Assign Technician to Appointment | Assigns the list of technicians to the appointment |
Unassign Technician to Appointment | Unassigns the list of technicians from the appointment |
List Appointment Assignment | Retrieve a list of appointment assignments |
Create Appointment | Adds a new appointment to an existing job |
Get Appointment | Retrieve an appointment by ID |
List Appointments | Retrieve a list of appointments |
Delete Appointment | Delete appointment by ID |
Create Booking by Provider | Create a booking |
Get Booking by Provider | Retrieve a booking by ID |
Get Booking by Tenant | Retrieve a booking by ID |
List Bookings by Provider | Retrieves a list of bookings |
List Bookings by Tenant | Retrieves a list of bookings |
Update Booking | Update a booking |
Create Customer | Create a New Customer |
Update Customer | Update a customer |
List Customers | Retrieve a list of Customers |
Get Customer | Retrieve a Customer by ID |
Create Customer Contact | Create a contact for a customer |
Update Customer Contact | Updates a contact on the customers |
Delete Customer Contact | Removes a contact from a customer |
List Customer Contacts | Gets a list of contacts for the specified customer |
Create Installed Equipment | Create a new Installed equipment |
Create Installed Equipment Attachment | Create a new installed equipment attachment |
Get Installed Equipment | Retrieve a Installed Equipment by ID |
List Installed Equipment | Retrieve a list of installed equipment |
List Installed Equipment Attachments | Retrieve installed Equipment attachments |
Update Installed Equipment | Update installed equipment by ID |
List Invoices | Retrieves a list of invoices |
Create Invoices | Create adjustment invoice |
Delete Invoice Item | Delete an invoice item |
Update Invoice | Update Invoice |
Update Invoice Custom Fields | Update custom fields for specified Invoices |
Update Invoice Items | Update invoice items |
Create Job | Create a job |
List Job Cancel Reasons | Retrieve a list of job cancel reasons |
Cancel Job | Cancels a Job |
Update Job | Update a job |
List Jobs | Retrieve a list of jobs |
Get Job | Retrieve a job by ID |
List Business Units | Gets a list of business units |
List User Roles | Gets a list of user roles |
Create Location | Creates a new location |
Update Location | Update a location |
Get Location | Retrieve a location by ID |
List Locations | Retrieve a list of Locations |
Create Payment | Create a payment in Service Titan |
List Payments | Retrieve a list of payments |
Update Payment | Update a specified payment |
Update Payment Custom Fields | Update custom fields for specified payments |
Create Project | Create a new project |
Get Project | Retrieve a project by ID |
List Projects | Retrieve a list of Projects |
Update Project | Update a project |
Create Technician | Create new technician |
Update Technician | Update a technician |
List Technicians | Retrieve a list of technicians |
Get Technician | Retrieve a Technician by ID |
Raw Request | Send raw HTTP request to ServiceDesk Plus |