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Building a Field Mapper Data Source

Every customer of Salesforce uses SFDC differently. Some customers add unique fields to existing resources. Others use existing fields in unique ways.

If you integrate with a CRM, you may want your users to map fields from the CRM to your product. In this tutorial, we'll look at how to use an existing Salesforce connection to fetch your customer's SFDC fields, and present them to a user as a field map during the instance configuration process using JSON Forms.

The final product is available in our examples repo.

Initializing the datasource component

You can initialize the data mapper data source project as you would any other custom component. After initializing the component, remove all templated files in the src/ directory. Then, install Salesforce's NPM package, jsforce:

Install JSforce and its TypeScript definitions
npm install jsforce
npm install --save-dev @types/jsforce

If you are integrating with a different CRM, you can use their respective NPM package or a generic HTTP client.

Reusing HTTP connections

It would be a poor experience to require a user to authenticate with Salesforce twice. Instead, add a Salesforce step to your integration (that will automatically create a Salesforce connection config variable). You can re-use that existing Salesforce connection for your data source!

You do not need to define any connections for your component. Simply add a connection input to your data source:

Reuse the existing Salesforce connection
const salesforceFieldMappingExample = dataSource({
dataSourceType: "jsonForm",
display: {
label: "Salesforce field mapping example",
description: "Map fields from a Salesforce 'Lead' to an acme 'Sale'",
inputs: {
sfConnection: input({
label: "Salesforce Connection",
type: "connection",
required: true,
// ...

The Salesforce connection uses OAuth, so the access token that you'll need will be available via sfConnection.token?.access_token.

Fetch fields from SFDC

Next, we'll use the existing connection to fetch fields from SFDC.

Fetch custom fields on the Lead resource from Salesforce
// ...
perform: async (context, params) => {
// Reference an existing SFDC OAuth access token
const salesforceClient = new jsforce.Connection({
instanceUrl: util.types.toString(params.sfConnection.token?.instance_url),
version: "51.0",
accessToken: util.types.toString(params.sfConnection.token?.access_token),

// Fetch all fields on a Lead using
const { fields } = await salesforceClient.sobject("Lead").describe();

// Filter out non-required fields
const salesforceRequiredLeadFields = fields.filter(
({ nillable }) => !nillable

For illustration purposes we fetched fields on the "Lead" resource and filtered them down to only fields that are required (i.e. not nillable). You can fetch fields on any resource and can choose to filter those fields or not.

Generate a JSON Forms schema

JSON Forms allows you to define a schema where you declare how the UI that your customer uses should look. Here, we hard-code some fields from "Acme", and create an array where every element of the array has one Salesforce Lead field, and one Acme field:

Create the JSON Form Schema
// Hard-code Acme fields - these can be fetched from an external source, too
const acmeSaleFields: { name: string; id: number }[] = [
{ id: 123, name: "First Field" },
{ id: 456, name: "Second Field" },
{ id: 789, name: "Third Field" },

// Schema defines the shape of the object to be returned to the integration,
// along with options for dropdown menus
const schema = {
type: "object",
properties: {
mymappings: {
// Arrays allow users to make one or more mappings
type: "array",
items: {
// Each object in the array should contain a salesforceField and an acmeField
type: "object",
properties: {
salesforceLeadField: {
type: "string",
// Have users select "one of" a dropdown of items
oneOf: => ({
// Display the pretty "label" like "My First Name" to the user
title: field.label,
// Feed programmatic "name" like "My_First_Name__c" to the integration
acmeSaleField: {
type: "string",
oneOf: => ({
const: util.types.toString(, // JSON Forms requires string values

JSON Forms also require UI schema, which determines how the above UI elements should be placed (vertically, horizontally, etc):

Define UI Schema
// UI Schema defines how the schema should be displayed in the configuration wizard
const uiSchema = {
type: "VerticalLayout",
elements: [
type: "Control",
scope: "#/properties/mymappings",
label: "Salesforce Lead <> Acme Sale Field Mapper",

Add an optional default mapping

If you have an idea of what SFDC fields should map to your fields, you can provide a default mapping. Here, for illustration purposes, we simply map the first three SFDC fields to our three fields:

Add an optional default mapping
const defaultValues = {
mymappings: [
salesforceLeadField: util.types.toString(
acmeSaleField: util.types.toString(acmeSaleFields[0].id),
salesforceLeadField: util.types.toString(
acmeSaleField: util.types.toString(acmeSaleFields[1].id),
salesforceLeadField: util.types.toString(
acmeSaleField: util.types.toString(acmeSaleFields[2].id),

return {
result: { schema, uiSchema, data: defaultValues },

The completed code

The full source code of this field mapper can be found in our examples repo. It serves as a good jumping-off point for your own field mapping, and you can modify it however you like. For example you could:

  • Fetch your app's fields dynamically rather than hard-coding them
  • Fetch fields for other SFDC resources, like opportunities or accounts
  • Fetch fields from another CRM