Schedule Triggers
Scheduled triggers allow you to create a regular schedule to specify how often your integration should run. This is useful if you have an integration that should be triggered consistently at a specific time. You can set up your integration to run at the same time for all customers, or you can set up schedules on a per-customer basis.
To set up the same schedule for all customers, click the integration's trigger, open the Schedule input, and enter the schedule you would like your integration to follow. You can configure your integration to run every X minutes, hours, days, or weeks:
![Set static integration trigger in Prismatic app](/docs/img/integrations/triggers/schedule/static-schedule.png)
You can alternatively select Custom and provide a cron string.
For example, a trigger of */5 8-16 * * 1-5
would cause your integration to run every five minutes during business hours (8:00-16:55), Monday through Friday.
For help computing a cron schedule, see this Cron Calculator.
Setting trigger schedules from a config variable
To configure schedules on a per-customer basis, first create a config variable of type Schedule within the config wizard designer. You can give your config variable any name you choose:
![Configure integration trigger to use config variable in Prismatic app](/docs/img/integrations/triggers/schedule/schedule-config-variable.png)
Then, click your integration trigger and reference the Config Variable you created:
![Set config variable for integration trigger in Prismatic app](/docs/img/integrations/triggers/schedule/config-driven-schedule.png)
When your integration deployment team later deploys an instance of your integration, they can configure a custom schedule for that instance.