February 2021 News and Updates

February 2021 News and Updates

We're wrapping up February at Prismatic with a few new releases and additional resources. Here's your overview of the latest product updates, docs and blogs to help you make the best use of the platform.

Product Updates

Retry and Replay. You can now configure integrations to automatically retry if they fail to run to completion. You can specify number of retry attempts, how long to wait between attempts, and whether to cancel retry attempts when new data comes in. If you have an integration that relies on a flaky third-party API, for example, this minimizes interruptions for both your customers and your team. You can also replay – manually retry – a specific failed execution of an integration instance.

Synchronous Integrations. We're excited to introduce the option to run integrations synchronously. Integration instances run asynchronously by default. Opting to run them synchronously is helpful when you need data to process through an integration before moving to another step.


Video tutorials are now live in the docs. Look for the â–¶ button to watch walkthroughs on different actions, including writing custom components and managing customer instances.

If you're new to Prismatic, check out our updated Getting Started Guide. It covers creating a simple integration and deploying an instance to a customer.

Team realizing that traditional iPaaS doesn't work for software companies

Traditional iPaaS Doesn't Work for Software Companies — Here's Why

The rise of SaaS products created the need for integration platforms. Let's look at what iPaaS is, and why this exploding market doesn't serve software companies.

Read more on the blog

Services team working away while seated at a table together

Speeding Up Integrations for Faster Customer Onboarding

There are lots of ways to optimize your customer onboarding process. Delivering integrations faster helps your Services teams create an easy experience for new customers.

Read more on the blog

In case you missed it, check out last month's news.

About Prismatic

Prismatic, the world's most versatile embedded iPaaS, helps B2B SaaS teams launch powerful product integrations up to 8x faster. The industry-leading platform provides a comprehensive toolset so teams can build integrations fast, deploy and support them at scale, and embed them in their products so customers can self-serve. It encompasses both low-code and code-native building experiences, pre-built app connectors, deployment and support tooling, and an embedded integration marketplace. From startups to Fortune 100, B2B SaaS companies across a wide range of verticals and many countries rely on Prismatic to power their integrations.