Ping | Send a ping to determine the status of the Mailchimp servers |
List Campaigns | Get all campaigns in an account |
Send Campaign | Send a Mailchimp campaign. For RSS Campaigns, the campaign will send according to its schedule. All other campaigns will send immediately. |
Get Member | Get information about a specific list member, including a currently subscribed, unsubscribed, or bounced member |
Delete Member | Delete all personally identifiable information related to a list member, and remove them from a list. This will make it impossible to re-import the list member |
Update Member | Update a specific member in a given list |
Archive Member | Archive a list member |
List Members | Get information about members in a specific Mailchimp list |
Add Member | Add a new member to a list |
Delete List | Delete a list from your Mailchimp account |
Get Lists Info | Get information about all lists in the account |
Add List | Create a new list in your Mailchimp account |
Get List | Get information about a specific list in your Mailchimp account. Results include list members who have signed up but haven't confirmed their subscription yet and unsubscribed or cleaned. |
Update List | Update the information or metadata of a list |
List Stores | Get information about all stores in the account |
Get Product | Get information about a specific product |
Get Store | Get information about a specific store |
Add Customer | Add a new customer to a store |
Delete Customer | Delete a customer from a store |
Update Customer | Update a specific customer's information |
List Customers | Get information about a store's customers |
Get Customer | Get information about a store's specific customer |
List Products | List all products from a store |
Delete Product | Delete a product from a store |
List Orders | List all the orders in a store |
Delete Order | Delete an order |
Get Order | Get information about a specific order |
List Account Orders | Get information about an account's orders |
Delete Order Line Item | Delete an order Line Item |
Get Order Line Item | Get an order Line Item |
List Order Line Items | List Order Line items |
Delete Cart | Delete a specific cart |
List Carts | Get information about a store's carts |
Get Cart | Get information about a specific cart |
Delete Cart Line Items | Get information about a cart's line items. |
Get Cart Line Item | Get information about a cart's specific line item |
List Cart Line Items | Get information about a cart's line items. |
Raw Request | Send raw HTTP request to Mailchimp |