List Catalog Apps | Retrieve the list of apps in the catalog |
List Installed Apps | Retrieve the list of installed apps in a given team |
Install App | Add an Installed App to given team |
Upgrade Installed App | Upgrade an Installed App to the latest version for given team |
Remove Installed App | Remove an Installed App from the given team |
List Channels | Retrieve the list of channels in a given team |
Get Channel | Retrieve the information and metadata of a given channel |
Delete Channel | Delete the information and metadata of a given channel |
Create Channel | Create a channel inside a team |
Update Channel | Update an existing channel inside a team |
Send Message To Channel | Send a message to a given channel |
Send Adaptive Card To Channel | Send an adaptive card message to a given channel |
List Channel Messages | List all of the messages in a given channel |
List Teams | List all teams |
List Joined Teams | List the teams you have joined |
List Team Members | List all the members in a team |
Remove Team Member | Remove a user from a provided team |
Get Member | Get information or metadata about a team member |
Archive Team | Archive the specified team |
Add Team Member | Add a new member to the team |
Create Team | Create a new team |
Get Team | Get information or metadata of a team |
Update Team | Update an existing team |
List Teams Apps | List apps from the Microsoft Teams app catalog |
List Users | List all users |
Get User | Get the information and metadata of an existing user |
Delete User | Delete the information and metadata of an existing user |
Get Current Or Existing User | Get the information and metadata of the current user or an existing user |
List User's Teams | List all teams containing the provided user |
Send Incoming Webhook Message | Send a text message to an Incoming Webhook |
Send Incoming Webhook Adaptive Card | Send an adaptive card message to an Incoming Webhook |
Raw Request | Send raw HTTP request to Microsoft Teams |