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Used to represent a binary or serialized data branching return as content type must be specified

Type parameters







branch: string

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/ActionPerformReturn.ts:29

Name of the Branch to take.

Optional contentType

contentType? : undefined | string

Inherited from ActionPerformDataReturn.contentType

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/ActionPerformReturn.ts:6

The Content Type of the payload data

Optional crossFlowState

crossFlowState? : Record‹string, unknown›

Inherited from ActionPerformDataReturn.crossFlowState

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/ActionPerformReturn.ts:12

An optional object, the keys and values of which will be persisted in the crossFlowState and available in any flow for subsequent actions and executions


data: ReturnData

Inherited from

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/ActionPerformReturn.ts:4

Data payload containing data of the specified contentType

Optional error

error? : Record‹string, unknown›

Inherited from ActionPerformDataReturn.error

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/ActionPerformReturn.ts:20

A field populated by the Prismatic platform which may refer to an object that contains data about any error that resulted in failure.

Optional executionState

executionState? : Record‹string, unknown›

Inherited from ActionPerformDataReturn.executionState

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/ActionPerformReturn.ts:14

An optional object, the keys and values of which will be persisted in the executionState and available for the duration of the execution

Optional failed

failed? : undefined | false | true

Inherited from ActionPerformDataReturn.failed

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/ActionPerformReturn.ts:18

A field populated by the Prismatic platform which indicates whether the action failed with an error during execution.

Optional instanceState

instanceState? : Record‹string, unknown›

Inherited from ActionPerformDataReturn.instanceState

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/ActionPerformReturn.ts:10

An optional object, the keys and values of which will be persisted in the flow-specific instanceState and available for subsequent actions and executions

Optional integrationState

integrationState? : Record‹string, unknown›

Inherited from ActionPerformDataReturn.integrationState

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/ActionPerformReturn.ts:16

An optional object, the keys and values of which will be persisted in the integrationState and available in any flow of an Instance for any version of an Integration for subsequent actions and executions

Optional statusCode

statusCode? : undefined | number

Inherited from ActionPerformDataReturn.statusCode

Defined in packages/spectral/src/types/ActionPerformReturn.ts:8

The HTTP Status code that will be used if this terminates a synchronous invocation