Google Cloud BigQuery Component
Google Cloud BigQuery Connector

Quickly integrate your B2B software product with Google Cloud BigQuery.

About the Google Cloud BigQuery Connector

BigQuery is Google Cloud's fully managed, petabyte-scale, and cost-effective analytics data warehouse that lets you run analytics over vast amounts of data in near real time.


Connector Actions

Action NameAction Description
Create DatasetCreates a new empty dataset.
Update DatasetUpdates information in an existing dataset. The update method replaces the entire dataset resource, whereas the patch method only replaces fields that are provided in the submitted dataset resource.
Get DatasetReturns the dataset specified by datasetID.
List DatasetsLists all datasets in the specified project to which the user has been granted the READER dataset role.
Delete DatasetDeletes the dataset specified by the datasetId value. Before you can delete a dataset, you must delete all its tables, either manually or by specifying deleteContents. Immediately after deletion, you can create another dataset with the same name.
Cancel JobRequests that a job be cancelled.
Create JobStarts a new asynchronous job.
Delete JobRequests the deletion of the metadata of a job.
Get JobReturns information about a specific job.
Get Query Job ResultsReceives the results of a query job.
List JobsLists all jobs that you started in the specified project.
Query JobRuns a BigQuery SQL query synchronously and returns query results if the query completes within a specified timeout.
Get ModelGets the specified model resource by model ID.
List ModelsLists all models in the specified dataset. Requires the READER dataset role. After retrieving the list of models, you can get information about a particular model by calling the models.get method.
Delete ModelDeletes the model specified by model ID from the dataset.
Update ModelPatch specific fields in the specified model.
Set PolicySets the access control policy on the specified resource.
Get PolicyGets the access control policy for a resource.
Get Service AccountReceives the service account for a project used for interactions with Google Cloud KMS
List ProjectsLists projects to which the user has been granted any project role.
Raw RequestSend raw HTTP request to Google Cloud BigQuery
Create RoutineCreates a new routine in the dataset.
List RoutinesLists all routines in the specified dataset.
Get RoutineGets the specified routine resource by routine ID.
Update RoutineUpdates information in an existing routine.
Delete RoutineDeletes the routine specified by routine ID from the dataset.
Table Data Insert AllStreams data into BigQuery one record at a time without needing to run a load job.
List Table DataLists the content of a table in rows.
Create TableCreates a new, empty table in the dataset.
List TablesLists all tables in the specified dataset.
Get TableGets the specified table resource by table ID.
Update TableUpdates information in an existing table.
Delete TableDeletes the table specified by table ID from the dataset.
Patch TablePatch information in an existing table.

Connector Triggers

Trigger NameTrigger Description
PubSub NotificationPubSub Notification Trigger Settings

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Testimonial from Chris Rallis

With Prismatic, we're able to deliver integrations in far less time while streamlining our engineering effort. Prismatic has given us the ability to more widely build integrations across our teams. It has also allowed our customer-facing teams to handle customer-specific deployment.

Chris Rallis

Director of Software at Raven Industries

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