Get User | View information about a user in a Workspace. |
Invite User To Workspace | Invite someone to join your Workspace as a member. |
Edit User On Workspace | Update a user's name and role. |
Remove User From Workspace | Deactivate a user from a Workspace. |
Get Authorized Teams (Workspaces) | View the Workspaces available to the authenticated user. |
Get Workspace Seats | View the used, total, and available member and guest seats for a Workspace. |
Get Workspace Plan | View the current Plan for the specified Workspace. |
Get Team | This endpoint is used to view Teams: user groups in your Workspace. |
Create Team | This endpoint is used to create Teams: user groups which are groups of users you can assign items to in your Workspace. |
Update Team | This endpoint is used to manage Teams: user groups which are groups of users you can assign items to in your Workspace |
Delete Team | This endpoint is used to remove a Team: user group from your Workspace. |
Get Space | View the Spaces available in a Workspace by ID. |
List Spaces | View the Spaces available in a Workspace. |
Create Space | Add a new Space to a Workspace. |
Update Space | Rename, set the Space color, and enable ClickApps for a Space. |
Delete Space | Delete a Space from your Workspace. |
Get Time Entries Within a Date Range | View time entries filtered by start and end date. By default, this endpoint returns time entries from the last 30 days created by the authenticated user. |
List Folders | View all folders in a space. |
Get Accessible Custom Fields | View the Custom Fields available on tasks in a specific List. |
List Lists | View the Lists within a Folder. |
Create Task | Create a new Task |
Update Task | Update a task |
Set Custom Field Value | Update the value of a Custom Field on a task. |
List Tasks | View the tasks in a List. |
Get Singular Time Entry | View a single time entry. |
Create Time Entry | Create a time entry. |
Update Time Entry | Update the details of a time entry. |
Start a Time Entry | Start a timer for the authenticated user. |
Stop a Time Entry | Stop a timer that's currently running for the authenticated user. |
Delete Time Entry | Delete a time entry from a Workspace. |
Get Task | View information about a task. |
Delete Task | Delete a task from your Workspace. |
Create Task Attachment | Upload a file to a task as an attachment. |
Get Task Comments | View task comments. |
Create Task Comment | Add a new comment to a task. |
Update Comment | Replace the content of a task comment, assign a comment, and mark a comment as resolved. |
Delete Comment | Delete a task comment. |
Remove Custom Field Value | Remove the data from a Custom Field on a task. This does not delete the option from the Custom Field. |
Get Folder | View the Lists within a Folder. |
Create Folder | Add a new Folder to a Space. |
Update Folder | Rename a Folder |
Delete Folder | Delete a Folder from your Workspace. |
Invite Guest to Workspace | Invite a new guest to a workspace. |
Get Guest | View information about a guest in a Workspace. |
Edit Guest on Workspace | Rename and configure options for a guest. |
Remove Guest From Workspace | Revoke a guest's access to a Workspace. |
Add Guest to Task | Share a task with a guest. |
Remove Guest From Task | Revoke a guest's access to a task. |
Add Guest to List | Share a List with a guest. |
Remove Guest From List | Revoke a guest's access to a List. |
Add Guest to Folder | Share a Folder with a guest. |
Remove Guest From Folder | Revoke a guest's access to a Folder. |
Get List | View details for a specific List. |
Create List | Add a new list to a folder. |
Update List | Rename a List, update the List Info description, set a due date/time, set the List's priority, set an assignee, set or remove the List color. |
Delete List | Delete a List from your Workspace. |
Add Task to List | Add a new task to an additional List. |
Remove Task From List | Remove a task from an additional List. You can't remove a task from its home List. |
Get Task Members | View the members assigned to a task. |
Get List Members | View the people who have access to a List. |
Get Webhooks | View all webhooks for a list. |
Create Webhook | Create a new webhook for a specific List. |
Update Webhook | Update the configuration of a webhook. |
Delete Webhook | Delete a webhook. |
Raw Request | Send raw HTTP request to ClickUp |