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ServiceNow Connector

Quickly build integrations connecting your B2B SaaS to ServiceNow.

API Connectors

Integrate with customers’ other SaaS apps, fast

Prismatic’s API connectors make it easy to integrate other SaaS apps – without reinventing the wheel. Triggers, actions, and auth are fully handled. And they work with all of Prismatic’s options for building integrations:

  • Empower non-devs with a low-code designer
  • Give devs freedom to build completely in code
  • Let customers build their own automations
Built-In and custom connectors

About the ServiceNow Connector

Create records and incidents within ServiceNow


Action NameAction Description
Get AttachmentReturns the metadata for the attachment file with a specific sys_id value.
Get Attachment FileReturns the binary file attachment with a specific sys_id value.
Delete AttachmentThis method deletes the attachment with a specific sys_id value.
List AttachmentsReturns the metadata for multiple attachments.
Multipart Upload AttachmentUploads a multipart file attachment.
Upload AttachmentUploads a specified binary file as an attachment to a specified record.
Create IncidentCreates an Incident with the specified field names and values
Delete IncidentDelete an Incident
Get IncidentGets an Incident by ID
List IncidentsGets a list of all Incidents
Update IncidentUpdates an Incident with the specified field names and values
List Knowledge ArticlesReturns a list of knowledge base (KB) articles which can be searched and filtered using various parameters.
Get Knowledge Article AttachmentReturns a knowledge article attachment as a file.
List Featured Knowledge ArticlesReturns a list of the most-viewed knowledge articles and featured knowledge articles.
Get Knowledge ArticleReturns specific knowledge article content and its field values.
List Most Viewed Knowledge ArticlesReturns a list of knowledge articles prioritized by most-viewed.
Raw RequestSend raw HTTP request to ServiceNow
List TablesRetrieve a list of all tables
Create Table RecordCreates a record in the specified table with the specified field names and values
Delete Table RecordDelete a record for a given ID in the specified Table
Get Table RecordGet a record for a given ID in the specified Table
List Table RecordsLists records in the specified table
Update Table RecordUpdates a record in the specified table with the specified field names and values
Create UserCreates a User with the specified field names and values
Delete UserDeletes a User
Get User by IdGets a User by their Id
Get User by UsernameGet a record for a given ID in the specified Table
List UsersGets a list of all Users
Update UserUpdates a User with the specified field names and values


Trigger NameTrigger Description
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