Spectral 5.x Upgrade Guide
The big change in Spectral 5.x is the introduction of connections
, which allow you to package up all the information you need (endpoints, credentials, etc) into single inputs.
They work similar to credentials, except that you can create connections with any number of custom fields that you need.
It's easiest to show the upgrade through example. Suppose you have a component that interacts with "Acme Inventory". The component has a single action, "Get Item", which fetches information about a single item in inventory.
To connect to an Acme Inventory server you need to know the server's host name.
To authenticate with Acme, you need to know a user's username
, token
, and tenantid
In Spectral 4.x, this component might have looked like this:
import { action, input, component } from "@prismatic-io/spectral";
import { acmeClient } from "@acme-inventory/client";
const itemIdInput = input({ label: "Item ID", type: "string" });
const acmeEndpointInput = input({ label: "Acme Endpoint", type: "string" });
const tenantIdInput = input({ label: "Tenant ID", type: "string" });
const getItem = action({
display: {
label: "Get Item",
description: "Get an item from inventory",
inputs: {
item: itemIdInput,
endpoint: acmeEndpointInput,
tenant: tenantIdInput,
perform: async ({ credential }, { item, endpoint, tenant }) => {
const { username, password: token } = credential.fields;
const client = new acmeClient({ endpoint, username, token, tenant });
const item = await client.get(item);
return { data: item };
authorization: { required: true, methods: ["basic"] },
export default component({
key: "acme-inventory",
public: false,
display: {
label: "Acme Inventory",
description: "Manage items in Acme inventory",
iconPath: "icon.png",
actions: { getItem },
Note that secret information, like username
and token
were slotted into basic auth (username/password) out of convenience (each have two fields).
The action declared with its authorization
block that it supports basic auth.
Other information about how to connect to Acme Inventory (endpoint
and tenant
) were passed in as inputs.
Since username, token, endpoint, and tenant are all used to connect to Acme, it makes more sense to package them together into one cohesive connection input.
Here's the same component and action in Spectral 5.x, using connections:
import { action, input, component, connection } from "@prismatic-io/spectral";
import { acmeClient } from "@acme-inventory/client";
const itemIdInput = input({ label: "Item ID", type: "string" });
const acmeConnection = connection({
key: "acmeTokenAuth",
label: "Acme Token Authentication",
inputs: {
endpoint: { label: "Acme Endpoint", type: "string" },
tenant: { label: "Tenant ID", type: "string", example: "606B0F820C0C" },
token: { label: "Token", type: "string", example: "30A5979A91F0" },
username: { label: "Username", type: "string" },
const getItem = action({
display: {
label: "Get Item",
description: "Get an item from inventory",
inputs: { connection: acmeConnection, item: itemIdInput },
perform: async (context, { connection, item }) => {
const { endpoint, tenant, token, username } = connection.fields;
const client = new acmeClient({ endpoint, username, token, tenant });
const item = await client.get(item);
return { data: item };
export default component({
key: "acme-inventory",
public: false,
display: {
label: "Acme Inventory",
description: "Manage items in Acme inventory",
iconPath: "icon.png",
actions: { getItem },
connections: [acmeConnection],
Endpoint, tenant ID, token and username are now presented as a cohesive connection config variable to integration builders, and that config variable is now passed in to an action as an input with multiple fields
Finally, the component has a connections:
block which declares the types of custom connections that this component supports.