ServiceTitan Component
ServiceTitan Connector

Quickly integrate your B2B software product with ServiceTitan.

About the ServiceTitan Connector

ServiceTitan is a comprehensive field service management solution that helps businesses manage their operations, workforce, and customer service.


Connector Actions

Action NameAction Description
Assign Technician to AppointmentAssigns the list of technicians to the appointment
Unassign Technician to AppointmentUnassigns the list of technicians from the appointment
List Appointment AssignmentRetrieve a list of appointment assignments
Create AppointmentAdds a new appointment to an existing job
Get AppointmentRetrieve an appointment by ID
List AppointmentsRetrieve a list of appointments
Delete AppointmentDelete appointment by ID
Create Booking by ProviderCreate a booking
Get Booking by ProviderRetrieve a booking by ID
Get Booking by TenantRetrieve a booking by ID
List Bookings by ProviderRetrieves a list of bookings
List Bookings by TenantRetrieves a list of bookings
Update BookingUpdate a booking
Create CustomerCreate a New Customer
Update CustomerUpdate a customer
List CustomersRetrieve a list of Customers
Get CustomerRetrieve a Customer by ID
Create Customer ContactCreate a contact for a customer
Update Customer ContactUpdates a contact on the customers
Delete Customer ContactRemoves a contact from a customer
List Customer ContactsGets a list of contacts for the specified customer
Create Installed EquipmentCreate a new Installed equipment
Create Installed Equipment AttachmentCreate a new installed equipment attachment
Get Installed EquipmentRetrieve a Installed Equipment by ID
List Installed EquipmentRetrieve a list of installed equipment
List Installed Equipment AttachmentsRetrieve installed Equipment attachments
Update Installed EquipmentUpdate installed equipment by ID
List InvoicesRetrieves a list of invoices
Create InvoicesCreate adjustment invoice
Delete Invoice ItemDelete an invoice item
Update InvoiceUpdate Invoice
Update Invoice Custom FieldsUpdate custom fields for specified Invoices
Update Invoice ItemsUpdate invoice items
Create JobCreate a job
List Job Cancel ReasonsRetrieve a list of job cancel reasons
Cancel JobCancels a Job
Update JobUpdate a job
List JobsRetrieve a list of jobs
Get JobRetrieve a job by ID
List Business UnitsGets a list of business units
List User RolesGets a list of user roles
Create LocationCreates a new location
Update LocationUpdate a location
Get LocationRetrieve a location by ID
List LocationsRetrieve a list of Locations
Create PaymentCreate a payment in Service Titan
List PaymentsRetrieve a list of payments
Update PaymentUpdate a specified payment
Update Payment Custom FieldsUpdate custom fields for specified payments
Create ProjectCreate a new project
Get ProjectRetrieve a project by ID
List ProjectsRetrieve a list of Projects
Update ProjectUpdate a project
Create TechnicianCreate new technician
Update TechnicianUpdate a technician
List TechniciansRetrieve a list of technicians
Get TechnicianRetrieve a Technician by ID
Raw RequestSend raw HTTP request to ServiceDesk Plus

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Testimonial from Chris Rallis

With Prismatic, we're able to deliver integrations in far less time while streamlining our engineering effort. Prismatic has given us the ability to more widely build integrations across our teams. It has also allowed our customer-facing teams to handle customer-specific deployment.

Chris Rallis

Director of Software at Raven Industries

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