Get Attachment | Returns the metadata for the attachment file with a specific sys_id value. |
Get Attachment File | Returns the binary file attachment with a specific sys_id value. |
Delete Attachment | This method deletes the attachment with a specific sys_id value. |
List Attachments | Returns the metadata for multiple attachments. |
Multipart Upload Attachment | Uploads a multipart file attachment. |
Upload Attachment | Uploads a specified binary file as an attachment to a specified record. |
Create Incident | Creates an Incident with the specified field names and values |
Delete Incident | Delete an Incident |
Get Incident | Gets an Incident by ID |
List Incidents | Gets a list of all Incidents |
Update Incident | Updates an Incident with the specified field names and values |
List Knowledge Articles | Returns a list of knowledge base (KB) articles which can be searched and filtered using various parameters. |
Get Knowledge Article Attachment | Returns a knowledge article attachment as a file. |
List Featured Knowledge Articles | Returns a list of the most-viewed knowledge articles and featured knowledge articles. |
Get Knowledge Article | Returns specific knowledge article content and its field values. |
List Most Viewed Knowledge Articles | Returns a list of knowledge articles prioritized by most-viewed. |
Raw Request | Send raw HTTP request to ServiceNow |
List Tables | Retrieve a list of all tables |
Create Table Record | Creates a record in the specified table with the specified field names and values |
Delete Table Record | Delete a record for a given ID in the specified Table |
Get Table Record | Get a record for a given ID in the specified Table |
List Table Records | Lists records in the specified table |
Update Table Record | Updates a record in the specified table with the specified field names and values |
Create User | Creates a User with the specified field names and values |
Delete User | Deletes a User |
Get User by Id | Gets a User by their Id |
Get User by Username | Get a record for a given ID in the specified Table |
List Users | Gets a list of all Users |
Update User | Updates a User with the specified field names and values |