Support Teams
Prismatic's embedded iPaaS helps Support teams solve integration issues faster, enables customers to self-serve integrations, and more.
Solve issues faster
Too often, integrations can be a black box, requiring engineering resources if there are any issues. But with our embedded integration platform, you can easily track which integrations you've deployed to which customers and have full access to log files, config, and everything else about an integration.
Solve many integrations quickly without involving engineering.
Let customers self-serve
Our embedded iPaaS allows customers to serve themselves. When something isn't working correctly, customers can look at the integration status, verify the configuration, view the logs, and troubleshoot the issue.
As a result, customers can address and resolve many integration support issues themselves, reducing the number of issues that must be handled by your team.
Use real-time monitoring and alerting
The same monitoring and alerting tools that customers can use are also available to you. You can set up rules to alert you and others when integrations run, run partially, or don't run at all.
Use these tools to get out in front of issues and ensure that everyone who needs to know various integration statuses is automatically kept up to date, moving your response from reactive to proactive.
Rely on purpose-built infrastructure
Standing up and maintaining integration infrastructure is time-consuming. With our embedded integration platform, we take care of infrastructure maintenance and support for you.
That takes a whole class of support issues off your plate.