Set Up a New Project
Setting up your development environment
To build a code-native integration, you'll need to set up your development environment. The requirements are the same as the requirements for building custom components. Check out this article for a detailed guide on setting up your development environment.
Initializing a new code-native integration
To initialize a new code-native integration, you can use the Prismatic CLI. Run the following command to create a new code-native integration:
prism integrations:init my-new-integration
You will be prompted to give your integration a description and select a type of connection (OAuth 2.0 or basic auth).
Then, a boilerplate TypeScript project will be created in the my-new-integration
Your project's directory will look like this:
├── .npmrc # Instructs NPM to look for component manifests in Prismatic's NPM repository
├── .spectral
│ └── index.ts # A helper file that will enable type hinting for component references
├── assets
│ └── icon.png # The icon for your integration
├── jest.config.js # Configuration for the Jest unit testing suite
├── package.json # Includes a dependency on @prismatic-io/spectral
├── src
│ ├── client.ts # Code for connecting to a third-party API
│ ├── componentRegistry.ts # Where you list components that you reference
│ ├── configPages.ts # The config wizard experience
│ ├── flows.ts # Your integration's flows
│ ├── index.test.ts # Unit testing code
│ └── index.ts # Metadata about the integration
├── tsconfig.json
└── webpack.config.js
Configuring code-native integration metadata
Your integration's name, description, and other metadata are defined in the src/index.ts
The name
, description
and category
properties are customer-facing and will be visible when customers deploy your integration from the embedded marketplace.
export default integration({
name: "Example Slack Integration with CNI",
description: "My code-native Slack integration!",
category: "Communication",
labels: ["chat", "beta", "paid"],
iconPath: "icon.png",

Semantic versioning in code-native integrations
Each time you publish your integration, the version number will be incremented. Versions are not synced between stacks. That means that if you've published your Salesforce integration ten times in the US stack, and twice on the EU stack, instances on v10 in the US stack will be running the same code as instances on v2 in the EU stack.
You can specify your own semantic versioning in the integration()
definition in src/index.ts
export default integration({
// ...
version: "1.2.3",
This version is accessible in the Prismatic API as the integration's externalVersion
For example, this query will return these results:
query getIntegrationExternalVersions ($myIntegrationId: ID!) {
id: $myIntegrationId
) {
versionSequence {
nodes {
"myIntegrationId": "SW50ZWdyYXRpb246ZDRjZjlmMWYtYWI5Mi00OTJiLWI1YzAtNThjNDkwOTUzM2Mw"
"data": {
"integration": {
"versionSequence": {
"nodes": [
"versionNumber": 2,
"externalVersion": "1.2.3"
"versionNumber": 1,
"externalVersion": "1.2.1"
Supplying an external version in this way is optional, but a great way to determine which version of your integration is running in a given stack.
Building and importing your code-native integration
To build your project, run
npm run build
Webpack will compile your TypeScript code into a single JavaScript file, and the dist
directory will be created.
Once your integration is built, you can import your code-native integration using the prism
CLI tool:
prism integrations:import --open
The --open
flag is optional and will open the integration in the Prismatic designer, where you can configure a test instance and test datasources and flows.
By default, the integrations:import
command will use the name of the integration defined in code to determine which existing integration to replace (or, if no integration with that name exists, it will create a new integration).
If you update your integration's name in code, you will need to use a --integrationId
flag to specify the ID of the integration you want to update.