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ArcGIS Connector

Quickly build integrations connecting your B2B SaaS to ArcGIS.

API Connectors

Integrate with customers’ other SaaS apps, fast

Prismatic’s API connectors make it easy to integrate other SaaS apps – without reinventing the wheel. Triggers, actions, and auth are fully handled. And they work with all of Prismatic’s options for building integrations:

  • Empower non-devs with a low-code designer
  • Give devs freedom to build completely in code
  • Let customers build their own automations
Built-In and custom connectors

About the ArcGIS Connector

Use the Esri ArcGIS component to manage map layers, and update locations.


Action NameAction Description
Add Features (Geometry objects or Feature Attributes)Add features to a hosted feature layer.
Get Current UserReturns the view of the portal as seen by the current user.
List Feature ServicesList all feature services in the portal by owner. Defaults to the current user.
Get Feature Service URLGet the URL of a feature service in the portal by owner. Defaults to the current user.
List Layers and TablesGet all layers and tables from a hosted feature service.
Get Layer IDGet a layer ID from a hosted feature service (can get multiple layers if they have the same name).
Create Web MapCreates a web map.
Search ItemsSearch items in the portal.
Create Feature ServiceCreate a new hosted feature service.
Add Hosted Layer to Feature ServiceAdd a hosted layer to a hosted feature service.
GeoCodeDetermine the location of a single address or point of interest.
Export LayersExport layers to the specified output format.
Raw RequestSend raw HTTP request to an ArcGIS API endpoint. This action will append the OAuth2 token to the request headers. The token's validity is contingent upon the connection configuration. Please ensure that the token is compatible with the API you intend to connect to.


Trigger NameTrigger Description
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