October 2021 News and Updates

October 2021 News and Updates

We're excited to bring you this month's updates. Check out how to write your own webhook triggers as part of custom components, and browse another round of new built-in components.

We've also been working on major enhancements to Prismatic's integration marketplace so you can provide a more seamless native integration experience to your customers. Look for details to come soon!

Product Updates

Write Your Own Triggers. We've extended our custom component SDK to allow you to write your own triggers for your components, so it's easy to handle unique webhook requirements and encapsulate third-party-specific logic within your triggers.

New Components

We're constantly growing Prismatic's component catalog to save you time building integrations. We've recently added:

  • AWS Glue: Perform data transformation through AWS Glue
  • AWS Lambda: Manage and invoke AWS Lambdas
  • CSV: Build and parse CSV files to and from JavaScript arrays
  • Firebase: Create, read, update, and delete documents in a Firebase Cloud Firestore database collection
  • Google Calendar: Manage calendars and events in Google Calendar
  • Hubspot: Manage objects and associations in the Hubspot CRM platform
  • Jira: Manage Jira issues, comments, projects and users
  • Mailchimp: Interact with email campaign lists and e-commerce resources
  • Microsoft Excel: Parse and build XLSX files
  • Microsoft Teams: Manage the teams, groups, channels, and messages associated with your Microsoft Teams account
  • Redis: Manage items in a Redis database
All the infrastructure

Writing Your Own Triggers

On the blog this week, we explore how devs can write triggers as part of custom components to encapsulate third-party complexities and make it easier for non-devs to build integrations.

Then, when you are ready to write a trigger, this quickstart covers how we wrote the built-in Salesforce trigger to handle things like deserializing Salesforce XML payloads and responding to Salesforce requests with the response Salesforce expects.

In case you missed it, check out last month's news.

About Prismatic

Prismatic, the world's most versatile embedded iPaaS, helps B2B SaaS teams launch powerful product integrations up to 8x faster. The industry-leading platform provides a comprehensive toolset so teams can build integrations fast, deploy and support them at scale, and embed them in their products so customers can self-serve. It encompasses both low-code and code-native building experiences, pre-built app connectors, deployment and support tooling, and an embedded integration marketplace. From startups to Fortune 100, B2B SaaS companies across a wide range of verticals and many countries rely on Prismatic to power their integrations.