be able to view information about the other customers in your system.
Customer users
Customer users are users who work for your customers. They are granted permissions to manage only the users and instances of integrations that have been deployed to them.
Customer user roles
Customer users can be granted one of two roles:
- A customer admin can manage their users and the instances that have been deployed to them. Grant a customer user this role if you would like them to be able to deploy, modify, enable or disable instances of integrations deployed to them.
- A customer member is a read-only account that can view information about users and instances that have been deployed to them. This is a good role for customer users who should be able to view logs, but who shouldn't be permitted to modify instances.
- A customer that is created through an Embedded Marketplace is automatically assigned the marketplace admin role, and is permitted to deploy and manage integrations that are deployed to them. A marketplace user only has the ability to configure their own User level configuration for an instance. Note: marketplace users are not assigned credentials and cannot log in to Prismatic, except through the embedded integration marketplace.
Admin | Member | Marketplace Admin | Marketplace User | |
View Customer Users | x | x | ||
Manage Customer Users | x | |||
View Instances | x | x | x | |
View Instance Logs | x | x | x | |
Configure Instances | x | x | ||
Test Instances | x | x | ||
Configure ULC | x | x |
Managing customer users
Only customer users with the admin role or organization users with integrator, admin, or owner roles can manage customer users.
To manage customers users in the web app, click Customers on the left-hand sidebar, select a customer from that list and open the customer's Users tab.
If you are a customer user with the admin role, click the Team Members link on the left-hand sidebar to manage your users.
Listing customer users
- Web App
Users for a specific customer are listed on the main customer's Users tab. You can filter what users are shown by typing the name of a user into the search bar on the top of the page. You can also filter by email address by clicking the Filter link to the right of the search bar.
To list users with the Prismatic CLI tool, use the prism customers:users:list
# Get your customer's ID
CUSTOMER_ID=$(prism customers:list \
--columns=id \
--filter 'Name=^FTL Rockets$' \
# List that customer's users
prism customers:users:list --customer ${CUSTOMER_ID}
Name Email
─────────── ───────────────────────────
Jim Simms
Lisa Nguyen
Adding a customer user
- Web App
From the customer's Users tab, click the + User button in the upper-right. Select an appropriate role for the new user (see above for permissions), and provide a name and email address for the user.
To add a new customer, use the customers:users:create
You can use customers:list
to get a customer's ID, and customers:users:roles
to get a desired role ID.
# Get your customer's ID
CUSTOMER_ID=$(prism customers:list \
--columns=id \
--filter 'Name=^FTL Rockets$' \
# Get the ID of the "Admin" role
ROLE_ID=$(prism customers:users:roles \
--columns id \
--no-header \
--filter 'name=Admin')
# Create a user "Lisa Nguyen" that has the "Admin" role
prism customers:users:create \
--email '' \
--name 'Lisa Nguyen' \
--customer ${CUSTOMER_ID} \
--role ${ROLE_ID}
To create a new customer user, use the createCustomerUser mutation. You will need to know the ID of the role you want to assign the user, as well as the ID of the customer:
mutation {
input: {
name: "Lisa Nguyen"
email: ""
role: "Um9sZTplMTRlZjUzNC0yOTZiLTQ4MjAtYjhmNS1jZjQ1Zjg4N2I0YjM="
) {
user {
Changing a customer user's role, name, avatar picture or phone number
From the customer's Users tab, click the name of a user. Like organization users, you can change the role of a customer user under the Details tab. You can also change the user's name, avatar picture, or phone number under the Details tab.
Deleting a customer user
- Web App
From the specific customer's Users tab, click the name of a user. Open the Details tab, and click the Delete user button on the bottom of the page. Enter the Confirmation text and click the Remove user button to confirm the removal.
You can find the ID of the user to delete through the customers:users:list
subcommand, and can delete the user with the customers:users:delete
USER_ID=$(prism customers:users:list \
--columns id \
--no-header \
--filter '')
prism customers:users:delete ${USER_ID}
mutation {
input: { id: "VXNlcjpmYjFiNDMyZC0zN2Y5LTQyZTUtOTljNy1hNjc1ZWIzZGUyNTA=" }
) {
user {
Searching all customer users
You can search for users on a per-customer basis from the customer's Users tab. To search users of all customers, click the Users link on the left-hand sidebar. To search for a user by name, enter their name in the search bar on the top of the page. To search for a user by email, click the Filter link on the top of the page.
Managing your own user profile
You can update your name, password, phone number, avatar image, and light/dark mode preferences. Start by clicking your user avatar at the top-right side of the screen and then the User settings link. All user profile preferences are available in the Password and Details tabs.
Updating your password
After clicking your avatar at the top-right side of the screen and selecting User settings, open the Password tab. Enter your current password, and then select a new password. Your password must have:
- At least 8 characters
- At least one upper case letter
- At least one lower case letter
- At least one number
Resetting a forgotten password
If you have forgotten your password, navigate to If you are not logged out, do so by clicking your avatar at the top-right of the screen and selecting Logout.
Enter your email address, and then click Continue. Click the Forgot password? button and then click Continue again. You will be emailed a password reset link where you can create a new password.
Updating your name, avatar picture, or phone number
After clicking your avatar at the top-right of the screen, select the Details tab. You can alter your name or phone number from this screen. If you provide a phone number, it can be used by your team members for monitoring and alerting purposes. If you alter your avatar image, the image you upload will be resized and cropped to 500 x 500 pixels. Transparent PNG avatar images tend to look the best.
Setting light or dark mode
By default, the web app will present light or dark mode so that it matches your operating system settings. If you would like to override the light/dark mode setting, click your avatar at the top-right of the screen, and click the Light or Dark button as needed.
Light / dark mode settings follow your user, so if you set a preference on one computer, that preference will be remembered if you log in from another computer.
Syncing customer users to Prismatic programmatically
Similar to syncing customers programmatically, if you manage customer users in an external system you can sync those users to Prismatic programmatically. Though this tutorial is about syncing customers to Prismatic, the concepts are similar for syncing users: Syncing Customers to Prismatic.
To list customer users, use the users query, and give it the argument customer_Isnull: false
to indicate that you want customer users:
users(customer_Isnull: false) {
edges {
node {
To create new users, look up a customer's ID and the role that you want the user to have, and then invoke the createCustomerUser mutation along with the user's email
, name
, and optional phone
You can also specify an externalId
if you would like users in Prismatic to easily correspond to users in an external system.
To update customer users, use the updateUser mutation, and to delete a user use the deleteUser mutation.