Square Component
Square Connector

Quickly integrate your B2B software product with Square.

About the Square Connector

Square offers a suite of commerce products for retail stores.


Connector Actions

Action NameAction Description
List CustomersList customer profiles associated with a Square account.
Retrieve CustomerRetrieve details for a single customer.
Update CustomerUpdate a customer profile.
Create CustomerCreate a new customer profile.
Search CustomersSearch customer profiles.
Delete CustomerDelete a customer profile from a business.
Create Team MemberCreate a new team member.
Search Team MembersSearch for team members based on given filters.
Retrieve Team MemberRetrieve a team member based on the provided ID.
Update Team MemberUpdate a team member.
List LocationsList all of the seller's locations, including those with an inactive status.
Retrieve LocationRetrieves details of a specific location.
Update LocationUpdates a location associated with a Square account.
Raw RequestSend raw HTTP request to Square
List InvoicesReturns a list of invoices for a given location.
Search InvoicesSearches for invoices from a location specified in the filter.
Get InvoiceRetrieve an invoice by its ID.
Update InvoiceUpdate an invoice.
Publish InvoicePublish an invoice.
Cancel InvoiceCancel an invoice.
Delete InvoiceDelete an invoice.
Search OrdersSearch all orders for one or more locations.
Retrieve OrderRetrieves an Order by its ID.
Batch Retrieve OrdersRetrieves a set of orders by their IDs.
Create OrderCreate a new order.
Update OrderUpdates an open order by adding, replacing, or deleting fields.
Clone OrderCreates a new order, in the DRAFT state, by duplicating an existing order.
List CatalogReturns a list of all CatalogObjects of the specified types in the catalog.
Search Catalog ItemsSearches for catalog items or item variations by matching supported search attribute values, including custom attribute values, against one or more of the specified query filters.
Search Catalog ObjectsSearches for CatalogObject of any type by matching supported search attribute values, excluding custom attribute values on items or item variations, against one or more of the specified query filters.
Batch Retrieve Catalog ObjectsReturns a set of objects based on the provided ID.
Upsert Catalog ObjectCreates a new or updates the specified CatalogObject.
Batch Upsert Catalog ObjectsCreates or updates up to 10,000 target objects based on the provided list of objects.
Retrieve Catalog ObjectReturns a single CatalogObject based on the provided ID.
Delete Catalog ObjectDeletes a single CatalogObject based on the provided ID and returns the set of successfully deleted IDs in the response.
Batch Delete Catalog ObjectsDeletes a set of CatalogItems based on the provided list of target IDs and returns a set of successfully deleted IDs in the response.
Batch Change InventoryApplies adjustments and counts to the provided item quantities.
Batch Retrieve Inventory CountsReturns current counts for the provided CatalogObjects at the requested Locations.
List PaymentsRetrieves a list of payments taken by the account making the request.
Get PaymentRetrieves details for a specific payment.
Update PaymentUpdates a payment with the APPROVED status.
Create PaymentCreates a payment using the provided source.
Complete PaymentCompletes (captures) a payment.
Cancel PaymentCancels (voids) a payment.
Refund PaymentRefunds a payment. You can refund the entire payment amount or a portion of it.
Get Payment RefundRetrieves a specific refund using the refund_id.
List Payment RefundsRetrieves a list of refunds for the account making the request.
List Webhook SubscriptionsLists all webhook subscriptions owned by your application.
Retrieve Webhook SubscriptionRetrieves a webhook subscription identified by its ID.
Create Webhook SubscriptionCreates a webhook subscription.
Update Webhook SubscriptionUpdates a webhook subscription.
Delete Webhook SubscriptionDeletes a webhook subscription.
Delete Instance WebhooksDelete all webhooks that point to a flow in this instance

Connector Triggers

Trigger NameTrigger Description
WebhookReceive and validate webhook requests from Square for webhooks you configure.

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Testimonial from Chris Rallis

With Prismatic, we're able to deliver integrations in far less time while streamlining our engineering effort. Prismatic has given us the ability to more widely build integrations across our teams. It has also allowed our customer-facing teams to handle customer-specific deployment.

Chris Rallis

Director of Software at Raven Industries

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