List Carriers | List all shipping providers connected to this ShipStation account. |
List Packages | Retrieves a list of packages for the specified carrier. |
List Services | Retrieves the list of available shipping services provided by the specified carrier. |
List Fulfillments | Retrieve a list of fulfillments based on specified criteria |
List Orders | Retrieve a list of orders based on specified criteria. |
Get Customer | Retrieve a specific customer by their system generated identifier |
List Customers | Retrieve a list of customers based on specified criteria |
Create or Update Order | Create a new order or update an existing one. |
Create or Update Multiple Orders | Create or update multiple orders in one request. |
Get Order | Retrieve a single order from the database. |
Delete Order | Soft delete an order from the database, setting it to inactive. |
Create Label for Order | Creates a shipping label for a specified order. |
List Products | Obtains a list of products that match the specified criteria. |
Get Product | Retrieve a specific product from the database by its ID. |
Update Product | Updates an existing product. |
List Shipments | Obtains a list of shipments that match the specified criteria. |
Create Shipment Label | Creates a shipping label. |
List Stores | Retrieve the list of installed stores on the account. |
Get Store | Retrieve detailed information about a specific store. |
Update Store | Updates an existing store. |
Deactivate Store | Deactivates the specified store. |
List Users | Retrieve the list of users on the account. |
List Warehouses | Retrieves a list of your Ship From Locations (formerly known as warehouses). |
Get Warehouse | Retrieve detailed information about a specific Ship From Location (formerly known as warehouse). |
Create Warehouse | Adds a Ship From Location (formerly known as warehouse) to your account. |
Update Warehouse | Updates an existing Ship From Location (formerly known as warehouse). |
Delete Warehouse | Removes a warehouse (or Ship From location) from ShipStation's UI. Sets it to Inactive status. |
List Webhooks | Retrieves a list of registered webhooks for the account. |
Subscribe to Webhook | Subscribes to a specific type of webhook in ShipStation. |
Unsubscribe to Webhook | Unsubscribes from a specific type of webhook in ShipStation. |
Delete Instanced Webhooks | Deletes all webhooks that point to a flow in this instance. |
Raw Request | Send raw HTTP request to ShipStation |