Prismatic celebrates 10 consecutive quarters earning the Best Relationship award!


Bynder Connector

Quickly build integrations connecting your B2B SaaS to Bynder.

API Connectors

Integrate with customers’ other SaaS apps, fast

Prismatic’s API connectors make it easy to integrate other SaaS apps – without reinventing the wheel. Triggers, actions, and auth are fully handled. And they work with all of Prismatic’s options for building integrations:

  • Empower non-devs with a low-code designer
  • Give devs freedom to build completely in code
  • Let customers build their own automations
Built-In and custom connectors

About the Bynder Connector

Bynder is a leading digital asset management software that allows users to easily create, find, and use content, such as documents, graphics, and videos.


Action NameAction Description
Add Asset Metaproperty OptionsAdd metaproperty options to an asset
Delete AssetDelete an existing asset
Delete Asset Metaproperty OptionsRemove metaproperty options from an asset
Download Specific Asset ItemDownload an specific asset item
Generate Dynamic Asset TransformationGenerate a derivative on the fly with a transformation (such as cropping, scaling, filling) applied to it
Get AssetRetrieve a specific asset
List AssetsRetrieve all assets
Update AssetEdit an existing asset
List CampaignsRetrieve all campaigns
Create CampaignCreate a new campaign
Get CampaignRetrieve a specific campaign
Delete CampaignDelete an existing campaign
Update CampaignEdit an existing campaign
Close CampaignDelete an existing campaign
Create CollectionCreate a new collection
Update CollectionEdit an existing collection
Get CollectionRetrieve a specific collection
List CollectionsRetrieve all collections
Delete CollectionDelete an existing collection
Share CollectionShare a collection
Get Account InformationRetrieve information on current account
List JobsRetrieve all jobs
List Jobs By CampaignRetrieve jobs tied to a campaign
Get JobRetrieve a job by ID
Get Job PresetRetrieve a job preset by ID
Get Media of JobRetrieve media attached to an existing job
Create JobCreate a new job
Update JobEdit an existing job
Delete JobDelete an existing job
List BrandsRetrieve all brands
List MetapropertiesRetrieve all metaproperties.
Get OrderRetrieve an existing order
Get Order InfoRetrieve information on an order
List OrdersRetrieve all orders.
Update OrderUpdate an existing order
Raw RequestSend raw HTTP request to Bynder
List Security ProfilesRetrieve all security profiles
Get Security ProfileRetrieve a specified security profile
Finalize Complete UploadFinalize a completely uploaded file.
Finalize Complete Upload And Save As New Asset AdditionalFinalize a completely uploaded file and save as a new asset additional.
Get Closest S3 Upload EndpointRetrieve the closest S3 upload endpoint
Initialize UploadInitialize a new file upload.
Register Uploaded ChunkRegister an uploaded chunk.
Retrieve Poll StatePoll processing state of finalized files
Save a New AssetSave a completed upload as a new asset.
Save as a New Asset VersionSave a completed upload as a new asset version.
Upload ChunkUpload a chunk of a file.
List UsersRetrieve all users
Get UserRetrieve a specified user
Get Current UserRetrieve the current user
Create UserCreate a new user
Delete UserRemove an existing user
Update UserEdit an existing user


Trigger NameTrigger Description
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