Onboarding Teams

Prismatic's embedded iPaaS helps Onboarding teams empower customers, build integrations, bring in devs only when needed, and more.

Let customers self-serve

Use the integration designer that is part of our embedded iPaaS to build integrations for your customers.

Once those integrations are built, list them on the integration marketplace and let your customers search, configure, activate, monitor, and even troubleshoot the integrations themselves – saving time for everyone.

Screenshot of a test being performed in Prismatic's integration designer.

Use the low-code designer

With our easy-to-use low-code designer, assemble integrations from pre-built API connectors and other components.

The designer is built for the real world, supporting the auth and other configurations your customers need.

Leverage config for unique customer needs

Creating nearly identical copies of the same integration wastes time and effort. Use our integration designer’s powerful configuration wizard to reuse existing integrations for multiple customers.

No need to wait on devs to build nearly-identical versions of the same integration – configure and deploy the integrations yourself as many times as needed.

Screenshot of configuring an integration in an embedded iPaaS for SaaS vendors.
Screenshot of unit testing a custom connector in VS Code for Prismatic

Incorporate dev resources when needed

A low-code designer lets you solve many integration scenarios yourself. And the low-code designer lets devs provide small pieces of custom code as necessary for integrations.

But for those integrations that can't or shouldn't be built with the low-code designer, devs can use our code-native integrations SDK to build them within their favorite IDEs – while still leveraging our integration platform for testing, deployment, and support.