Access to logs is critical for building, deploying, and supporting integrations. If an alert monitor alerts your team to an instance behaving unexpectedly, your team needs to know precisely when an instance ran, the status of the instance's steps as they finished, and what happened if a step failed to run as expected. Prismatic provides access to logs of all instance invocations and tests.
You can also elect to stream logs to an external logging system.
Log retention
Logs and step results are retained for 14 days and are purged thereafter.
Disabling logs and step results
For compliance reasons your organization may need to disable the storage of logs and step results. If you need to disable log and step result storage, please reach out to support to discuss adjusting retention policies. When log and step result storage is disabled, logs and step results are not stored in Prismatic's database, and are not available in the Prismatic web app.
If your organization has adjusted log and step result retention policies, you will see a toggle in the instance configuration wizard that allows you to disable log and step result storage for a specific instance.

Viewing logs for all customers
To see logs for all instances for all of your customers, click the Logs link on the left-hand sidebar. Here you will see log messages, their timestamps in your local time, the name of the instance, the name of the integration the instance was created from, and the name of the customer the instance was deployed to.
Viewing logs for a specific customer
To view logs for a specific customer, click the Customers link on the left-hand sidebar. Click into a customer, and then select the customer's Logs tab. Here you will see log messages, their timestamps in your local time, the name of the instance, and the name of the integration the instance was created from.
For More Information: Customers
Viewing logs for a specific instance
To view logs for a specific instance, access the instance either by clicking Instances on the left-hand sidebar and selecting an instance, or by clicking Customers on the left-hand sidebar, selecting a customer, and selecting an instance under the Instances tab. Once in an instance, select the Logs tab. Here you will see log messages, their timestamps in your local time, the name of the integration the instance was created from, and the name of the customer the instance was deployed to.
For More Information: Instances
Searching and filtering logs
You can search for specific messages in logs by typing part of the message into the Search Logs search bar on the top of any log page.
For more information on a specific log line, clicking the log line will bring up an additional information panel on the bottom of the screen.

Additionally, you can filter logs by Log Type (execution, connection, data source, or trigger logs), time range, Log Severity (Error, Warn, Info, Debug), or flow by clicking the Filter drop-down to the right of the search bar.

Viewing connection logs
Connections that are used for testing in the integration designer, and those assigned to deployed instances, create logs. If a connection ever throw a connection error (for example, if the credentials in the connection have expired), you will see that in the connection's logs.
To view a connection's logs, click the log icon to the right of the connection.

You can click any log line in the popover that's comes up to get more information about that log line.
Viewing data source config variable logs
Data sources allow you to fetch data from third-party APIs, and present that data in the config wizard. But, logs that data sources generate are not tied to a specific execution.
Instead, if you are an organization user you can view data source logs yourself by clicking on the log icon near the data source config variable. Note: This icon is not available and will not be shown to customer users who configure integrations in your embedded marketplace.

You can also find data source logs along with the config variable they're associated with in the Test Configuration drawer under Logs.

Viewing trigger lifecycle logs
Most trigger functions run as part of an execution.
That is, they receive a webhook request and then return a value, or they run on a schedule.
But, some trigger lifecycle functions (like onInstanceDeploy
and onInstanceDelete
) run when an instance is created or deleted respectively.
Logs for these functions are available in the Test Configuration drawer under Logs.

What gets logged?
If a component invokes context.logger.{debug,info,warn,error}()
within its code, that log line is saved in Prismatic's logging system.
In addition to logs issuing from components, you will see the following types of log lines in your logs:
Type | Example | Purpose | Log Level |
Instance Start | Starting Instance 'Sample Instance' | Indicates the beginning of a run of an instance. | info |
Instance End | Ending Instance 'Sample Instance' | Indicates that an instance ran successfully to completion. | info |
Step Started | Fetch file from Dropbox | Displays the name of the step that was invoked. | info |
Step Failed | {{ ERROR MESSAGE }} | Indicates that a step of an instance failed to run, and displays the related error message. | error |
For More Information:
Log levels
Log levels in Prismatic include debug
, info
, warn
, and error
lines are represented with green icons, info
with gray, warn
with yellow, and error
with red.