Create Customer | Create a new customer |
Delete Customer | Delete a customer by ID |
Get Customer | Retrieve a customer by ID |
List Customers | Retrieve a list of all customers |
Search Customers | Search customer list |
Update Customer | Edit an existing customer |
Create Customer Delivery Address | Create a new customer delivery address |
Delete Customer Delivery Address | Delete a customer delivery address by ID |
Get Customer Delivery Address | Retrieve customer delivery address by ID |
List Customer Delivery Addresses | Retrieve a list of customer delivery addresses |
Update Customer Delivery Address | Edit an existing customer delivery address by ID |
Delete Customer Contact | Delete a customer contact |
Get Customer Contact | Retrieve a customer contact by ID |
List Customer Contacts | Retrieve a list of customer contacts |
Update Customer Contact | Edit an existing customer contact by ID |
Create Product | Create a new product |
Delete Product | Delete a product by ID |
Get Product | Retrieve a product by ID |
List Products | Retrieve a list of products |
Search Products | Search the list of products |
Update Product | Edit an existing product by ID |
Get Product Group | Retrieve a product group by ID |
List Product Groups | Retrieve a list of product groups |
Search Product Groups | Search the list of product groups |
Get Customer Price Band | Retrieve a customer price band by ID |
List Customer Price Bands | Retrieve a list of customer price bands |
Get Price Band | Retrieve a price band by ID |
List Price Bands | Retrieve a list of price bands |
Get Site and Company Information | Get Site and Company ID's information for all sites the authenticated user has access to. |
Raw Request | Send raw HTTP request to Sage 200 |
Create Sales Order | Create a new sales order |
Delete Sales Order | Delete an existing sales order by ID |
Get Items on a Sales Order | Retrieve a list of items attached to a sales order |
Get Sales Order | Retrieve an existing sales order by ID |
List Sales Order | Retrieve a list of sales orders |
Update Sales Order | Edit an existing sales Order by ID |
List Tax Codes | Retrieve a list of tax codes |
Get Tax Code | Retrieve a tax code by ID |
Create Sales Invoice | Create a new sales invoice. Note: Posting a sales invoice does not actually create a 'sales invoice' entity, but a Posted Transaction of type 'TradingAccountEntryTypeInvoice', therefore it is not possible to 'get' a sales invoice using the same API endpoint after it has been posted. |
Get Sales Invoice, Return, and Credit Views | Retrieve a view of sales orders and returns and invoices and credit notes. |
Get Product Price Views | Returns the selling prices of your products. A price is returned for each price band associated with a product. |
List Pricing Source Types | Retrieve a list of pricing source types |
List Pricing Types | Retrieve a list of pricing types |