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Installing the Embedded SDK

Installing Prismatic's SDK

To embed Prismatic in your app, you must include some Prismatic JavaScript code with your client application. You have two choices for how to incorporate that code: you can add the @prismatic-io/embedded NPM package to your web app Node.js project, or you can build the package from source and include it in your app through a <script> tag. We strongly recommend installing the SDK via NPM so that you have intellisense and TypeScript support.

You can view the source code for the Embedded NPM package on GitHub.

Installing embedded through NPM

Embedded NPM version

If your web application is written in Node.js, you can include Prismatic's JavaScript code as a Node.js import. Install the Prismatic Embedded Node.js package from NPM with npm or yarn:

npm install @prismatic-io/embedded

# or

yarn add @prismatic-io/embedded

Then, for any page that needs to invoke a prismatic.* function, include the @prismatic-io/embedded package at the top of the file:

import prismatic from "@prismatic-io/embedded";

Installing embedded with a script tag

We recommend installing embedded through NPM

Installing Embedded through the script tag is great for prototyping and testing, but for production use we recommend installing Embedded through NPM. The TypeScript NPM package gives you advanced features, like code completion and type safety.

To install the Prismatic SDK through a script tag, you will first need to build the @prismatic-io/embedded package. You will need Node.js installed on your machine.

Clone and build the Prismatic SDK
# Clone the @prismatic-io/embedded repository from GitHub
git clone prismatic-embedded

# Install node dependencies
cd prismatic-embedded
npm install

# Build the @prismatic-io/embedded package
npm run build

This will create a directory in prismatic-embedded/ called dist/, which contains index.js (along with some TypeScript files). You can copy that file into your app's static scripts directory and then include it in your HTML with a script tag:

<script src="/static/js/path/to/prismatic/index.js"></script>

Once the script has loaded, prismatic.* functions (described below) are available for you to use.

You can also pull down the built index.js file from a JavaScript CDN like UNKPG:

Initialize the Prismatic client

When Prismatic is embedded in your app, it's presented in an iframe that by default points to Prismatic's application URL (

To initialize the Prismatic client, run the init function:


If you use a custom white-label domain (something like, you can point the iframes that you embed your white-label domain instead. To do that, add this snippet of code:

Optional white-label iframe config
prismaticUrl: "",

Authenticating users

One big advantage of embedding the Prismatic marketplace or integration designer is that users don't need to be assigned an additional set of credentials to remember. They can log in to your application, and you can provide them with an authentication token that allows them to deploy Prismatic integrations. You do this by generating a JSON Web Token (JWT) that is signed by a unique private key that you get from Prismatic. The JWT contains information about the user from your system. When Prismatic is presented a signed JWT, the JWT signature is verified and the user is granted a customer role of Marketplace, which allows them to deploy integrations for their specific customer in Prismatic.

JWT signing keys

Before you can generate a JWT, you will need a valid signing key from Prismatic. Within Prismatic click on your organization name on the bottom of the left-hand sidebar, and then open the Embedded tab. Click the + Add signing Key button. Note: You must be an owner or admin to create a signing key.

You will be presented with a private signing key. Store this key somewhere safe - it's the key you'll use to validate that users are authenticated within your application.

Private keys are not stored in Prismatic

Prismatic does not store the private signing key that is generated, and only saves the last 8 characters so you can easily match up a private key you have with one in our system. Instead, we store the corresponding public key to verify signatures of JWTs you send. Save the private key that you generate somewhere safe. If it's ever compromised, or you lose it, you can deactivate old keys and generate a new one.

Importing your own private signing key

You can also import your own private signing key for embedded. The OpenSSL CLI tool is most commonly used for generating public/private keys pairs yourself:

# Generate a private key with 4096 bit encryption
openssl genrsa -out my-private-key.pem 4096

# Generate the corresponding public key
openssl rsa -in my-private-key.pem -pubout >

This will generate two files - a private key called my-private-key.pem and a public key called Your public key will look like this:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Import the public key using the prism CLI tool:

prism organization:signing-keys:import -p

Create and sign a JWT

Now that you have a signing key, you can create and sign a JSON web token (JWT). Your backend API (not your frontend) should generate a JWT for your users, and your frontend client should request a signed JWT from your backend API.

Do your JWT generation on the backend

Generate the JWT tokens on the backend. Baking JWT generation (including the signing key) into your frontend presents a security problem - someone with the signing key could sign their own JWT and pretend to be anyone.

Most programming languages that APIs are written in have a JWT library for generating tokens - see

The JWT that you generate for a user should have the following properties:

  • The header should indicate that it's HMAC with SHA-256 encrypted, and should read:
    "alg": "RS256",
    "typ": "JWT"
  • The private signing key you generated.
  • A payload with a few fields:
    • A unique user ID sub. This should generally be a UUID.
    • An optional external_id sets the external ID of the user in Prismatic. This generally matches the sub and represents the ID of the user in your system.
    • The user's name (optional)
    • Your organization ID, found on the Embedded tab where you generate signing certificates
    • The external ID of the customer the user belongs to
    • A signing time (current time) iat. This must be a number.
    • A role is only necessary for user level configuration (ULC). A role of "admin" gives the user the ability to deploy ULC instances. A role of "user" gives the user the ability to supply user configuration to an already deployed ULC instance. This value defaults to "admin".
    • An expiration time exp. This must be a number.
      Example JWT Payload
      "sub": "2E52B7CB-071B-4EA2-8E9D-F64910EBDBB1",
      "external_id": "2E52B7CB-071B-4EA2-8E9D-F64910EBDBB1",
      "name": "Phil Embedmonson",
      "organization": "T3JnYW5pemF0aW9uOmU5ZGVhZDU5LWU3YzktNDNkMi1hNjhhLWFhMjcyMzEyMTAxNw==",
      "customer": "abc-123",
      "role": "admin",
      "iat": 1631676917,
      "exp": 1631680517
Use unique identifiers as JWT subjects

The sub (subject) within the JWT identifies the user who is logged in to your system. The sub value can be any unique identifier - a UUID, email address, etc.

A customer user with that identifier will be created in Prismatic if it doesn't already exist, and will be granted permissions to configure and deploy instances to the customer they're assigned to (you assign the user to a customer in the examples below).

Here are a couple of code snippets for JavaScript and Python that would create a valid JWT to authenticate a user in Prismatic:

import jsonwebtoken from "jsonwebtoken";

This is for illustrative purposes only;
Obviously don't hard-code a signing key in your code.
const signingKey = `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END PRIVATE KEY-----`;

const currentTime = Math.floor( / 1000);

const token = jsonwebtoken.sign(
sub: "2E52B7CB-071B-4EA2-8E9D-F64910EBDBB1", // Some unique identifier for the user
external_id: "2E52B7CB-071B-4EA2-8E9D-F64910EBDBB1", // Generally matches sub
name: "Phil Embedmonson", // Optional
customer: "abc-123", // This is an external ID of a customer
iat: currentTime,
exp: currentTime + 60 * 60, // 1 hour from now
signingKey, // Store this somewhere safe
{ algorithm: "RS256" }

An example NextJS implementation of JWT generation is available in GitHub.

Use the JWT to authenticate the user

Now that a user in your application has a signed JWT from the backend, you can authenticate them with the Prismatic library using the prismatic.authenticate() function in your frontend application:

// Some function that fetches the JWT from your API:
const token = getJwtToken();

try {
await prismatic.authenticate({ token });
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Authentication failed with error ${error}`);

If your customer or organization ID in your JWT are incorrect, if your JWT is not signed correctly, or if the JWT is expired, prismatic.authenticate() will throw an error.

For an example React hook that wraps the prismatic.authenticate() function, see the GitHub.

Refreshing an embedded JWT

If a customer user's JWT expires, the customer user will see a 404 in their embedded iframe. To reauthenticate a user prior to expiration, ensure that your frontend app fetches a new token for your user and then run prismatic.authenticate({ token }) with the new token. Existing iframes and the embedded client will be updated to use the new token.

Renaming Integration and Marketplace

By default, the embedded integration marketplace is called "Marketplace", and a set of flows with a config wizard is called an "Integration". You may want to rename these top-level concepts. For example, your compnay might call an integration a "Solution" or a "Workflow".

To rename these concepts in the embedded marketplace and embedded designer, open the settings page by clicking your company on the bottom left, and then select the Embedded tab.

Your names for "integration" or "marketplace" will appear in the embeded marketplace and embedded designer.

If you need to translate these words and phrases into multiple languages, please consult the internationalization options in the i18n docs.

Embedding Prismatic without the SDK

While we strongly recommend using the Embedded SDK to embed the Prismatic marketplace, some frontend tech stacks disallow installation of Node modules. If your frontend tech stack requires that you write custom HTML and JavaScript, you can still embed the marketplace.

At its core, the embedded marketplace is an iframe of with a few query parameters:

  • jwt which you generate (see Authenticating Users above).
  • embedded which should have a value of "true"
  • theme which can be LIGHT or DARK

Before displaying the iframe, you must call the authentication endpoint,, with your customer's JWT. This will ensure that your JWT is valid, and that the associated customer user exists (a user will be created if they do not exist).

In this pure HTML/JS example, on page load we fetch a JWT for our user and then call the authenticate endpoint. Once we get a response, we set the src property of our iframe appropriately.

<script type="text/javascript">
addEventListener("load", (event) => {
const baseUrl = "";

// Replace this with a function that fetches the real JWT from an API:
const jwt = "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiI...";

// Send an authenticate request first to verify the JWT is valid.
// This will also create the embedded user if they don't already exist
fetch(`${baseUrl}/embedded/authenticate`, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${jwt}`,
mode: "no-cors", // Needed in some cases
.then((response) => {
// Construct an embedded marketplace URL with JWT
const embeddedUrl = new URL(`${baseUrl}/integration-marketplace/`);
embeddedUrl.searchParams.set("jwt", jwt);
embeddedUrl.searchParams.set("embed", "true");
embeddedUrl.searchParams.set("theme", "LIGHT");

// Set the iframe's src property to the constructed URL
const iframeElement = document.getElementById("my-embedded-iframe");
iframeElement.src = embeddedUrl.toString();
.catch((error) => {
alert(`An error occured when authenticating: ${error}`);
.embedded-iframe {
width: 100%;
height: 50vh;
<h1>Pure HTML Embed Example</h1>
<iframe id="my-embedded-iframe" class="embedded-iframe" src="about:blank">