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OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant Type

Authorization code grant type overview

The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code grant type is something you've probably used before. Any time you've clicked "Log in with Google" or "Connect my Outlook Calendar", the app asking for your Google account information or for access to your Outlook calendar uses the authorization code flow to fetch an API key that they can use to interact with Google or Microsoft on your behalf.

Additional resources:

How does the authorization code grant type work?

At a high level the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow works like this:

  1. You as a software vendor register with the third-party app. You tell them your app's name, a description, and a callback URL. They give you a client ID and client secret that are unique to you.
  2. You send customers to the third-party app's OAuth 2.0 authorize endpoint. You include your client ID, a redirect URL, and an optional list of scopes (permissions) that you want to request from your user as a set of search parameters. For example, you might ask for from Dropbox, so you can read your customer's Dropbox files.
  3. The customer authenticates with the third-party app and then interacts with a consent screen. This is the page you've likely seen before that says something like Acme corp would like to read files in your Dropbox folder. Are you okay with that? Once they consent, the user is directed back to your app with a unique authentication code.
  4. Your application exchanges the code using the third-party app's token endpoint, along with your client ID and client secret. The third-party app verifies that the code is valid, and if so, responds with an access token and an optional refresh token.
  5. You periodically exchange the refresh token for a new access token, and use the access token to make API calls on behalf of the customer.
Infographic describing the OAuth 2.0 auth code flow

Creating an OAuth 2.0 "app" in a third-party service

To use the authorization code grant type in your integration, you will need to work with the third-party service to create an "OAuth 2.0 App". Most common SaaS platforms have documentation on how to create an OAuth app, and we link to that documentation on our component docs pages. It's usually found in an "API Access" section of a settings page, or on a page similarly named.

registering with a third-party can take time

Most third-party services allow you to create an un-verified OAuth app for testing purposes, but require you to go through a verification process before you can use the app in production. The verification process can take days or weeks, so it's best to start the process early. The third-party may require you to provide a privacy policy, terms of service, and other information about your use-case, and may require a partnership agreement.

Authorization code callback URL

When you configure your OAuth app, you'll likely need to set up an authorized callback URL. That's the URL to which users return with a special code after granting you permission to their account. Your callback URL depends on the region where you tenant resides, and whether or not you use a custom domain:

RegionCallback URL
US Commercial (default)
US GovCloud
Europe (Ireland)
Europe (London)
Canada (Central)
Australia (Sydney)
Custom Domainhttps://oauth2.<your-custom-domain>/callback
Set up callback URL for OAuth in Dropbox app console

Authorization code client ID and secret

The third-party app will supply you with a client ID and client secret. These are sometimes called "App ID", "App Key" or something similar. Take note of these - you'll use them to configure your Prismatic integration's connection.

Depending on what app you're integrating with, they likely let you specify your app's name, your company's icon, a link to a privacy policy, and more. Be sure to enter your app's name - not "Prismatic".

This is the page that users will see after clicking the "connect" button in your integration's config wizard. The page will say something like

Acme corp would like access to view and create leads in your Salesforce account. Are you okay with that?

Authorization code grant type scopes

A scope is a specific permission that you would like to request from your customer. For example, you might request file.contents.write permission for your customer's Dropbox account, so you can write files to their Dropbox, or you might request the channels:read permission from your customer's Slack account so you can get a list of public channels they have access to.

Some apps, like Dropbox and Salesforce, have you identify which permissions you need when you create your app. Others have you specify scopes as a URL search parameter when you send your customers to their authorization URL.

The offline_access scope

Many apps offer a scope called offline_access. Granting this permission signifies that you want long-term access, and will need a refresh token so you can continually refresh the access token you have.

Adding an OAuth 2.0 authorization code connection to an integration

Once you have an OAuth 2.0 App configured in a third-party service, add a new connection in your Prismatic integration for the third-party you're integrating with. You can do that by either adding a step for the third-party (add a Salesforce step to automatically create a Salesforce connection, etc.), or open the Configuration Wizard Designer and create a new Connection.

Enter the client ID and client secret that you noted in the previous step. You may need to enter an Auth URL or Token URL if those are different for different tenants. You can find those in the third-party apps' docs, and they often look like and respectively.

There's a good chance the URLs are the same for everyone, so are hidden in the Prismatic UI. Mark fields that you don't want your customers to see "hidden" by clicking the icon. Your client ID and client secret are hidden by default.

Add OAuth connection to integration in Prismatic app

If the app you're connecting with allows you to request scopes on a per-connection basis, you'll be prompted for scopes here, too.

Configuring an authorization code connection

If you've created an integration with an OAuth 2.0 connection, customers will see a Connect button button when they enable the integration. When they click the Connect button they will be brought to the third-party app's OAuth service, and will be prompted to verify that they want to grant permissions to your integration. Once they are done, they'll see a "Authorization completed successfully" page, which they can close to return to the instance configuration screen.

Configure OAuth 2.0 connection via Prismatic app

To change an OAuth connection (for example, if you logged in as the incorrect person when you clicked Connect), you can click Disconnect and then Connect again to reauthenticate against the OAuth provider.

If any problems occur during the OAuth flow (incorrect Auth or Token URL, incorrect scopes, etc), you can view related connection logs by clicking the button to the right of the connection config variable. The connection will be marked with a green if the connection has been used successfully in an execution of the instance, yellow if it has been configured (but not used), and red if the component using the connection threw a connection-related error.

Disconnecting an authorization code connection

When you disconnect an OAuth 2.0 connection, two things (and one optional thing) happen:

  1. Prismatic stops periodically refreshing the access token
  2. Prismatic deletes the access and refresh tokens from its database, so steps can't reference it
  3. [Optional] Some OAuth 2.0 providers allow you to revoke a token. Quickbooks is a prominent example of an API that supports revocation. If a revocation endpoint is present in a component's connection, Prismatic reaches out to that endpoint to revoke the token with the third-party's API.

To disconnect an active OAuth 2.0 connection, click the Disconnect button under the config variable name:

Disconnect active OAuth 2.0 connection in Prismatic app

Authorization code connections in custom components

If you would like to build a custom component that implements an OAuth 2.0 auth code connection, see the example code on the custom connectors connections article.