Create Account | Creates a new account. |
Get Account | Returns the account that is associated with the used API token. |
Get Account Tenant IDs | Returns the account's tenant IDs. |
Update Account | Updates an account. |
Create Contact | Creates a new contact. |
Delete Contact | Deletes a contact by its ID. |
Get Contact | Returns a contact by its ID. |
List Contacts | Returns a list of contacts. |
Assign Device | Assigns a device to a user account. |
Create Device | Creates a new device. |
Delete Device | Deletes a device by its ID. |
Get Device | Returns a device by its ID. |
List Devices | Returns a list of devices. |
Update Device | Updates a device by its ID. |
Create Group | Creates a new group. |
Delete Group | Deletes a group by its ID. |
Get Group | Returns a group by its ID. |
List Groups | Returns a list of groups. |
Update Group | Updates an existing group by its ID. |
Delete Managed Device | Deletes a managed device by its ID. |
Get Managed Device | Returns a managed device by its ID. |
List Managed Devices | Returns a list of managed devices. |
List Company Managed Devices | Lists one page of company-managed devices of the company that is associated with the currently logged-in session. |
Update Managed Device | Modify the attributes of a managed device using its designated 'id.' You can provide the device's 'name' (alias) to enact changes, provide a 'teamviewerPolicyId' to update or add a TeamViewer policy, or provide a 'managedGroupId' to inherit the TeamViewer Policy from a managed group to which the device is associated. |
Get Ping | Returns if the current token is valid. |
Raw Request | Send raw HTTP request to Teamviewer API |
Get Missing Patches | This request will return all missing patches on the device, which id is provided in the request. |
List Patch Management Device | Returns a list of patch management devices. |
Scan Results Count | Retrieves the number of scan results for the specified devices. |
Create Session | Creates a new session. |
Get Session | Returns a session by its ID. |
List Sessions | Returns a list of sessions. |
Update Session | Updates a session by its ID. |
Create User | Creates a user. |
List Users | Retrieves all users with given filter criteria. |
Get User | Retrieves the user associated with the used API token. |
Update User | Updates a user. |
Delete User | Deletes a user. |
Delete User Company | Deletes the company of account (user) that is associated with the used API token. This account should be the last user with admin rights at the company. |