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Config Pages

Config pages overview

Customers enable and configure an instance of an integration through a Configuration Wizard. They work through Configuration Pages, authenticating with third-party apps and setting config variables.

Configuration pages can contain config variables of various types and helper text and images to prompt the user where to look. If your integration requires manual configuration of webhooks, the config wizard can also display the instance's webhook endpoints and API keys (see Endpoint API keys in the config wizard).

If you're building your integration with low-code, you can use the Config Wizard Designer within the integration designer to create your customers' configuration experience.

Screenshot of the configuration wizard designer

You can add a configuration page by clicking + Config Page, and you can rename a config page or add a short description to the page by clicking the pencil icon beside the page.

Displaying additional helper text in the configuration wizard

To add helper text, including headings (H1 - H6) or paragraphs, click the + Text/Image button and select the type of text you'd like to add.

To add an image, your image will need to be publicly accessible online. Enter the public URL of the image you'd like shown on your config page.

For further customization, you can choose to add Raw HTML to your config page.

Displaying webhook information in the configuration wizard

Your instance's webhook endpoints and API keys can be displayed in the configuration wizard. Click + Text/Image and then select Trigger Details as the Element Type. You can opt to show all flows' URLs, or the URL for a specific flow.

Add trigger details to the configuration wizard

When your customers deploy an instance of your integration, they'll see the webhook information on the configuration page. This is handy if they need to manually configure webhooks in a third-party app.

Display trigger details in the configuration wizard