Prismatic celebrates 10 consecutive quarters earning the Best Relationship award!


Frontify Connector

Quickly build integrations connecting your B2B SaaS to Frontify.

API Connectors

Integrate with customers’ other SaaS apps, fast

Prismatic’s API connectors make it easy to integrate other SaaS apps – without reinventing the wheel. Triggers, actions, and auth are fully handled. And they work with all of Prismatic’s options for building integrations:

  • Empower non-devs with a low-code designer
  • Give devs freedom to build completely in code
  • Let customers build their own automations
Built-In and custom connectors

About the Frontify Connector

Frontify is a comprehensive brand management platform that enables organizations to create, manage, and distribute brand assets, guidelines, and digital content across teams and channels, streamlining brand consistency and collaboration.


Action NameAction Description
Get Account IDRetrieve current Account ID.
List User GroupsRetrieve UserGroups list for the current Account.
List UsersRetrieve Users list for the current Account.
Create AssetCreate an Asset.
Create AttachmentCreate a new Attachment.
Delete AssetDelete an Asset.
Delete AttachmentDelete an existing Attachment.
Get AssetRetrieve an Asset by ID.
Get Assets by IDsRetrieve a list of Assets by IDs.
List Asset CommentsRetrieve a list of Comments relating to a given Asset.
List Related AssetsRetrieve a list of assets that relate to a specific Asset.
Move AssetsMove existing Asset item(s) to the given Library, Workspace or Folder destination. Only moves within the same Library/Workspace are supported by this operation.
Update AssetUpdate an existing Asset.
Upload FileUpload a new file.
Get BrandRetrieve a Brand by its ID.
List Brand LibrariesRetrieve list of Libraries belonging to a Brand. For full Library details, please use the 'Get Library' action.
List BrandsRetrieve Brand list for current Account.
List Brand Workspace ProjectsRetrieve list of Workspace Projects belonging to a Brand. For full details, please use the 'Get Workspace Project' action.
Create CollectionCreate a new Collection. Currently supported for Library type parent entities only.
Delete CollectionDelete an existing Collection.
Get LibraryRetrieve a Library by its ID.
List Library AssetsRetrieve a list of Assets belonging to a Library.
List Library CollaboratorsRetrieve a list of Collaborators belonging to a Library.
List Library CollectionsRetrieve a list of Collections belonging to a Library.
List Library FoldersRetrieve a list of the top-level folders in a Library. To browse further, use the Raw Request action.
Update CollectionUpdate an existing Collection.
List WebhooksRetrieve WebhookItems related to current Account.
Install WebhookInstall a Webhook onto a Workspace Project or Library.
Uninstall WebhookUninstall a Webhook.
Get Workspace ProjectRetrieve a Workspace Project by its ID.
List Workspace Project AssetsRetrieve a list of Assets belonging to a Workspace Project.
List Workspace Project FoldersRetrieve a list of the top-level folders in a Workspace Project. To browse further, use the Raw Request action.
Create FolderCreate a new Folder.
Delete FoldersDelete existing Folders.
Move FoldersMove existing Folder item(s) to the given Library, Workspace or Folder destination. Only moves within the same Library/Workspace are supported by this operation.
Update FolderUpdate an existing Folder.
Get Current UserGet the current User.
Raw GraphQL RequestSend a raw GraphQL request to Frontify.


Trigger NameTrigger Description
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