Copy Object | Copy an object in S3 from one location to another |
Delete Object | Delete an Object within an S3 Bucket |
Get Object | Get the contents of an object |
List Objects | List Objects in a Bucket |
Put Object | Write an object to S3 |
Generate Presigned URL | Generate a presigned URL that can be used to upload or download an object in S3 |
Create SNS Topic For S3 Event Notification | Create an Amazon SNS Topic to be used with S3 Event Notifications |
Update SNS Topic Policy For S3 Event Notification | Update an Amazon SNS Topic Policy to grant S3 permission to publish |
Subscribe to SNS Topic | Subscribe to an Amazon SNS Topic for S3 Event Notifications |
Unsubscribe from a SNS Topic | Unsubscribe from an Amazon SNS Topic for S3 Event Notifications |
Bucket SNS Event Trigger Configuration | Add events to send notifications to SNS Topic |
Create Multipart Upload | Create a multipart upload |
Upload Part | Upload a chunk of a multipart file upload |
Complete Multipart Upload | Complete a multipart upload |
Abort Multipart Upload | Abort a multipart upload |
List Buckets | List all buckets in an AWS account |
List Parts | List parts of a multipart upload |
Get Bucket Location | Get the location (AWS region) of a bucket by name |
Get Current Account | Get the current AWS account |
Generate Presigned URL for Multipart Uploads | Generate presigned URL's that can be used to upload or download an object in S3 |
Head Object | Retrieve metadata from an object without returning the object itself |
Head Bucket | Determine if a bucket exists and if you have permission to access it |
List Multipart Uploads | Lists in-progress multipart uploads in a bucket |
Delete Objects | Delete multiple objects from a bucket |
Delete Bucket | Deletes the S3 bucket. All objects in the bucket must be deleted before the bucket itself can be deleted |
Put Bucket Notification Configuration | Replace an existing bucket notification configuration with a new one |
Get Bucket Notification Configuration | Returns the notification configuration of a bucket |
Put Object Lock Configuration | Places an Object Lock configuration on the specified bucket |
Get Object Lock Configuration | Gets the Object Lock configuration for a bucket |
Put Object Retention | Places an Object Retention configuration on an object |
Get Object Retention | Retrieves an object's retention settings |
Get Object Attributes | Retrieves all the metadata from an object without returning the object itself |
Upload Stream - Create Stream | Create an upload stream to S3 |
Upload Stream - Write Data | Write to an upload stream |
Upload Stream - Close Stream | Close an upload stream |